¤A start to a new beginning¤

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Midoriya's POV:
    I'm sitting down on a bench, since I was already at school. Where is mika, it's the next morning. She should be here somewhere--but where? I had been looking around frantically to see if she arrived to school. But Uraraka and Iida had spotted me, She had chirped happily,"Deku-kun! You're here earlier than usual. " Iida had his arms crossed and nodded, "Indeed. It seems like you're waiting for someone." I nodded at Iida's hypothesis and added "Yeah, I'm waiting for a girl name Mika--" as if on que Mika had shown up with a giggle. She looked at Uraraka and Iida, "Hello! I over heard My name--whats up?" But I didn't have time to chat with Iida and Uraraka around. I got up and grabbed Mika by her wrist, dragging her to a private area. Leaving Iida and Uraraka dumbfounded. I made sure no one was around and then grabbed mika by her shoulders,"Mika, you said your club helps people like me--well I need your help. I can't control myself but I need to get fixed to I can get close to Kacchan." I said desperately. Mika blinked a bit but then smiled with a nod,"Okay! Then met me after school at the front gate so I can lead you to my club." I sighed in relief, "Thank you mika, I owe you one." Mika waved her hands around a bit with a giggled "No no! You don't owe me anything, just don't forget!" She started to walk away and waved me goodbye before she heads inside. Until I noticed red and white hair---Todoroki, I hoped he didn't hear anything I said.I casually walked over to him with one of my smiles, "Todoroki-kun! Good morning!" Todoroki was taken back since he knew he had been spotted,"O-oh, good morning to you too Midoriya." He rubbed the back of his neck. I noticed Todoroki doesn't leave me unsupervised like Iida. "Let's start heading to class, shall we?" I asked him. He blushed a bit, weird, but he suddenly took my hand happily and drags me inside. Why was he happy to hold my hand like this? I continued to walk with no complaints until I saw Kacchan, taking a sip from the water fountain. I felt the urge to hug him from behind and apologize again but Todoroki tugged me to snap out of my urge. His expression was like if he got rejected by something. "Todoroki-kun, we passed our classroom" I interrupted his deep thoughts. Todoroki looked over at me,"A-ah yeah sorry, I got carried away" he slowly let's go of my hand and we both walked back to our classroom. It must have been time since I saw everyone else in their seats. Kacchan, oh kacchan--how you look so miserable with those pleading red eyes. I shook thoes thoughts away and rubbed my hand while I made my way to my seat.
   Class went on like normal so there isn't much to say. Lunch I had spent my time with Todoroki, Uraraka and Iida. Through out the day Allmight would sneak by to check on how I was doing educational and mental. That was nice of him to do that. Now we had finally reached the end of this school day-- short for you guys but it was so long.  - -
Then finally bell rang and everyone made their way out of the room except for Uraraka, Iida, and Todoroki. There must be something up--so they approached me. Uraraka had her usual concerned face and opened her mouth, "Deku-kun. I know it hasn't been that long but we see that you're not hanging out with us like usual. Not to be nosy but we are worried about you. If you need any help, you know the boys and I are here too." She grabbed my hands gently and smile sweetly. I looked at all three of them who just nodded. Uraraka let go of my hands and all of them said their goodbyes before leaving me alone again since they noticed I didn't want to talk at the moment. I need to meet mika. So my feet started to bolt out of the classroom and head to the front great where Mika should be waiting for me. And she was there. Mika waved to me with her same smile "There you are! I was wondering what took you a lil long." I rubbed the back of my head, "Yeah sorry, but my friends were worried." after that she took my arm and started to lead me towards her club. "Its okay! I undertsand, my club members are waiting since I texted them that you needed our help. It's a bit of a long walk but we'll get there." She stayed optimistic. It was a long while but once we made it to the location, I had this gut feeling that it didn't look right at all. Mika saw my expression and tried to reassure me,"It may look bad on the outside but it's really friendly on the inside. Come on!" She pulled me towards the door. She knocked in a specific pattern. After a short pause the door open to reveal a tall pale blue haired boy(?) "Ah you are here. I was getting a little tired of waiting, come in." he stepped to the side and Mika and I got in. Mika let go of me as the boy closed the door. "Sorry. I forgot to introduce myself--My name is Toma, yeah I know it sounds off. But the people on the seats are--" he pointed to a black spikey hair guy "Daki, club member" then another normal looking man "Sheith and he is our medical advisor. You already met Mika" Mika led me to a chair, sitting me down with Sheith besides it. "Relax for now, I'm just going to put some stickers on ya so I can get a reading" he said and he did put some sort of stickers on me. "Now close your eyes and breathe slowly' he instructed me,and I did. But I sort of fell asleep in the process...something felt like it was poking me, I opened my eyes to see mika withdrew some of my blood. She smiled "Sorry, I didn't ask--you were asleep and we needed blood samples. " I raised an eyebrow since my body was weak, Toma had a tray of different foods "Eat, you need to get your energy back--" he fed me some Cranberry juice and some CHEEZEits. After around 30 minutes of me laying down, I manage to sit up. Mika hands me a glass of water and explained, "You need to take these meds Sheith had made especially for you. Don't worry it's just a small bottle." It was a green pill bottle with small pills--I hated taking pills, ew. I nodded and took 2 lil pills with my water for today. Toma sat down with Daki and they had their normal conversation--I noticed it was just them. I guess this club is pretty small--Mika ruffled up my hair,"Go home and rest, the pills should work by tomorrow." I weakly mumbled a thank as I grabbed my bag, waving one more good bye and head my way home.

Katsuki's POV:
((Wow finally xD))

I had followed Deku to where he was going and he stopped at a building with this one girl. The same blondie bun girl I saw lurking, I seriously don't trust her around deku. And it seems Deku trusts her that much! I felt insulted but I shook it off, after what was about 45 minutes-I see the damn broccoli leave the building. I hurried over to catch up but once I reached with my hand, so close to touching deku's back. I was grabbed from behind and dragged into the same building. I struggled to get free but I see the girl--and her friends. "FUCK--LET ME GO YOU BASTURDS!!" my old self kicked in for a moment. The blondie just giggled while a blue haired guy knocked me out unconscious--or so I think he did...

Midoriya's POV: I looked back since I felt someone was about to touch me. But I saw no one that's weird, I ignored it and kept walking. Making it home and that's how MY day ended.

((WOOOOOO finally finished booois, ch.6 YEAAAAAAH))

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