..the sadden truth..

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Midoriya's POV:

We made it to the new Villain League location in no time flat. We have no time to waste, he needs us. "Uravity, I'm going to need your help to get up into a higher floor so I can scout there while you and Red Riot scout the bottom floors." I look over at them, "Okay got it Deku" She nods and pushed me with out warning into the air. "UWAH!" I got startled and look at the two before floating up to a window. I lightly tap the glass and it was enough to shatter, I struggle to get inside before I put thumbs up for Uraraka-san to stop using her quirk. I land on my feet and put my mouth piece on, "He must be in a room, that's a high chance. Ah--the ear piece" I attach the mic and adjust it to hear Kirishima and Uraraka-san.

K-"Hello, midoriya can you hear me?"
M- "Yup. Loud and clear"
U-"Alright, let's all head inside, be careful Deku."

"You too guys." I reply and slowly open the first door but I stop when I hear two familiar voices. "Dabi we can't do this right now. We have someone to look after--that spikey brat won't last long if he's bleeding out!" Shigaraki pass by Dabi as he pass by my door. I open it and lung at him, covering his mouth before I punch him a few times in the dark. I look up to hear down the hall, "Huh? Dabi where the fuck did you go!?" His irritated. I get back onto my feet and I hide behind the door, Shigaraki enters and flinched "Dabi!?" I reach for his neck but he put his hand infront of my face--I kicked him in the stomach. "WHERE IS KACCHAN!?" I shout and grab a pipe from the room. "I sure would gladly beat the hell out of you but-WHERE IS HE!?" Shigaraki spats "Like hell I woul-" I kicked him in the face, "Uraraka-san, Kirishima-kun, do you see Kacchan anywhere?" She replies, "We can't get past this dark substance guy!" I ran out of the room, "I need to destroy this building, HEADS UP!" I jump then downward kick my way through the floors, but I saw a blurr when I went down. It was Kacchan--he was Bleeding!! "KACCHAN!!" I try to grab onto a leadge but I miss and stomp onto someone. I look down to see the guy they were talking about. "Nice going Deku!" Uraraka smiled then taps on me, making me float. "He is up there, ain't he? Now go!" Kirishima grabs me swinging me around then throws me up. I float up there pretty quickly and grab onto the ledge this time, I glance over to see Kacchan..beaten, silent, and his eyes were watery but dull. I was distracted as Twice attacks me from both sides. "You darn brats, trying to ruin everything!" The two grab my hair, poke my eyes and scratch me. "GET OFF!" I growl, grabbing one and throwing him into a wall. I can't explain how enraged I am. I grab the real Twice around his neck and my anger control my actions, I was strangling him till I hear, "I-Izuku.." My eyes look up to see a weak smiling kacchan, "You're...better th-than this. " My fingers slowly let go of twice's neck, letting him fall. I make my way towards kacchan, "Oh my god. what did they do to you!?" I was horrified to see what I saw 2 years ago--stab wounds on each hand. I shook it away and untie him from the chair, "Bakubro, are you alright!?" Kirishima shouts from below. "H-heh. Yeah I'm--" he coughs some blood from his mouth. My thrist for murder is growing. "Hey..Uraraka-san, take the criminals away before something gets ugly." I mutter. "A-ah okay!" She heads off to call the police and Kirishima stays by and watches over the weakly defeated criminals. I gently and carefully carry Kacchan bridal style, his arms were limp..there was too much blood to tell where the wounds were. I jump down onto the first floor and walk out, The police had already arrive and raid the building. Allmight and Aizawa rush on their heels over to Kacchan and I. "Oh my goodness.." Allmight gasps as he puts a hand on Kacchan's forehead. "Midoriya, get him inside the car. We need him to get to a hospital--" Aizawa states, we all didn't hesitate to get into the car. I kept him close to me so I could give him lil gentle kisses while he sleeps on the way to the hospital. "Poor Kacchan..I'm sorry for not being able to get here--" but Allmight cuts me off, "Young midoriya, don't blame yourself. When we get him into proper care, we need to talk. " I blink a few times, It's been a while since Allmight has been serious about anything, so I nod at him.

We arrive at the hospital and they literally take Kacchan out of my arms to get him treated. I can't complain--it's for his own good. Allmight was coughing alot, so I rub his back, "Allmight, are you sick?" He gave me a no while aizawa motions us to the table. "IZUKU!!" that sweet comforting voice..I turn my head to be hugged by my mom. "M-mom!?" I tear up and pick her up while I hug her tightly, "Mom..I'm so glad to see you!" I happily cry. "My poor baby! But look at you, still the same fine boy." she giggles. Aizawa clears his throat, "Sorry to interrupt but we have important news to bre--" another interruption, "Izuku! Inko!" Another feminine voice, it was auntie and uncle! They joined in the hug but they were shorter than usual--"Auntie! Uncle!" I smile. "I heard what happened to my katsuki--thoes fucking basturds!" She growls but Uncle Masaru rubs her arms, "Language hun, you're right. They should pay for what they have done to Katsuki. " Aizawa sighs,"Midoriya we need to speak with you in privacy, please." I apologize to my mom, auntie and uncle and then excuse my self. Following Aizawa and Allmight to a more private area for us to talk. "So what's going on?" I tilt my head, Allmight puts his hand on my shoulder. "Midoriya shounen, you need to understand..during the 2 years you were gone. My strength has decreased massively--" I finish the sentence "..meaning you won't be..the number one hero. " my eyes were wide as I couldn't think to not see allmight as the number one hero. And then I have to take his place! Allmight starts again "Ah..yeah that's correct--oh!" I hug him tightly and I was crying like my old freshmen self. "Midoriya.." he said softly before he hugs me back. "I-it's too soon for you to leave! I'm not ready! Allmight I need you to guide me!" I look up at him with tears, "Please!"I beg him. He wipes away my tears, "Deku the number one hero..you need to keep a smile on when things seem rough. Come on, give me your best smile!" He beams. I sniffle and try to keep myself together, giving the best smile I can do right now. "That's the spirit my boy!" He smiles. Aizawa pats our backs then signals that someone was coming, "Ah uncle!" I try to hide the fact I was crying not so long ago. "Midoriya, the doctors informed us that Katsuki will be able to leave later today. So me and Mitsuki thought it would be nice to have you, Allmight, and Aizawa over for flower themed feast for your release. I mean your mom already agreed." he chuckles. I nod happily, "I would love that! I'm glad kacchan will be okay. " Uncle looks over at my teacher who stiffen and felt awkward, "It's an honor mr.bakugo, right Aizawa?" Allmight nudge him. "Huh-oh, yeah definitely." he nods with his hands in his pockets. "Lovely! It'll be on Saturday, Midoriya please invite all you're friends. More the merrier!" Then he gasps, "Oh! One more thing, you can come by and check on Katsuki. I'm sure he would appreciate it." I got up and hug uncle, "Of course--I'll see you later than." I let go of him. Uncle waved with a smile and heads back to Auntie. "Wow, already a so called feast for you young Midoriya" Allmight teases. "Uwah!? I-its nothing special, just--I'm glad to see everyone again." I rub the back of my head.

My mom rushes over to me and gives me another of her bare hugs, "Moooom, you're embarrassing me. " my face was a bright red. "Oh don't worry Izuku, Allmight and Aizawa won't mind. " she exclaims and gives me caring kisses on the cheek. Uuuhg, such a lovely mom. "Oki oki!" I squeak out as my teachers try not to chuckle. "Izuku, we need to get you back home--you've grown so much that we need to get you new things." she pulls me along, "W-wait!" I peep then wave goodbye to Allmight and Aizawa until we were out of the hospital. "Besides I bet you miss being home." my mom softly says. I sure do mom.

((OwO mmmm chapter done! Only like 1,500 words. Its still seems short though! Wth!? OH and thanks for +400 reads qwq yall are the best))

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