¿You did what--?

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Katsuki's POV:
I slowly woke up from the horrible shock. WHERE IS SHE NOW!? I looked around but I was in the nurse's office and it was empty. It wasn't long till Allmight and m i k a had gotten inside. "Ah young bakugo-you're awake" he said while she hides behind him with that stupid sly grin. I sighed and rubbed my head till I noticed my scarf was still on--I quickly took it off but, the bruise was healed!? Fuck how am I supposed to accuse her now! I looked up at Allmight, "What did you do-" I said with a angry disbelief tone. He was confused, "What do you mean? We had you healed since Mika was concerned for you" Oh my fffff--- "Concerned?" I growled back which Mika yelps fakely. He sighs and rubbed the back of his head, "You said something about this young girl doing something to you--what was it?" I gripped the thin blanket and looked away, "It doesn't matter anymore. It's damn healed so now I don't have evidence thanks to her--" I stopped once she had a knife raised in her hand. "Allmight!" I suddenly shouted. "huh?" He said oblivious. I used my quirk and launched myself at her, tackling in the process. I felt something drip from my hand, I slowly looked over to my left--it was stabbed through. Mika, she just stared at me with BLUSH!? Then she began to giggle while allmight was trying to make sense of what's infront of him. But Mika dissolved her disguise and revealed her true identity, "Wow, Red does suit you Katsuki Bakugo--sadly though. " she stabbed deeper. "HNG--" I bite my lower lip in pain as my hand continued to bleed. "I have to go." she kicked me off, leaving the knife in my hand, "Oh! Tell Izuku bye from Himiko Toga!" She rolled back into a portal and disappeared. Allmight couldn't reach her in time as he then looked over at me. "Bakugo! Okay don't move your hand--" he said as he gently grabbed my left, "We need recovery girl--" he picked me up like a feather and heads out the door in a flash. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK, IT HURTS SO MUCH!! I tried to keep my breathing at a steady pace but I was hyperventilating instead. "Recovery girl! Where are you!" Allmight shouts out for her. The blood was dripping down onto my school unifrom-- great. I looked around in panic to see if anyone was seeing this but lunch must have ended already. "Hang on Bakugo. You'll be okay" Allmight try to reassure me. He ran to the office and then saw it was empty, he checked the attendance list for teachers. "No this isn't good, she won't be back till a few weeks. " I heard him mutter. A few weeks--- My panic hitched up like a bolt. I was crying a bit from the overwhelming thought-- Am I going to be quirkless? Allmight didn't know how to handle me so he called in Midnight. She wasn't really a mother figure so, you know--she used her scent and I fell into a slumber...

Midoriya's POV:
Todoroki-kun won't look or talk to me..I think I lost him for good. I sighed in defeat but then I noticed that Kacchan isn't back yet. Nor was Mika when I gave up and went back to meet with her. They were both gone suddenly. I put my head down on my desk, "My illness/disorder is getting worse..but why? I've been taking thoes.....pills" that's when I realized it. I took out the green med Bottle to see what it contains but there was no information at all!! "Wha--" I opened the pill bottle and placed a bit on the desk. I grabbed my water bottle and poured a bit over the pill..it oozed a bright green substance. "Midoriya" someone said, I sat up and then looked over to my right, Mister Aizawa!? Oh no. Am I in trouble!? "What are you doing?" He raised an eyebrow with a questionable expression. "Mister Aizawa, I-I" i stood up, "I need to go to the bathroom!" I hurried out of the room but once I did I saw a trail of BLOOD!? was it from the painful shout before? I started to follow it with out hesitation. I must find out who or what is doing this! But the blood to seem drying up so I hurried and the trail stops at the office, I slowly opened the door a bit to hear. "Allmight, what happened to him? Explain yourself--" it was a feminine voice, Midnight's definitely but what's going on with Allmight? "Midnight, there was a villain coming here amongst the students. And I'm afraid young Bakugo had sacrificed his hand to save me.." K-kacchan did what? "He was stabbed through his left hand and I'm afraid it might be severe permanent damage--which can lead to" he continued. No don't say it.. "becoming quirkless--" Allmight sighed at the end. No, no no no no no no!! Kacchan can't be quirkless! He is one of the most awesome heroes in training I know! I wanted to bust in there but I would be unstable if i saw kacchan at a closer distance. "The girl who was named Mika, said her true name was Himiko Toga--I should've known." He said in defeat "Part of the Villain League." BINGO. I must destroy thoes fucking basturds who hurt MY Kacchan!! I gripped the doorknob but slowly closed the door. I can't loose control to this disorder not yet. I will take care of it after school so no one will raise suspicions.
- - after school since everything else went pretty damn plane ordinary - -

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