*things are calm*

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Midoriya's POV:
After that whole mess with the Villain League, they didn't seem to bother me or Kacchan anymore. I mean, it's been around 2 weeks since I've last beaten them or so I think I did? I'm not sure, it's always hazy and blurry when my disorder takes over. I don't like it when I leave it to control me, especially that throw down with Todoroki-kun and I made kacchan afraid of me.. but I'm still glad I was able to keep him safe from the villain League. But I remember Toga, she withdrew blood from me and likely kacchan..so where was she when I was there?? I shook away the thoughts as I enjoy lunch with Uraraka-san and Iida-kun. It's been a while since I've got to just sit down and enjoy the experience I had. And not deal with the drama for now. I just wish I can have a moment with Kacchan to myself. Gosh those bolder thoughts have been appearing often but I attended to ignore them. For Kacchan.. I missed hearing him saying my nickname even if it was bad, but it's my hero name now. I just--sigh. Uraraka looked over and nudged me, "What's wrong deku-kun?" I looked back at her, "Nothing really. I'm sorry for causing you and Iida-kun problems the last few weeks." Iida-kun joined in, "No, don't worry about it midoriya, you are our friend and we will support you!" Thoes words..I want to hear kacchan say those words but it felt nice hearing them say it too. I cried happily as Uraraka-san and Iida-kun hugged me tightly. I want to comfort Kacchan..he had gone through things too but--time will tell.

Katsuki's POV:

I feel---useless, These past weeks I haven't been able to defend myself like before. I'm weaker---more fragile like a flower. I've lost the will to talk and lost my left hand probably for good. I was being hugged by my four friends who were desperately trying to cheer me up. But it just hurts. Is this how deku felt during middle school? Heh, I knew karma was biting me in the ass. So I guess it's my turn to feel the pain he endured but yet...back in the locker room he said he didn't want revenge. He touched my cheek and he was going to-- my face heats up and I hide my face with my scarf, enjoying the hugs I was given. I wasn't able to do most of the activities due to my hand so things have been pretty slow but I don't mind it. "Oi, Imma go to the restroom." I mumbled and they all let go of me. "Hey Bakubro, call us if you need anything!" Kirishima smiled like usual, such an optimistic attitude. I got up and start to head to the restrooms inside the school buildings. Hands shoved into my pockets and scarf covering most of my face, the normal stuff. I head inside but all I needed was space but i see.. Izuku.


No one's POV

Midoriya was drying his hands till he heard someone come into the restrooms. But he didn't expect to bump into Katsuki when he tried to space away to not scare him again. "A-ah, Kacchan! Hello-heh" Midoriya finished drying his hands then fidgets with his fingers.

Katsuki froze up as he was panicking inside, "U-uh-". He thought, "Shit what do I do!? Its been almost a week or two since I've talked to him! But-"
Midoriya put his hands up and waved them a bit "Kacchan it's okay! You don't have to talk--I understand." he smiled sweetly.

God that smile could kill anyone with a heart attack. It almost killed katsuki as he blushes a bit, "Shit--my heart is beating. I've been trying to ignore this not from safety but from my own feelings being rejected by the one I've destroyed" he sadly thought to himself.

Midoriya blinked a bit when he saw Katsuki just standing there, he then sighed "Well, it was nice seeing you again Kacchan, imma just-" he passed by and was about to leave but he felt a tug on his sleeve. "Huh?" Then turned his head to see Katsuki shyly gripping his sleeve. Holy--Heart attack.

Katsuki was overwhelmed by the sudden action from his normal comfort zone. "U-uh, I just--can you" he was struggling to talk. He unexpectedly hugged Midoriya tightly since he wasn't good with words.

Midoriya was frighten and overwhelmed with happiness at the same time. "K-Kacchan?" He looked at him but he saw katsuki busy and buried his face into midoriya's shoulder. He sighed with a gentle smile, wrapping his arms around katsuki. "Hey Kacchan..? Are you not afraid of me anymore?" And recieved a slow nod from katsuki. HECK YES!! SUCCESS! he was internally screaming happily.

Katsuki looked at Midoriya's gentle expressed face. He slowly put his left hand on Midoriya's cheek, "I'm sorry for everything..." and he kissed his forehead. ((aww come on!!)) But then Midoriya closed his eyes and puts a hand over katsuki's hand and leaned into it, Sadly not feeling as much heat but he liked it. Which made katsuki extremely flustered.

"Kacchan.." Midoriya's soft voice spoke, he opened his eyes half way. "Close your eyes if you trust me enough." he added. Katsuki hesitated but closed his eyes tightly and waited. Midoriya intertwine their hands together and used his left free hand to uncover Katsuki's face from the scarf. Midoriya's face finally heats up with blush, so he gently pecks Katsuki's lips which made Katsuki flinch but peck back. ((Aww soft bois uwu)) Midoriya backed away from the small innocent kissu and happily laughed.

Katsuki opened his eyes as he continued to over heat. "I-it's not funny!" He stuttered out. "I'm sorry kacchan but you're cute when you blush. And you need to smile more" Midoriya place his hand on Katsuki's cheek and rubbed it with his thumb.
"Not to ruin the m-mood but we are in the restroom." katsuki bluntly pointed out. "Well--I guess I have to go, but what are we now?" Midoriya asked. Katsuki stiffened but he pecked him again, "You are my significant other" It gave midoriya butterflies in his stomach but he smiled like an idiot, "A-ah! Okay! Bye Kacchan!!" He chirped happily and heads out the restroom. Katsuki covered his face with his scarf "you damn idiot--"

((Oop--so much for me saying I'd sleep but its 12:49 am. oOOF Thanks for +100 reads!! I thought this wouldn't last qwq, but now I gotta blast!!))

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