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Katsuki's POV:
The T E N S I O N in the room is SO deadly. Mister Aizawa, Deku, even All might was called into the conference room to talk about what just happened. I kept my eyes locked to the table while I can feel
Deku's eyes drilling my personal bubble down. In the corner of my vision, his eyes were sharp cat like eyes...It didn't help me one bit. But they changed once Midnight came inside to be the emergency repellent if anything goes wrong. Mister Aizawa cleared his throat and began, "Alright. We all are here to talk about behavior and a personal apology. As stated by many students, Midoriya had suddenly rushed over to Bakugo and pinned him to the ground with sudden shouts," Deku butted in, "B-but I can explain-!," l but Mister Aizawa raised his hand to shut him up. He continued, "As I was saying, there was no physical harm done but Emotional damage, possibly. So once I'm done questioning Bakugo" he narrowed his eyes at the defeated Deku, "You. Midoriya get to explain and/or correct any information given." Allmight was there with his smile plastered on his face even if he was clearly nervous.
Aizawa flipped through a note book and started to questions.
Q: Was there any physical harm to you or midoriya.
A: no.
Q: any threats given during the incident?
A: no..
Q:What did you experience?
A: helplessness
Q:Who broke up the accident?
A: our classmates
Q: Do you feel unsafe around the predator?
A: . . .
HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO RESPOND TO THAT!? When he is literally right here! I had to stop and think even though it might have been obvious on how I felt about that question. It was either say yes and hurt Deku even more or..say no and let him have a false sense of relief. GOD FUC--- why must I be the one doing all the things I damn hate.

Answer: No.

Midoriya's POV:
My heart skipped a beat when Kacchan said no to the last question and I was so relieved he wasn't threatened by me at all! Mister Aizawa looked over at me and nods me to say my part of the situation. "Okay, so--during our operations, I had spotted Kacchan in the medical base with 2 people. I head my way towards him but he seemed in a hurry, I--" I fidget with my fingers as I was a lil flustered "I grabbed his hand but it seemed to upset kacchan. He pulled his hand away and turned to me, with his face pale." My eyes looked at kacchan as he stiffened up while allmight crossed his arms in curiosity. "It hurt my feelings to see him act like that. And he said he needed to go which made something snap in me. Everything was hazy--" before I can continue my explanation, Mister Aizawa raised his hand to stop me once again. "Alright, I heard enough. It must have triggered your emotional function of your brain. Allmight and I were informed by your mom about it." he pointed to allmight. Allmight laughed, "Ah yes. That event--since it was caused by--" he stopped himself and awkwardly laughed which Kacchan only sunk down into his seat with the same pained expression. Aizawa added,"But that doesn't get you off the hook. Apologize to Bakugo for your irrational behavior so we can all move on today." I blinked a bit as I opened my mouth, "Katsuki Bakugo-" I got up from my seat and bowed at him, "I'm sorry to have caused you emotional stress and I hope we get to be in better terms." it was so uncomfortable to say his full name But kacchan only managed to say, "Its okay." but that doesnt mean you forgiven me.. Everyone else got up from their seats and head out of the room, but I stayed. Kacchan was about to leave until he looked over at me with a concerned expression and heads out the door. Why do you give me that face kacchan, I stayed behind for a few good minutes until I heard footsteps. "I can hear you." I simply said and looked over at the door. Seeing a girl almost the size of Uraraka, but she had gentle yellow eyes and two firm/neat buns on her head. "A-ah I'm sorry, I heard what happened and I wanted to help. Oh!" She rubbed the back of her neck "My name is Mika." I wasn't really interested by I curiously asked, "What do you mean by help?" And I tilted my head to the side. She giggled a bit and clasped her hands together, huh how strange. "I'm part of a club and we love helping thoes with disabilities or illnesses. Yeah, I know it sounds rude to say that but we aren't good with words heh." she rubbed her arm. "If you're interested, here--" Mika hands me a little card with an address. "Goodbye for now!" And that was it, she left the room with a happy skip in her step. I didn't know what to do with the card but I had to go change out of my hero suit. I made my way to the guy's locker room just only kacchan and I to be alone... kacchan was nervous and shaking how I was when we were in middle school. I have to say something, this is my chance to redeem my connection with him. My lips opened partly and I gently said "Kacchan" Which I got a lil glance from him. But I continued to look at him, "Kacchan. Please, please look at me for this once" I begged a bit. I won't lose him. I waited but he sighed and turn his head to look at me. His red eyes clouded with a bit of fear and misery. God, it's like he is begging for some comfort and affection---w-well, I'm not sure about the affection part. I slowly made my way closer to him but he would back away until he had his back to a locker. He frantically looked around until he looked directly at me. "I'm sorry Kacchan.." I had carefully placed a hand on his delicate cheek, Kacchan flinched from my touch. Please don't be afraid of me. "I didn't want to get revenge from you. Even if you do deserve it.." as I continue to apologize but Kacchan wouldn't look at me anymore. THATS IT. I need to figure out why kacchan is for afraid of---I know it's me but-- I didn't realize that Kacchan was looking away and trying to push me away. I blinked and I figured out that I was about to---Bite his neck!? I backed away with my eyes widen "K-kacchan I--" but I knew he didn't want to hear from me so I glanced at him one more time before I hurried off with my button up shirt and backpack. I need to find Mika tomorrow.
I hurriedly put on my shirt and semi-ran my way home, on the way there I bumped into Todoroki, "A-ah sorry--oh! Todoroki! I didn't see you there
" I shifted around awkwardly. Todoroki waved his hand a bit and smiled at me, "No no. It's okay Midoriya, but uraraks, Iida and I were worry about you after the whole situation." I didn't want to hear about it, not now. "Heh. Well they understand but I'm in a hurry--so see you later." I was about to pass by but Todoroki grabbed my arm, making me look back at him. His eyes seem to show concern and worry. "What's wrong Midoriya?" He asked. I gently pulled my hand away and shook my head "It's nothing but I really need to go." so I continued to head home. I need to talk to my mom..she will help me.

Katsuki's POV:
What. Just. Happened. My face is heating over but my body was scared to death. Deku..he--he was about to bite my damn neck!! Thoes eyes...those cat eyes, they always appear when he isn't himself. I leaned back on the lockers before I slowly dropped and sat down on the floor with my hands covering my face. I heard a knock on the wall with Mister Aizawa saying,"Anyone still in here before I lock up?" But he must of heard my heavy breathing since he made his way towards me. "Bakugo--whats going on?" He crouched down and moved my hands away "Did Midoriya attempt something?"But I shook my head quickly and pulled myself together. Mister Aizawa didn't seem to buy it though. He didn't say anything else and let me change and grab my things before he locks up the locker rooms.
I noticed a girl from a far in the corner of my eye; blondie. two buns and our school uniform. I continued to walk my way home and pretend I didn't see her lurking. I held my head with one hand, what has gotten into deku..at the conference room they said something about auntie, that she told them that deku had some sort of condition. UUUUHG!! This must have been the result from him hitting his head..and now its biting me back in the ass--more like my neck. I should ask mom if she still talks to auntie after all of this time. It didn't take me long to get home, "Mom I'm home--" she was already on the phone and she looked puzzled. Mom spotted me and smiled before retuning back to her conversation. So much for talking then. I head to my safe place, my room to get my head back on and figure out what is happening. But
We'll see what will happen tomorrow

((Oof xD finally finished ch.5 uwu, let me know what you think of it! I have school tomorrow so idk if I'll be able to write more, but for now BUH-BYE!))

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