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Chapter 2

When we reached the car Jason opened my door for me. I just smiled at him and slipped into the seat.

“All hands and feet in the vehicle?” He joked.

I did a little laugh and nodded my head. He gently closed my door and walked over to his side.  He plopped in the drivers seat and started the car. We were silent and awkward so he turned on the radio. Some song came on that I’ve never heard before, but I liked the tune. The lyrcs were what really moved me, though. It was clearly a band of guys, but they weren’t singing about booty poppin' hoes. The lyrics were about finding the right girl, waiting, and falling in love.

“Do you like this song?” He asked taking a quick glance at me and then turning his head to the road.

“Yeah it’s really good.” I nodded my head honestly, while looking at his profile seeing his lips curve up into a smile.

“My band and I wrote this song.”

“Wow really? That’s great! I didn’t know you guys were actually good.” I admitted, but quickly bit my tongue hoping I didn’t sound like a jerk.

“Yeah we've improved since the time we preformed at the middle school dance.” He joked, and I laughed as well. Jason and his band begged our principal to let them play at the dance and when they did.... It’s safe to say they sucked.

“ This isn't the radio right? It’s just a C.D playing?” I asked.

“Yep, but one day we will be.” He smiled.

I nodded my head, agreeing with the fact he is going to be famous.

“So when you are a big famous base player in the band Coming Around, you better remember me Jason.”
“Eh I’ll try, you might just blend in with all the other crazy obsessed girls who want me for impure reasons.” He joked and I actually laughed.

“You cought my motive’s already.” I said sarcastically.

“Brains and talent.”

The car turned right into my big semi circle driveway, the light up brick house was starting to apear in vision. So ironic that the house was so lit up even though as soon as I entered it, it would be loney and dull.  Jason pulled right up to the white double doors of my house, and the three tiny steps.

“So looks like we are here.” He smiled.

“Thank you so much for the ride.” I smiled back.

“Anytime” He said, looking at me. The lights from my house were glowing on his face and his eyes twinkled the slightest bit. I didn’t know if I should get out of the car or not.

“Thanks for the ride” I said again.

“You said that already”

“Oh right, well, um, thanks” I said, feeling the red rush to my cheeks. I put my hand on the on the handle of the car door and pushed it open getting out of the car.  I closed the car door and waved goodbye before hopping up the three steps pushing my keys in the lock and popping the door open. I got inside and closed the door.

It was now sunday night and I am sitting in my light blue room, at my white wooden desk typing the conculsion to my essay on Thomas Hobbes.


I was at my locker getting my books for my next class when I saw Hunter walking down the hall. His blonde hair cut nice and short showing off his defined jaw line, and bright green eyes. My world stopped when I realised he was walking towards me. I started to wonder how his date with Serafina went. I hadn’t talked to her at all this weekend because I was writing hers and my essay on John Locke vs. Thomas Hobbes.

“Hey Julie” Hunter said walking up to me and leaning his shoulder on the locker in front of mine.

“Hey” I smiled looking up at him. I was tall for a girl and he still managed to be taller than me.

“So, because we have a math test on tuseday, do you think we could maybe move our study session up to tonight? My Dad will murder me if I get another sucky grade.”

“Oh yeah sure, no problem.” I said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear feeling my heart beat speed up.

“Cool” He smiled that million dollar smile at me. “So I was talking to Matt the other day and he thinks it would be pretty cool if you came his place, after coming to mine.”

I tried my best to hide the external groan and eye roll. Hunter chuckled.

“He really isn’t a bad guy.” He said. He probably saw my weak attempt to try and act like  I was excited to go on a date with a sleezbag like Matt. I just shrugged my shoulders. “How about you give him a chance. How bad could one date with him be?” Hunter asked, taking a tiny step  closer to me letting his green eyes burn through me. I felt my cheeks turn the shade of pink and I let out a sheepish giggle.

“I guess it can’t be that bad.” I lied. “ But he’s never said, like, one word to me so I can’t even consider dating him untill I talk to him.”

Hunter took a step closer to me "I’ll get him to talk to you, 'kay?”

I just nodded my head and smiled.

“'Kay” I repeated, trying to sound cool.

“Alright see ya at my house at seven tonight.” Before I could even respond, Hunter was walking down the hallway. I sighed and watched as his buff body walked down the hall.  I gathered my stuff together and walked the opposite direction down the long gray hallway to my advanced math class. I was the only sophmore with a bunch of seniors. Mathew Dean being one of those seniors. Luckily for me, I always get to class early and take my seat in the back left corner of the classroom. I walked into the classroom and to no supprise I was  the first one there. I took my seat and got out my homework from last night.  

Math went by pretty fast. As the bell rang I gathered my books, and headed for the door walking down the aisle. Something strong coaught my arm stopping me from proceeding further. I looked down to see Mathew’s hand on my arm; he was still sitting at his desk looking up  at me. He lightend his grip on my arm and smiled at me, showing his slightly crooked teeth. They weren’t creepy or nasty, they actually made him a little cuter.

“Hey there, Jules.” He spoke smothly, releasing my arm.

“Hi” I tried to smile back.

“So, I have a question.” He said.

I prepared myself for him to ask me out on a date.  The agony it would bring me to have to say yes to him. Just so that Hunter won’t hate me. Ugh and I can’t break his heart if he does like me as much as everyone is saying. Well everyone being Serafina and Hunter.

“Yeah sure, what is it?”

“Did you by any chance get to copy down the homework?” He asked catching me off guard. I started to feel emabrressed. I knew I was staring at him with my mouth open. He was smirking at me. Did he find me amusing? Did he know what I was thinking?

“Oh uh yeah, I wrote it down in my planbook.” I said, putting my books on his desk and picking up the black leather plan book.  I opened to today’s page.

“Yeah it's um page 130, problems 15-41 odd.” I said moving a curl out of my face and tucking it into my ponytail full of  my tiny curls.

He chuckled and wrote it down on his hand, even though he had a perfectly good peice of paper in front of him.

“Thanks Jules.”

“Anytime.” I said shyly. I picket up my books and walked out the classroom to my locker. When I reached my locker Serafina was leaning against the one next to mine examining her nails, and popping her gum in a big bubble then chewing it.

“Hey babe” She smiled at me.

“Hey Fina”

“So I never told you about my date with Hunter.”  I watched as her now light blue nail twirled itself around her silky blonde hair.

“Yeah how was it, I wanted to know.” I lied. The last thing I wanted was to hear her talk about the date with Hunter.  I put my books in my locker, and Serafina linked her arms with me and we walked to the lunch room.

“So when I got to his house he made dinner for me. And the table was set up with candles and roses everywhere.” She began. I let out a sigh of amazement. I knew Hunter wasn’t the tacky type to take the girl to a movie.  “So I go to him ‘I thought we were hanging out’ and he goes ‘lets try something different, since you're a different girl.’ Then we sat and ate the the shitty dinner he made. And it doesn’t even matter that it tasted horrible because he made it. And I totally didn't even throw it  up” She gushed. When we got in the cafteria I picked up a tray and hopped on line while Serafina countinued telling me her story.  I added a hambuger, french fries, chips, two cookies, and a bottle water to my tray. Serfina stuck her nose up in disgust at the sight of my unpleasant food.

“It sucks you can eat all that food and not get fat.” She whined. “I wish I could do that, ugh that cheeseburger looks so good.”  she eyes my plate.  

“Don’t worry it will catch up to me when I am forty five” I joked and we both exchanged a few laughs. Together we talked to our normal table by the large window. It had the best view of our outside quad and the rest of the tables in the lunchroom. I felt superior everytime I sat there.  

“So anyways, we were talking over his dinner and he was telling me all of these things about his faimly and stuff he likes to do; I can't tell you what he said, though. I mean it would totally be a violation of like the intimacy we shared.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder and I nodded my head taking a huge bite into my burger.

“Hey Serafine, hey Julie” Becky said sitting at our table. She was more of Serafina’s friend than mine. Well everyone who I sat with at lunch was more of Serafina’s friends than mine. I laughed with them and we talked, but I wouldn’t invite them over my house, or go out to lunch with them one on one.

“Oh Becky, I was just telling Julie about my date with Hunter.”

Becky’s eyes bulge out and excitement overtook her “Oh, tell me all about it.”

So withou having to think twice, Serafina repeated the romanic night that Hunter set up for her. The night that was meant for me, but was being used on her. I just ignorned the story and contuined eating my food.

“Look, look there he is.” Becky said swatting the table catching my attention. My eyes followed where Becky’s big brown eyes were looking. Matt was walking in the cafertira with his head buried into his phone, letting his brown hair sway over his eyes “Matt is so cute.” She gushed. I watched as Matt’s looked up from his phone, and made direct eye contact with me. I felt my cheeks turn a shade of pink as he winked at me, and went back to his phone.

“Ugh he just winked at me.” Becky said letting the freckles on her cheeks turn red.

“No, he wasn’t winking at you.” Serafina rolled her eyes “He was winking at Julie, cause they are totally going to hook up.” she said factually. I awkwardly shifted my eyes to Becky who now had a frown on her face.

“I don’t like him; in that way.” I admitted, feeling bad instantly.

“Jules, you are getting with him. And besides Becky already had a chance with him. And she blew it.” Serafina said as if Becky weren't sitting at the table with us.

“It’s fine, I really don’t like him.” I said, ignoring Serafina’s comment.

“It doesn't if she does or doesn't like him. No guy wants to get with the girl that threw up on him when she was wasted.” Serafina threw at Becky. Serafina has been a little cold to Becky ever since she brought Becky to an upper classman party, and Becky threw up on Matt.

“It was a mistake” Becky said, slouching in her seat.

“It’s all your fault for not knowing how much your body can handle. You really embarrassed Julie and I.”

“I didn’t mind that much Fina” I said, shooting Becky a supporitve smile.

“Jules, Matt is into you, not her. So go after him.”

“Yeah Julie, I would actually go after him. I just think he is kind of cute.” Becky assured me.

I let out a little laugh “I doubt we're even going to speak again. So we're just making a big deal out of nothing.”

“Quit talking about him! He's walking over here.” Fina hissed.

I quickly snapped my head back to see Matt walking towards our table. He walked with his head held high.

“Hey Julie” Matt smiled as he reached our table.

“Oh, um, hi Matt” I said quickly, and then turned around facing Serafina, and Becky. I heard him chuckle behind me.

“I didn’t skip class just so I could walk to lunch with a bunch of lower classman and say hi to you.”

I turned around in shock
“Wait, you skipped class?” I asked. I mean, how could anyone skip class; they would miss so much! And they would also get a detention.

Matt let out a chuckle “Yes, I skipped class.” He pulled a chair from the table in front of ours and swung it to our table and sat down. “The reason I walked all this way is because I had forgotten the math homework.” He smirked.

“But I alrady told you and you wrote it on your hand.”

“Yeah, but I washed my hands and it came off.” He put his arm on the table and I noticed the muscle on his forearm. On his hand was faded pen.

I couldn’t help but let out a little giggle “I don’t have it with me, it's in my locker. But I can go get it.” I said getting up from the table. Before I could stand up Matt grabbed me by my arm and pulled me back down.

“How about you just text it to me tonight. That way you can sit here and finish your meal.”  Matt laughed, gesturing to my lunch tray. My face turned a dark shade of pink.

“I can just go to my locker; I don’t even have you’re number”

“Well then, I guess you’re going to have to give me your number.”

“Oh uh okay, do you have a pen and paper?” I asked him.

“I have a pen you can just write it on my arm.” He offered.

“I think we have all learned that when you write things on your arm it doesn’t work.” I laughed.

“Good point.”  Matt thought for a moment. “Ah, why don’t you write it down on my neck.”

I couldn’t contain my laugh. Did he actually want me to color on his neck? “You’re kidding right?”

“No, I'll see it when I take a shower. Write your number on my neck.”  Matt handed me a pen, and I took it. He scooted his chair closer to mine, and I leaned over and wrote my number on his neck. While uncontrollably giggling the whole time.

“Alright, you have my number now.” I closed the cap on the pen and handed it to him.

“Alright well, I guess I better get to class.” He stood up from his chair “Ladies” He nodded his head to Serafina, and Becky who just gave him a small smile. We watched as he walked out the cafeteria doors.

“Oh my gosh, he so wants you!” Serafina queeled.

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