>What Now!?<

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Katsuki POV:

It all happened so fast--

Allmight, Aizawa, and I are in the car noticing someone behind us. But all of a damn sudden a huge creature hit the side of our car and flips it! Like what the fuck! I begin to crawl out from the damaged car while I cough. "Aww, it seems that one is still awake" That voice..that DAMN ANNOYING VOICE. "Nice to see you, Kacchan." It was obviously Toga, she grabs my hair and makes me look at her, "Sorry for the intrusion but I need some blood of yours." she smiles. How the heck did she-- "Oh, so he is still alive" It was that one blue haired dude and he had a large birdlike creature. "Oh Shigaraki, its seems you were right. He was in that car." she chirped out. Allmight..Aizawa, are they not out of the car yet!? I try not look at the car to give away their location as i growl at them. Damn these basturds. I barely manage to use my left arm, they both look at me. "Ah, still have a fighting spirit, remember that bruise you had? We shot a tracker and shocker, so we knew what you were doing puffball." Shigaraki smiles under his covered face. Not so long after, Allmight and Aizawa manage to get out of the car..Thank god. "Let's take this bait and get moving before someone spots us. " Shigaraki warns. A portal opens up, who the heck are making thoes!? Toga carries me on her shoulder like it was normal, jesus. My head was hurting this whole time and I have a few wounds but I can't feel where they are right now. I look over at Allmight and Aizawa, I tried to reach out to them slowly but my arms hurt like hell! I can see their faces of disbelief as they watch me get taken away into the black portal. They were badly injured and dazed as I am--I thought I was away from these idiots! I try to make out where we were at the moment, it wasn't like the last time I was there. It was darker and more of a bar place but what building? Of course I don't know. I was like a pawn for what--the high chance is to somehow use Izuku. "Wow, you both managed to find him with the old tracker." Some sort of figure spoke. I think it was that one spikey hair dumb ass. "Alright then, put him on the chair." Another voice spang out. Toga puts me down, not gently, onto the uncomfortable seat. I groan and mutter as she grabs my face, "This will only hurt alot." she giggles and stabs something in me, she must be taking my blood again. "Thanks chu!" She squeezes my face like a damn baby. "Let go of me-" My words slurr as I growl at this damn FAKE. "Oki!" She lets go and then added, "I'm sure Izuku would love to see his BoYFRieND pay a visit, won't he?" She laughs till Shigaraka steps in, "Yes but don't be spilling our plans to this so called pro hero. " he spatted. Oh you really want to die, don't you? I keep myself quiet while I can tell I was going to go out soon, they notice too, "Twice, get him fixed up so he'll last. I've got work to do. " The snob Shigaraki waves off and heads into another room. Greeeeat, my time is going to be waisted here unless I regain my strength. "Ah-ah-ah, don't get any funny ideas." The Twice guy straps me down with chains, I think--it's cold, then wraps a damn cloth around me mouth. "This is to shut you up." he chuckles, they all want to die by my hands. "Well, time for me to goOoOOo!" Toga was about to leave but I hear twice say, "Hey take this syringe--he may be still a semi-adult but being in room for so long can make him very unstable. So break him even more." I start to tug and squirm while I try to shout the most verbal curses I can at them, NO ONE HURTS HIM--I SWEAR I WILL RIP THEM APART!! Toga smiles and grabbed the green fluid syringe, "Oh yeah! Thanks" She puts it in her pocket and used my blood, transforming her to myself. Mister Aizawa was right. "Time to go pay Deku a visit." The Fake smirks and heads off. While I was being dragged into a dark room---oh god.

Toga's POV:

Ah it's been so long since I've seen Izuku, I hum happily as my feet walk down the streets. Until Not so long down the path, I spot The pro heros with the police. Dang it, I need to look wounded. So I hide in some bushes and create the wounds. It was stressful but I did it, I got out of the bushes and pretend to limp my way down the street. "Hey! There he is!" Around 4 proheros surround me and keep asking if I was okay. Wowie, you're very popular KaCHaN. I look at them daze and they help me into a car, "W-wait, what happened-?' I ask. "You poor boy, you were in a car accident with Eraser head and Allmight. Now rest, we'll get you to a hospital" one of the four tells me. "N-no! I'm okay, just a few scratches" I  wave my hands around, "Just please..take me home" I beg a bit. It's so easy to manipulate emotions. They all look at each other before nodding,"Alright, let's take you home" all of them get into the car. Shit-- I lay back in my seat and try to pretend to feel relaxed. "Don't worry Ground Zero, just rest" the girl hero says to me, so I close my eyes and think to myself ((whAT a wonDERfUl WORld)) he must be a top hero if he is being cared for like this. Damn it, I'm going to have to pretend the whole day--but do I have enough blood to keep it up? Someone shakes me awake, so I open my eyes and look around, "H-huh?" It was the same girl, "We are here, come on. " She helps me out of the car, "You're such a cool hero, I'm sorry. I just never met someone so cool. " she smiles embarrassingly. This girl obviously likes Bakugo. I cringe inside but tiredly chuckle, "Yeah..sucks though that I'm like this right now. Sorry but can we just get inside?" She stiffens a bit,"ah right!" I saw Kacchan's parents who were worrying like crazy when I came inside. It was your regular aRE yOu OkAY procedure, I have to endure it. I not sure how he acts with his parents so I keep quiet. But that only made them worry more. I sigh, "Mom, Dad..I want to rest for today. Is that okay?" They look at me but nod, leaving me alone in his room. They close the door once they were out, I lay back on his bed and groan, "This is going to take a small while before I can get back to the prison" fantastic

((YEEET another chapter! Sorry if it seems short, ill do my best next chapter soooo see you all later!!))

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