💚Things Get Heated💛

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((WARNING: yaoi/smut))

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((WARNING: yaoi/smut))

No one's POV:
The two semi-adult males started to grow warmer due to the wine they have accidentally drank. Katsuki was sitting on the floor and feeling his face while he groans, "What was--in that wine--" While Midoriya's head was spinning and his senses were unclear, he sits up on Katsuki's bed while he sweats from the heat. "K-Kacchan-" He sighs out, the longing and temptation was mixing together. Izuku slowly got up from the bed and clumsily made his way to katsuki. Which Katsuki looks up, "H-huh? What's up?" He fans himself to try to cool off. "K..Kacchan" Izuku went on his knees and puts his hands on the wall, conering Katsuki. He leans in and heads for the already exposed shoulders, "W-wait! Izuku!" Katsuki yelps out--but it was too late, Izuku already started to mark up his soft pale skin. "Hng--Noooo" Katsuki whines while he attempts to push Izuku away but the wine was already at full affect. Izuku went on to mark his shoulder as his hands pulls down Katsuki's shoulder strap to expose his chest. "I-Izuku--" he shivers from the cold air hitting his exposed skin. Katsuki grabs his face to make izuku look at him, "I-If we are going d-do it, let's undress properly-" he stutters. Izuku blinks a bit but nodded,"A-ah okay--" he kind of gain back his sense and carries Katsuki to his bed, laying him down. Izuku goes ontop of him and stood up on his knees, taking off his jacket then started to unbuttoning his shirt, seeing Katsuki become super flustered made his "lil friend" aroused. Katsuki tried his best to resist touching but failed, his hands touched his future husbando's abs. "Impatient?" Izuku asks then chuckles before spreading katsuki's legs. "W-wait, my dress" katsuki waved his hands around, he took it off cuz--dudes, its a new dress. "You've always look so delicious--I'm sorry but it's true" Izuku smirks a bit before he lowers himself to SUCC on Katsuki's sensitive nipples. "A-ah!" Katsuki looks away and covered his mouth, Izuku looks up as he used his tongue to play around with the nip nip.They were soft and pinkish, like lil stubs---he backs away then undone his pants to reveal his length. Katsuki look over but then immediately looks away with a bright red face. "It's okay Kacchan. " Izuku assure him, "I'm not putting it in--yet" Then puts his length in between katsuki's man boobs, making Katsuki look at it. "What are you--" before he could finish, Izuku moved his length up and down in between katsuki's man boobs and even katsuki was already succing the tip. Izuku was giving out small moans from the friction and the GuUD suCC--his hips went a lil faster. Katsuki tries his best to satisfy Izuku's lil friend, feeling it already twitch a bit--it's their first time but a very lewd first time. "Hng--" Izuku bites down on his lip as he continued to thrust in between thoes beautiful man boobs. Katsuki's pants were muffled by the lil friend in his mouth, he used his tongue to tease the heck out of it. It didn't last long as Izuku gasps and releases his first load of Love Liquid into Katsuki's mouth. "A-ah, I'm sorry Kacchan--" he used the back of his hand to cover his mouth, but seeing pull away from his length and mouth wide open with his love liquid kept him aroused. Katsuki gulps the liquid down like a true champ but he was soon turned over, "I-Izuku?" He tried to look down. Izuku went down and in between Katsuki's legs. He felt something go inside him "h-ah!" He squeaks out, it was Izuku's fingers to start preparing him. "Ssshh.." Izuku slowly thrusts his fingers into Katsuki's tight entrance. While he starts to lick all over Katsuki's length, licking the sides before the member----"mmm-" Katsuki covers his mouth while his other hand was on Izuku's head. He began to take or suck the whole thing into his mouth while looking back at Katsuki, he moves his fingers in and out to loosen him up. Cuz he was going to POUND TOWN tonight. After around 7 minutes of sucking Katsuki off, he finally releases his load with a cute and heavenly moan to Izuku's ears. Izuku backs away and wiped his face with his free hand "Kacchan, you're almost ready--" taking out his fingers from his entrance. Making Katsuki whine from not having something inside him. Izuku turns him around and grabs Katsuki's hips to stick out his squishy butt. "One more thing to eat before I can enjoy the full experience Kacchan♡" he said seductively. "B-but-!" Katsuki was about to say but he felt something wet enter him again. "Ah-!" He moans while Izuku was eating Katsuki's cakes. Making Katsuki grip the bed sheets a bit, feeling Izuku's tongue swirling around inside him. His entrance twitches in delight while he kept himself quiet but few moans escape his lips. Izuku sticks his tongue in and out of Katsuki, loving how squishy and soft his cakes were. Izuku continued until he felt Katsuki's enterance tighten, so he backed away one more time. "Come here--" Izuku grabs katsuki's hands and pulls him up from the bed, "I'll do it gently." he whispers into his ear before turning Katsuki around. "W-wait why are we stand--ING!" he gasps at the end when he was picked up and pressed against the locked door. "Just relax" Izuku kisses Katsuki's neck as he teases him with his member rubbing against his entrance. Which made him extremely eager and horny---"Izuku, j-just put it in already." he whines and pouts. But he ignored Katsuki's whine and continue rub against it, giving him more markings on his shoulders. After 4 minutes Katsuki finally felt Izuku enter him, "w-wah~!" He gasp hitched and Izuku's length filling up his entrance, "I-Izuku--" Katsuki looks back but was being kissed by him, feeling the sensation of Izuku's length starting to move in and out. It starting out slow but they were both eager to finally be doing it, so Katsuki pulls away from the passionate kiss and pants, "Izuku---go all out tonight, I-I don't care if y-you're going to pound me till I can't walk---please, fuck me" Thoes words made Izuku's length feel bigger somehow, he pushes katsuki down by his hips to try to find that sweet spot. "Mmm-ha-" katsuki was being pressed against the door, the sounds of skin being smacked against each other was faint on the other side of the door. "You rea-really know how to make me go crazy Kacchan--" Izuku kisses his neck while he thrusts or pounds into Katsuki, already way faster than the beginning. "Oo-oh Izuku--go deeper--" Katsuki begs already as he sticks out his butt to feel the wave of goodness. Izuku firmly grips Katsuki's hips, pounds in and out with light pants and moans, he was doing his best service. Katsuki's entrance and length were wet again, dripping pre-come onto the door. "Moan for me kacchan" he whispers, Katsuki was tearing up from pleasure when he felt a different sensation. "B-bingo" Izuku chuckled abit and went on to abuse the sweet spot. "A-Aaah!" Katsuki yelps out while his man boobs jiggle from each thrust, his man nips perked up. Until the heard foots steps, "W-wait--" Katsuki tried to look back but Izuku continued to pound into him--"S-someone is--Hng!" he then covered his mouth while Izuku length went in and out. "Deku-kun? Bakugo?" A feminine voice was heard. Izuku bites into Katsuki's shoulder to shut himself up from moaning, his length went on to rub against the sweet spot. Katsuki eyes watered some more while his face was warm. "Ah, they must have went to sleep--oh well" and then the foot steps went faint. "KYAH~!♡" katsuki semi-shouts a moan, "f-fuck, please---keep going" he pants heavily. Katsuki kept himself up when Izuku starts to play with his man boobs again, "h---h-ah" Katsuki gasps when he tighten more onto his length. "K-kacchan. I-I dont know long I coul--" but Izuku's moans were interrupting his sentence. He couldn't take it anymore so he carries, while continued to thrust, Katsuki on the bed, "Mmm-" Izuku pins Katsuki's hands down while his lower half did the thrusting, "G-Gah!" Katsuki does his best to keep his legs up, so he wrapped his around izuku. He already came again while taking in the length, "I l-love you-" Katsuki breathes out. Izuku kisses him for a long while before replying back, "I-I love you so damn much-" he pants. Izuku sucks onto the man boobs once again cuz god they were perfect like Katsuki, he succs and thrust till he felt something in his stomach. I stops succing on the nipple and gasps, "I-I'm close-" but Katsuki was a moaning mess to hear him. So after around 10 more thrust, he turns katsuki around and he Kacchan SMASHED him, releasing--not one-BUT-two loads of his love fluids. Katsuki moans loudly when his cakes were being filled up with icing, he grips the sheets before looking back at Izuku with an intense, teary eyed, and blushing face. "A-ah..Sorry Kacchan, I-I" Izuku tried to apologize but was cut off when katsuki presses back to feel Izuku's length rub his sweet stop one last time. "N-now I'm satisfied" Katsuki chuckled tiredly before Izuku pulls his length out, leaving the love fluids to ooze out of him. "W-we should really clea--" Izuku stutters but Katsuki pulls him into his bed, to snuggle up to his future hisbando. "K-kacchan--" but Katsuki puts a finger on his lips and responds with, "We'll do that tomorrow..big guy" he teases before kissing Izuku good night. The tiredness and sleepiness washes over them. Slowly drifting away to sleep and fogetting they were at a feast celebration. Oh well, until the next morning♡

((AYYYY how did your boi do with their first smut/yaoi chapter? Qwq oof))

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