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Chapter 20

"Maybe today you could come over after school?" Matt asked leaning his back against the locker next to mine.

"I can't sorry."

"Why not? It's been a week you're not grounded anymore."

"I know...It's just I have a late practice for the math torment that's coming up .And I'll be extremely tired." I lied. That's all I seem to be doing lately is lying. I haven't been able to be with Matt without feeling extremely guilty. I knew I had to tell him, I just wasn't sure when to tell him or how.

"Well...we both have a free period now. So wanna listen to some music in my car?"

I let out and exhausted sigh "Matt I have to study."

"Study in my car." He took my hand and stared fidgeting with my fingers.

"You know I won't focus."

"I promise I'll let you focus."

"You promise?"

"Pinky" He said holding his long pinky finger out. I smiled at his childish and locked my pinky finger in his. I grabbed my textbook and walked to his car having a light conversation with him. I hopped in the passenger seat and he got in the driver’s seat. Immediately opening my history text book I started studying and taking notes. Matt was scrolling through his phone mindlessly.

After about fifteen minutes I could feel Matt getting anxiety.

"Julie you're killing."

"I have to study."

"When is your test?"

"Next Friday."

"You have over a week to study. Let’s do other things." In one quick motion he moved my textbook to the back seat and started kissing right below my earlobe.

The feeling was sensational. Matt and I haven't kissed or made out since Hunter kissed me. I forgot how good Matt's lips felt on my skin. One of his hands was on the back of my head, while his head was nuzzled into my neck.

"Matt" I breathlessly moaned.


"I have to study."

"Nuhuh" He refused as his tongue rolled circles around my neck. Whenever his tongue started rolling circles around my neck I would easily give in. But I just can't allow myself to kiss Matt if I haven't told him about Hunter.

"Matt sero-- ahh" I moaned as his lips trailed along my jaw. He took this as a queue to shift is body so that he was on top of mea nd the chair was pushed back so that I was laying down. He kissed my earlobe, then my jaw, and did the same on the other side of my face. "Matt I really can't"

"Julie we're only kissing. I know about your issue I wouldn't pressure you to do anything." He said as his hand trailed up the outside of my shirt. My hands automatically went on his shoulders and gave him a strong push.

"My issue? You considering me being a virgin an issue?"

"No Julie Bean I didn't mean issue...I just meant...Well...I mean....You know I didn't mean it like that."

"Well how did you mean it?"

"I didn't mean it as an issue. It just slipped from my mind because some guys referred to it that way."

"Some guys?"

"Yeah I was just telling few guys from the team."

"oh?" I replied looking down at my lap.

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