💚the small things💛

368 11 3

Katsuki's POV:
I continue to drag him until we made it to the backyard, it was decorated with all kinds of flowers and lights. "Woah--" Izuku gasps as his eyes gleam while they scan the decorations. I squeeze his hand, catching his attention, He gave me a smile. That damn smile. I lean in and peck his lips, which he yelps but soon wraps his arms around me as I wrap my own arms around his neck. He pulls away from the small but loving pecks, resting his forehead on mine, "Kacchan..I've missed you so much. You know how hard it was---" I put a finger on his lips, "I miss you too, But don't worry about that--this is a celebration for your release, sooooo enjoy it!" I smile widely. "H-heh, you're right-" He then suddenly picks me up by my waist and twirls around, making us both laugh in happiness. Until we heard a "OoOOOOO", we both look over to see Mina, Uraraka, Iida and Kirishima at the backyard entrance. "Uwah!" Izuku puts me down and hides his face on my shoudler. I laugh on how he could easily get embarrassed again, "When did you guys get here!" I shout happily. Mina rushes over and hugs us both, Izuku squeaks again, "Not too long actually!" Then Uraraka joins in the hug, "GROUP HUG!!" she squeals out, "Come on Iida join us!" But Iida shook his head, "No no, it's o--KAY!!" Then Kirishima rushes in and drags Iida into our group hug. "BAKUBROOO!" his usual shark smile. "KIRI!!" I shout back at him. "W-wha!?" Izuku lifts his head and sees around 4 of our friends hugging us, "Uraraka-san! Mina-san! Iida-kun! Kirishima-kun!" He gasps till he looks over at our moms giggling at us all. Auntie Inko clasps her hands together, "Come on now kids, let's set up the food table!" Mina and Uraraka race each other inside to carry the most food trays. Iida backs away from the hug and dusts himself off before adjusting his glasses, "Uraraka! Mina!---" he heads inside, "Don't run inside!" You can hear him shout faintly. Izuku let's go of me to allow me and fist pump Kirishima, "Bakubro, nice dress! Very manly in dress standards." He laughs. I respond "Oi, of course I'm manly in this dress!" Then Izuku buds in,"But I think you look amazing kacchan!"
I cover my mouth with my hand as I try not to overheat with blush, "Th-thanks Izuku" earning a Nudge at my side by Kirishima. "Come on Guys, we need to help out too." Kiri chuckles before getting inside. I look over at Izuku and grab him by the hand, dragging him inside towards the kitchen. Uraraka has been floating 5 trays, "Out of the way please!" She says as she walks by. "Heads up!" Mina shouts and we both duck under the trays she was carrying on her arms. While auntie and my parents bring the cups, plates, utensils, and napkins for the tables. Iida was cutting veggies, "Oi!" I let go of Midoriya's hand and rush over.

Midoriya's POV:
I follow kacchan to the kitchen and see him scolding Iida about cutting veggies properly. I cover my mouth and try not to laugh since Iida-kun is usually the one to scold us back then. I watch the two argue and Kacchan taking over to demonstrate how cutting is done.
I hear the doorbell ring, everyone else is busy doing something besides me. "I'll get it!" I shout before making my way to the door, opening it to see, "Allmight! Aizawa!" I hug them both. "Young Midoriya! You're earlier than I expected. " He laughs as Aizawa pats my back awkwardly. I back away, "Yeah! Kacchan is in the kitchen with Iida-kun and Uraraka-san, Mina-san, Kirishima-kun are setting up the backyard---come inside!" I grab their hands and pull them in. "Welcome!" Auntie Mitsuki shouts as she went off to grab the refreshments. "Wow everyone is busy--" Aizawa mumbles and scratches his head. I nod quickly, "mhm! W-well-" I fidget with my fingers, "everyone except for me-- heh." I awkwardly smile. "Anyway, midoriya here." Aizawa hands me a gift wrapped box. "Uwah--whats this?" I stare at the box before lifting my head to look at them. "You'll find out later Midoriya. " Aizawa pats my head and the three of us head to the backyard. Everyone was done and start settling down in seats, "Izuku!" Kacchan got up from the middle table and waved an arm. "Kacchan!" I smile then look at Allmight and Aizawa, "Join us!" I insist and head to the table, claiming the seat next to Kacchan. I hear the others saying hello to Allmight and Aizawa before they came over to seat at our table. "Ah, it's so awkward for me to attend these small things--" Allmight chuckles as he rubs his head. "You don't need to worry allmight! Its only Class 1A, you two, Kacchan's parents and my mom." I explain, "So you don't need to feel tensed here." Aizawa adds in, "But we don't usually like seeing our old students getting lovey dovey. " I start to laugh and so did they. "Midoriya!" I hear someone say, I look over Aizawa's shoulder, "Ah momo!--and Todoroki-kun" I can feel Kacchan's hatred obviously towards Todoroki when I got up to greet them. "I bought cider and wine for the grown-ups, I'm not very good at cooking." Momo giggles a bit and hands over the two bottles. "Oh okay! Thanks momo-san!" I gave her a smile and I can see todoroki having a tray of Soba. "The food table is at the back Todoroki-kun. " I mention but he gave me and nod, heading there with momo.
--It been 2 hours--
Tsu-san came with Tokoyami and--mineta? More like him tied up and brought in a sack. And everyone else came along, Kirishima, Mina, Sero, Denki joined or more like combined our tables. Slowly everyone arrived and the feast celebration can finally begin. Music was playing as the lights lit up the night. I can hear everyone joking and laughing cheerfully. Enjoying everyone's company..even mineta was on his best behavior.
But..I feel like this is too good to be true, finally being out and having everyone around.

Katsuki's pov:
Izuku, he was spacing out or taking in whats around him. I grab his hand and he snaps out of it, turning his head to me. "A-ah I'm sorry Kacchan, I must have spaced out. " he awkwardly chuckles. "Oi, its alright. We both have been through enough to not feel as relaxed." I get up from my seat, "Come on, we haven't eaten anything and I'm sure you guys made your favorite meal." He gasps and got up, "Katsudon! I forgot!" He grabs my hand and leads me to the food table. Before sitting back down I grab two cups filled with juice, putting them down on our table. Izuku didn't hesitate to chow down on his favorite meal which made me laugh. "Don't choke on it now--pft--" I laughed hard while He covers his mouth to not spit his food out. Allmight and Aizawa looked at us but that only made me laugh more. "Okay okay--haha-I-I'm sorry!" I stop myself from laughing any longer. After that we enjoy our meals with the music bumping in the background. So was everyone else, either eating or chatting within their tables. I pick up my cup and took two gulps until I realized, "Oi, this tastes weird--" Allmight took the cup from my hand and looks at it, "Bakugo!--you grabbed the wine cup" he semi-scolded. "Ah shi-- Izuku--" I turn my head but he already drank some and coughs, "Oh--" I pat his back. "How much did you drink?" Aizawa asks us both. "Uhm two gulps?" I respond then Izuku coughs out, "Half--" Making Aizawa cross his arms and scold, "That was a minor mistake but let's hope that you both don't get semi-drunk since you are both underage!"
"Alright, I'll notify you if I feel any different--" As soon as I said that my face grew warm, I put a hand on my cheek. "I-Izuku, is my face warm?" I look at him as he looks back with light red cheeks. He put his hand on his cheek while his other hand was on my cheek. We checked each other and both nodded, we need to get out of here and into a private area to take care of our "drunkenness"
Allmight and Aizawa knew what was going so they nod at us, signalling us it was alright to leave the backyard. We both got up from our seats and head inside but we kind of lack balance at the moment. "M-my room, Come on" i Stutter out while I pull him by his arm, up the stairs and into my room. I push him to the bed and lock the door before sitting on the floor, "uhg my head hurts" I mumble a bit. "Me too.." I can hear Izuku groan a slight. Yall know where this is going.

((UwU doki doki, now finished with this chapter. Soooo now i gotta blast! Buh-bye!!))

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