Is it finally over?

428 19 11

Midoriya's pov:

The next morning was pretty ordinary as I thought it would be. The bed sheets and us, smell like well you know--"uhg..." I groan as I rubbed the side of my head. It must have been the wine, finally knocking me over with a hangover. I tilt my head to my right, seeing a peacefully sleeping Kacchan--"Cute." I mumble and sleepily ran my hand through Kacchan's hair. He started to wake up which I kiss his forehead and happily say, "Good morning!" I tried not to mind the hangover. Kacchan wrapped his arms around my neck, snuggling his face into my neck. Making me laugh, "Kacchan! That tickles--" but I recieve a sleepy whine from him,"How are you this bubbly in the morning..?" Kacchan looks up at me with a very cute sleepy face. "Cuz I finally have you in my arms!" I beamed and gave him a sweet kiss. I can feel him melt in until a knock startled us awake, "Katsuki, Izuku, I know you're in there!" It was auntie. Shit--it's auntie! We both managed to get up from the bed--well Kacchan did his best before I helped him into the shower. "Mooooom! Give me 40 minutes to wake up!" He shouted back. "Fine, only 40 minutes Katsuki!" Auntie responds before we heard faint footsteps leave the door. I try not to giggle since it was entertaining to watch Kacchan and
Auntie argue sometimes. I forgot that we were already *coughs* naked, "K-kacchan, I don't have any spare clothing. " I use my pointer finger to scratch my cheek a bit. "Eh? Oh--" he turn to looks at me, "I have a hoodie and shorts you can borrow." Kacchan grabbed my hands and pulls me inside the shower, closing the shower door after. "A-ah!" I gasp when I felt him cling onto me, "Sorry still a lil sore." He mumbled, that statement made me blush all over. "Heh, th-that's okay!" I exclaim as I reach over and turn on the water.

The shower was like if we had done this before, playfully teasing each other, washing or cleaning one another. You know--the usual stuff----no bad touches, you already had your yaoi chapter. As I was mentioning, we were finished in 30 minutes since we still had to dry off and change. Heh, it was mostly me trying to change Kacchan due to uhm--my force last night.

"Kacchan! Be careful--no, you know what? I'll carry you!" I carefully carry Kacchan as He complains to me, "My legs still work! Put me down!" But I can tell he was flustered. "No." I kiss his cheek before walking out the room the making my way down the stairs. "Katsuki--" my auntie began then looked over at us, my mom was still here too, they were sitting at the dinning table. "Aww!" My mom squeals out, "Come on, sit down you two!" She points at the open seats. "U-uhm, where's dad?" Kacchan stutters while I put him down into a seat and sat down in the chair next to him. "Oh, he went off to work early." Auntie waved her hand, "Sadly though since he was tired from yesterday." My mom explains, "We wanted you both to come here, since you both left to sleep--" my mom then picks up the box Allmight gave me yesterday! "You never got to open this!" She smiles and puts it down in front of me. "Wh-wha--right now?" I look around at the two of them, even Kacchan was curious about the box. "Well? Are you going to open it?" Auntie raised an eyebrow, "Let him take his time mom!" Kacchan crossed his arms. I turn my head to him as he gave me a smile and nod. "W-well okay!" I turn to the box as everyone leaned in, I unwrap the shining wrapping paper--we all gasped since the box itself was pretty. A black box with Gold-ish rims and a heart engraved on the top. I lift the lid to open, "Two silver rings..? And--" I gently put the rings on the table before pulling out a new hero suit!? "A-ah--allmight.." my thoughts from what we talked about before had now overwhelm my eyes. "The rings--" I turn to see Kacchan putting one on his ring finger and looks back at me. "Engagement rings.." he said softly. Our moms gapsed in utter suprise, then they cheer joyfully for the amazing gift. Kacchan grabbed my hand and placed the ring into the ring finger, "That's where it should be. " We both look into each others eyes before I wrapped my arms around kacchan and stood up, twirling him around as we both laughed happily. "Sooooo what does this mean?" Auntie leaned in with a smirk, "hmmmm?" My mom was happily clapping "yeah! Does this mean you're engaged officially?" She tilts her head. I put kacchan down but we held each others hands and look at our moms, "YES!" we both shout in delight. Thank you Allmight and Aizawa. This was truly a blessing, I'm literally going to burst with happiness.
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