❤ Red Face Disaster ❤

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Katsuki's POV:

Once I got out of the bathroom and my face wouldn't stop blushing. Fucking deku--he did this! I tried to rub off the blush from my face but it only helped a little. I mean why bother--I cover most of my face with the scarf anyway! I continued to walk back to my four friends since I was out for a while. No one noticed my face until--"Bakubro!" Aw shit--UUUUH!! ABORT ABORT "huh? Oh Hi Kiri" I responded back NoRMallY. "What was taking you so long?" He puts his arm over me and stRANGgled me down. "Oi--stop that!" I barked out but Mina gasped "You're talking more! Progress!!" She put her hands in the air. I didn't want to say it but it was mostly deku who did this to me. "Okay okay--!" I tried to push Kirishima away but the other three hugged me tightly. God damn it--I sighed and let them hug me. But I was too happy to complain so slowly hugged them back. It felt warm and fuzzy like what happened. God why can't I stop thinking about it!? I need help. Kirishima poked my cheek, "Heeeeeey bakubrooooooo, why are you smiling hmmm?" He said in a teasing tone. I was confused and looked at him, raising an eyebrow, "what do you mean, red-dit?" Mina grabbed my face and made me face her, "uh-huh, that expression--I've seen it somewhere. Denki, Sero, what do you call this face?" Denki and Sero were looking at me with deep thoughts then Sero said, "A red face, an embarrassed red face. HMMM" Denki nodded and added, "Yeah and those Red eyes aren't cloudy anymore--DUDE" they both started to shout "YOU'RE IN LO--" I had to grab their mouth and shut them up before anyone heard. "GUYS-- "I narrowed my eyes and continued "DON'T you dare say that word out loud or I will burn your hair off--" kirishima laughed, "Bakubro, don't get so defensive all of a sudden." Mina was looking over at where Deku, Uraraka and Iida were sitting at. "Guuuuuys. I found out who it is~" she smirked and teased at me. I stiffened as the other three rushed over and yelled "WHO!?" Mina giggled and points over at Deku's direction. God it hasn't been that long! There was loud gasps from them. I saw Deku look over at my direction and smile sweetly while waving. I shyly covered half of my face with the scarf and waved back. Deku why--you blew my cover- Denki was shaking me as he shouted "Really!? What did he do to you!" I stopped him and muttered, "He did nothing! I just--tugged his sleeve and things went up from there okay!" Mina squealed as she then hugged me to death, "That's soooooOOOO cute!!!!" I gasped for air when she did. "You two totally make a cute couple!" She continues. My face became a bright red as I tried to get out of her hug. "St-stop!" I stuttered out.

Midoriya's POV:
I was too happy to even think anymore. Uraraka-san and Iida-kun asked if I was okay but I replied with, "I am more than okay" with my hands on my cheeks and sighing happily. Uraraka-san was questioning me until she saw that dumb love look on my face. "Okay--! Who is it Deku-kun!" She asked right at the point. I looked over at Kacchan's direction and it seemed that his four friends have figured it out. So I smiled softly and waved at him. Which was cute since he turned away and blushed. Uraraka and Iida were shocked but also happy at the same time when they hugged me from behind. "Oh Deku-kun! I'm so happy for you! You managed to get with Bakugo and become more than just friends!" She exclaims. God this was the best day of my whole experience of freshmen year in UA. I hugged them back tightly as I chatted away on how I expressed my feelings for kacchan.

You did read me say it WAS the best day of my freshmen year.

---Midoriya's home---
I was sitting on the couch alone since my mom needed hours to get some extra cash. I checked my phone and it was 7:52 pm. But my mom, She is such so sweet, im lucky to have her. Anyway, I was watching the news cuz I have been writing in my notebook. Then It was around 10 pm at night and the news was pretty ordinary and everything was going well except this--

News cast: We are here to report a new flash! A young teen has murdered around 5 people tonight, I suggest you stay inside until we report an update. It seems the murderer was witnessed by many claiming he had green hair, green eyes and freckles.

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