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“Julie, Julie! You will not believe what happened to me!” Serafina yelled down the hallway as her silky blonde hair swayed from side to side.

“What?” I asked, pushing my glasses further up my nose.

“Hunter just asked me out!” She squealed.

“Really?” I asked, trying to hide my disappointment.

“Yes, really! We are going out tonight!” I can’t say I’m surprised he asked her out. Girls like Serafina are magnetically paired up by the universe with guys like Hunter. Serafina is the girl everyone hates because they want to be her. Petite, cheerleading blonde with curves, and a pretty face. It wouldn’t make sense for a guy like Hunter to not want her, unfortunately for me; considering I have liked Hunter since Freshman year.

“He said he will pick me up and then we'll go to his house to decide what we want to do!”

“Exciting” I lied through my teeth.

“You don’t sound happy for me?” She questioned putting her hand on her hip. Although I am so much taller than her, she finds ways to make me feel smaller.

“I am happy it’s jus-”

“It’s just...”

“Well, I kind of liked Hunter. I thought you knew that.”

“Oh that-that’s just a little crush. You can get over it. And besides he likes me” She shurgged her shoulders “Come on, my brother is probably waiting in the parking lot and you know how he can get.” Serafina linked arms with me and dragged me into the parking lot where we saw her brother sitting in his black jeep texting. Serafina took the passenger seat while I took the backseat.

“You’re late.” Jason growled at Serafina. She just rolled her eyes at him.

“So? It’s not like you have anything better to do.”  Jason started the car and pulled out of the school parking lot. I don’t speak much to Jason. He’s just Serafina’s older by two years brother who goes to an all boys school two blocks down from ours.

“Julie, am I dropping you off at your house?” Jason asked me.

“Well um, if it isn’t out of the way. I don’t want to ruin your plans.”

“Nah, it’s cool; I don’t mind taking you home.”

“Well then, yeah, dropping me off at my house would be ni-”

“No, Julie you’re coming over to help me pick out an outfit for tonight.” Serafina ordered.

“Yeah, but-”

“But, nothing” Serafina cut me off “I mean, it’s not like you had anything else to do. All you would be doing is sitting in that big empty house of yours, alone.”

“Why do you even need my help with clothes? We dress completely different. “ I said, looking at her jean mini skirt, tight V-neck, and Juicy Couture tracksuit top. I, on the other hand, was wearing a baggy T-shirt and jean shorts with old converses. She rolled her eyes at me.

“Gosh, I didn’t know it was such a crime to want to hang out with my best friend” Serafina said, dramatically turning in her seat, facing forward. I watched as she pulled out a mirror and lipstick and started to apply it.

“I want to come over, it’s just, I don’t have a ride home.” I said.

“Jason can bring you home when we are done picking out an outfit.” Serafina instructed.

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