💛Celebration Preparation💛

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Katsuki's POV:

Uhg..my body aches, --shit! I sit up in my bed with a gasp, to see that I was-in my room? I look down and I have bandages wrapped around my arms as well for my hands. It must have been for the stab wounds. The aching feeling was mostly at my hands now, I quickly look up when I hear the door opening. "Katsuki--you're awake!" It was my mom and my dad behind her. They both rushed over and hug me as if I died or something. "U-uh?" I raise an eyebrow but wrap my arms around the two of them. "What happened?" I am so confused, "W-well" my mom begins to say, "You've been sleeping for a few days and haven't been cooperating, so we began to worry." she and my dad let go of me. "It's true, you wouldn't wake up and haven't eaten or drank anything." My dad mentions. Then my stomach was growling like crazy, "Heh yeah I'm starving!" I laugh. My mom ruffles up my hair, "Well we are preparing a feast celebration for Izuku's release. So let's get you fed and ready. " she gets up and dusted herself off. "Huh!? Izuku was released after--and now its been a few days-and now we are preparing a feast celebration." I held my head "This is all sudden!" My dad puts a hand on my head, "It's only 10:45 am. People won't be arriving until 4 pm, you have plenty of time to get adjusted" he smiles. "Now get dressed and head down stairs for breakfast" she tells me and both of them leave my room. I slowly get off my bed and head towards the mirror, seeing the bandaids on my body and the bandages. "I wonder if they are healed.." I mumble and carefully take off the bandages, revealing barely noticable scares on my arms but two dark scars on my hands. I stare at them as the question rang up on my head like last time, will I become quirkless? I shook the horrible If feeling and head to my closet. I open it up, with a dress catching my eyes..A dress? I pick it out, and head back to the mirror-seeing if it looks nice on me-i mean, psh--*GAY PANIC* I spot in the mirror, a pair of eyes, "Mom, I know you're looking. " then turn my head over at the door. She opens the door and rush over to hug me "Ah!!! I'm sorry but that dress looks so lovely on you!" Making my face a bright red, "okay okay!" I squeak out. "Now-" she takes the dress away from me and puts it back into the closet, "dress up and eat, you doof." she giggles and leaves the room, she giggled!? "That's a first." I rub my head and hurry up to change.
Once I was sitting down with my parents, enjoying the breakfast and silence. I had to ask questions suddenly, "Mom, who is coming?" She and my dad look up at me as they were caught of gaurd. "Uhm, your classmates from 1A so it'll be big. Along with Allmight and your teacher, Aizawa." He explains, "we already mentioned it's a feast celebration sooo, everyone is bringing a dish they love. Ah I forgot, It's a floral theme feast--" she crash into the conversation, "So that's why I bought you that dress!" She smiles. Everyone in 1A, even Mineta? Oh lord. But my biggest concern is---"So even that peppermint basturd is coming?" I mutter but they gave me confused faces, "Shoto Todoroki?" I raise an eyebrow then they went "OoOoooh" my mom rub the back of her head with an awkward laugh, "Inko told me that he came over to their house--" i stood up "WHAT!?" My dad waves his hands around "Now now, calm down." he says. I sat myself down before letting my mom continue, "Okay, so he went over, and apologized for his actions and izuku forgave him." "WHAT!?" I was angry that basturd was forgiven by Izuku even though he was part of the reason why Izuku had to be stuck in a room for two years! "Enough--Katsuki calm yourself, we don't have time to hold grudges. Let's just get things prepared for the feast. " My dad sighs out then looks at me, "Do it for Izuku. " I stiffened but then let out an angry sigh, "Okay"
----The next 4 hours-----
I did most of the cooking as it was my favorite hobby besides becoming a hero. Meanwhile, my parents did the decorations, inside and out to really bring out the "celebration" part of the feast. I don't mind doing the cooking, I pretty much love it. My mom would check on me and ask if I was tired or needed help, but I would always respond with Nah. So they continued to decorate as I work up a sweat in the kitchen. Things were going smoothly for the three of us.
After all that, I check the clock it was 3:30 pm, holy SHI--we only have 30 minutes! And I know Iida will be here on time--so I hurry and put things on low heat around 135° to keep them safe for eating. "Mom!! We only have 30 minutes to get ready!" I shout and they both stop what they were doing and head off. I did too, I went to my room and close the door behind me. "Mmmm" I felt nervous to put on the dress but I'll do it for Izuku. So I  carefully put it on and I realize it exposes my shoulders but I put on a wrist band and I look at myself in the mirror--

 So I  carefully put it on and I realize it exposes my shoulders but I put on a wrist band and I look at myself in the mirror--

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My face grows a dark pink, "Aaah!!" I cover my face, this is so embarrassing. It exposes my right leg, so I had to put on little shorts to hide my lower half. I pat my cheeks to calm my blush, making my way down to the kitchen. Noticing my parents aren't done getting ready but I hear a knock, "Coming!" I shout--that must be Iida. I grab the door knob and open the door to see, Izuku and Auntie inko. "Uwah!?" Izuku shouts and covered his face while I can see his face growing a bright red. Which my face did too, "MMMM!!" I cover my face as auntie Inko just laughs and squeals. After 5 minutes, we both did our best not to drown in embarrassment--to see he was wearing a matching jacket. "Inko!" My mom shouts and makes me bump into Izuku, "Mom! Don't do that!" I shout. But she ignores me and hugs auntie Inko--"u-uhm, Kacchan?" I look over at him as I grab his arm with both hands-he turned his head away. I guess he is as embarrassed as I am. "Come on now, get inside and welcome!" My mom shouts happily.

"Let's go Izuku--" I drag him inside and I could hear our moms giggling like school girls

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"Let's go Izuku--" I drag him inside and I could hear our moms giggling like school girls. But that doesn't matter, "K-Kacchan! Where are we going?" Izuku stutters out. "You'll see--" is what I responded with.

((Ayoooo. Look at thoes soft bois uwu sp cuuuuute!! Oki oki, see you all soon, bye-bye!!!))

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