▪ ▪Getting settled▪ ▪

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((Uh--hope this won't be too boring as ch.3 o3o So, please do enjoy lovelies♡))

Katsuki POV:
A few weeks passed by, our first test and then a few team activities..I seem to be friends with Kirishima, Denki, Mina and Sero. I'm not sure how but it happened, but I couldn't keep my eyes away from Deku. He seems...h a p p y, with his first friends--not like I was a friend to him. I think their names are Uraraka, Iida, and Todoroki. Todoroki, that guy...he never leaves Deku's side and it irritates me. But I can't do anything, not like I have the right to feel like this. Sorry-getting off topic, but during those few weeks we had time to adjust ourselves to the school. Four eyes always nagged me to join into group activities and "communicate" with other students. I hated those things. But we got our new heroes-in-training suits, mine exposed my shoulder and some of my chest-why. I guess it helps my quirk in better use-now back to what we are actually doing.

Todoroki's POV:

Mister Aizawa had assigned us in groups again for search and rescue. He said something along the lines of," You are going to have to be put in groups with NEW people. Cuz you're going to have to get used to working with anyone in this kind of career." I mean-he is right. But the bad thing was, I was partnered up with at least one person I never was able to understand. Katsuki bakugo. Midoriya had always been glancing over at him for the past few weeks and I don't completely undertsand why he bothers to look. Midoriya trusted me and 2 others about his life before entering UA. It totally pointed the finger at Bakugo for the reason why Midoriya almost wouldn't be able to be here but yet, Bakugo cried out for him for dear life.
  While Mister Aizawa continued to run on about safety and rules, I stared him down with my arms crossed. Bakugo had noticed and stiffened up since he had no where to hide himself from me. I will figure out why you have done this to MY midoriya. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Mister Aizawa shouted,"Alright! Get going to your stations, the earthquakes will begin and there are people to save. Now go!" We all rushed off to get into our place within  5 minutes to prep what we were planning to do.
  "Okay, since Bakugo and I have most of the brawn quirks--Jirou and Momo, will do the important task of the group and help us with materials and information." I began to become the sudden leader but I noticed Bakugo wasn't paying attention. I snapped my fingers in front of his face which stunned him,"Hey! Get your head into this, we don't want anyone getting injured. " I could have cared less but that is not what a hero does. Bakugo just nodded and started to focus his attention on me. I sighed then the big alarm went off, signaling that the earthquakes are done and time for us to head inside. All four of us rushed in, head on to aid the victims, Oh! I forgot to mention we only had 45 minutes to rescue as much people as possible.

Katsuki's POV:
GOD DAMN IT, why this candycane fucker out of everyone! I was distracted on who deku was with that I couldn't even think straight! Now we are in the search and rescue operation, I could feel the tension between Todoroki and me. He must have the same feelings that I have for him-- annoyance and irritation. Jirou, Todoroki and I have found our two fallen victims which wasn't a surprise with two idol students. I was the load carrier which means I have to take the needy to our medical base where Momo stayed. I hated this since I felt like I was a damn bull-uh---shit. It seems everyone had the same idea for a medical support base but not for their own, to Momo's---how is that allowed! But I guess she has assistance now. "Oi! I have two more over here!" I growled a bit due to how heavy the people were but it seemed most of them are occupied with- sigh - Deku, these past weeks he had grown a bit taller and stronger than me. Maybe I should hit the gym again. At least he had done something better with himself unlike myself. Whatever --finally someone had taken the two off my back. I was going to leave but I hand grabbed mine which made me pull my hand away quickly and turn to see..him. The person I've been trying to ignore these whole weeks. Deku was taken back when he saw my reaction,"A-ah sorry Kacchan, I just--" he couldn't find his words. I was overwhelm with the flashes of that horrific memory, my heart was aching and rapidly beating. I muttered out,"I have to go.." and hurriedly left, please..forget about me. Ignore me! At least do something to let me know you hate me!! I couldn't hear nothing except a horrible ringing sound in my ears and head back to Todoroki and Jirou.

Midoriya's POV:

I felt like I needed to hear him say something. .just to make sure. But all I got from him was "I have to go--" which kind of hurt. I just felt like he needed comfort--- why do I need to give him comfort. . . I don't know. As Kacchan slowly head back to Todoroki and Jirou, I suddenly felt angry and sprinted towards Kacchan. My mind was racing and I couldn't handle or stop myself. It was all a blurr until my mind clears up for me to see I had pinned Kacchan onto the floor, what-what is going--I-no, I need to snap out of it! My hearing returned and I was shouting,"WHY DON'T YOU LOOK AT ME!!" at a frighten Kacchan. He was shaking underneath me and his eyes were wide. No, this isn't what I want to happen, I let go of the quirvering kacchan before everyone else started to rush over to us. Uraraka and iida grabbed and pulled me away from Kacchan but I shouted "No! Wait! Kacchan--I'm sorry! I didn't mean to--" but they pulled me away until I couldnt see him. Uraraka put her hands on my shoulder and shook me around to make sure I was back to my senses.

"Deku-kun, what has gotten into you!" I blinked a bit but I covered my face with my hands. I didn't want to see anyone at the moment. Iida scolded me,"Yes, that was irrational behavior! You're going to have to explain this to Mister Aizawa." I sighed and nodded while I continued to cover my face, mumbling out "Yeah I know, I-I couldn't control my actions in those few minutes. I-it felt like I was someone different. I could feel Uraraka-san and Iida-kun looked at me with a look of concern. But I continued, "I'm telling you that I truthfully couldn't stop it on my own. He looked... terrifed of me." Iida uncovered my face and I looked at both of them, or so I tried. Uraraka ruffled up my hair, "Hey it's okay, maybe it'll work out later. But for now just relax and calm yourself." She was right. So I got up from the ground and dusted myself off before Mister Aizawa called for me. I hope things go out like Uraraka said it would. And then I started to head my way towards Mister Aizawa and Kacchan..hiding behind him as mute as ever. I clenched my fists but I sighed and let go, I just want to be friends with you again kacchan. . .

((Hello uwu. Sorry for this chapter being shorter than the other one but hope you liked it and see you all later♡))

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