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Chapter 12

“What’s wrong with this one?” Matt pouted. We were in the Halloween store looking for a costume for me and him. There was a big party tomorrow and Matt of course waited till last minute to get a costume. Even though I had told him last week, that we should go shopping.

“Matt, I will not wear that.” I shook my head and rolled my eyes at him. He was starting to get on my last nerve; in his adorable way. He unlike me had already settled on something to wear.

“Why not, it’s hot?” He held the police officer costume up to my body and I rolled my eyes and pushed it away.

“Matt, I am not wearing a costume like that.” I groaned and rested my head on the wall behind me.

“Just try one on. You might like it.”

I let out a grunt grabbed the police women costume and headed towards the changing room. The navy blue skirt barely covered my thighs and the shirt showed my whole stomach and only covered my boobs,stopping right above my ribcage. It was tight and showed way too much skin. The costume came with a whistle and hat, but I didn’t feel like trying it on because there was no possible way I would wear this outfit anywhere. I get that most girls looked and craved for outfits like this on Halloween, but I was an exception. Don’t get me wrong I’ll wear something that makes me look cute, and might show off my legs,but I have my limits.

“Ok I tried it on. I am changing back to my regular clothes.” I yelled over to Matt who was waiting outside the changing room.

“Wait, woah, let me see it first.”


“I don’t get a chance to at least see it?” I heard him whine from the other side. But I could hear his amusement.


“Why not?”

“Because I look stupid.”

“I bet you don’t”

I picked up the bag where the costume came from. On it was a blonde girl with huge boobs and curves. Her body wasn’t bony like my own. The costume fitted her nicely and she looked confident in it. I stuck my hand in between the changing room curtain to show the picture to Matt without him seeing me.

“This is the type of girl who should wear these costumes. Not me.” I groaned.

The changing room curtains flew open and gasped as Matt took a step into my changing room. His eyes ranked over my body and he ran his hand through his hair as he started at me.  He slowly closed the curtain behind him.  He eyes met mine and a sweet smile showed up on his face.

“You don’t have to look like her, in order to look nice in this outfit.” He kindly said gesturing to the picture of the model I showed him. “I think you look really, really good.”

“Thanks” I felt my blush increase. “But you know how I dress, and I never wear stuff like this. I really don’t feel comfortable.”I mumbled. “And the outfits you’ve picked out have been making me feel really cheap.”

Guilt flashed in his eye and he let out a sigh. “I’m sorry Julie Bean. How about we forget the whole Halloween party and spend tomorrow at my house watching scary movies. And answering the door for trick or teeters” He suggested.

“That’s really sweet but, we both know how badly you want to go to this party.” I smiled.

“Let’s go back to my house. And we can figure something out there.”

Matt walked out of the changing room letting me change back into my jean shorts and large sweat shirt. I walked out of the changing room and Matt swung his arm over my shoulder as we made our way out the store.

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