Ch 15

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Chapter 15

Friday night ended in a disaster. Jason ended up taking Serafina home instead of her spending the night at my house. The car ride back was completely silent. Hunter and Matt weren't on speaking terms for some reason. While Matt was giving me the cold shoulder, except for the kiss on the head he gave me before I got out of the car. It was now sunday and I haven't spoken to Matt all weekend. I was waiting for him to text me or call but he hasn't. And Serafina said that I can't be the one to make the first move.

"Honey run in the store and pick up some Special K bars and more of that diet drink I like" My mom instructed as we sat in the parking lot of the supper market. Church just ended and my mom, dad and I were in the car trying to decide on what I was going to pick up from the store.

"Why do you need more of those stupid diet drinks? There are too exspensive." My dad groaned.

"Do you want me looking fat?"

"Either way I still love you." My dad smiled at my mom

"Save it." She told him with an amused smile on her face. I rolled my eyes taking the money and walking to the supper market hoping no one would see me in my floral church dress. I walked past a group of boys leaning against the brick building of the supper market. They were drinking out of a brown paper bag and smoking. As I saw them I picked up my speed and kept my head down. Not watching where I was going I walked straight into a hard chest. I looked up at the face in front of me. Jason was staring down at me with a smirk on his face as he stopped my fall by grabbing my elbow. I looked up at him and his pupils looked larger than they usually were, the white of his eyes were now a darker and pinker shade. 

"Watch where you're going." He growled. I was taken back by his hard a response to me.

"Oh uh, yeah, uh sorry"

"nice dress" He mocked.All of the guys around him started to laugh. I stepped out of his grasp, and tried to walk past him, but his grip on my arm tightened. I shot my head to the parking lot, but my parents car was out of sight from this distance.

"have you been drinking?" I asked as a whiff of liquor swept my nose.

"Yeah so? What you're gonna look down on me cuse I drink? You're beloved boy toy drinks. Even gets high once in a while too."

"Yeah but it's a Sunday and one in the afternoon. "

"Well we can't all go to church with our loving poster board family's."


"Just get out of here Julie, you're wasting my time."

His grasp on me loosened and I took that as the opportunity to scurry into the store. I have never seen Jason act that way towards me before. It was so scary and harsh. He seemed like he hated me. I don't know why he would even talk to me the way he did or why he made fun of my dress. I've known Jason forever, I stood up for him when Matt talked bad about him. And I spent a full night with him, and half a party. Why he is treated me like that is beyond me. Maybe he is the jerk Matt says he is. I wanted to cry so badly, but refused. There is no reason to cry; right?

I quickly brought the food my mom and dad wanted and rushed back to the car. I pasted the corner where Jason and his friends were but they paid me no attention.


"Hi Mrs.Dean, is Matt home?" I asked .I was standing at the front door of Matts house I haven't spoken to him since the party on Friday. But after running into Jason, I didn't care about the rule Serafina told me. I wanted to see Matt.

"He's in his room." She smiled stepping aside and let me enter their grand house. I walked up the stairs and to Matts room. His door was closed, I gently knocked on it twice.

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