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 Chapter 7

“Matt saw us” I giggled trying to catch my breath as I hopped in the passenger seat of his black jeep. The car smelt  like a cigarettes, and frebreeze. Although something about the smell was comforting.

“don’t worry about.”

 “Wait a minute.” I said as Jason put the keys in the engine.


“I can’t go to a bar dressed like this.” I motioned to my outfit.

“Why not?”

“I don’t really think this is bar attire. I mean I scream stick in the mud.” I laughed.

“I have to stop by my house anyway to get my base. So you can borrow some of Fenes clothes.” He said pulling the car out of the restaurant parking lot. I tried to picture myself wearing Serafina’s clothes, her skirts were already short on her, and because I am at least seven inches taller than her, lord knows where they will go up to on me.And lets not forgert that  her boobs were way bigger than mine, no way would any of her dresses look right on my chest.

“Ok.” I smiled at him . And chipping the pink nail polish off my fingers

“You seem nervous.” He said quickly glancing over at me, but then turning his attention back to the road.

“Won’t Serafina think it's strange if I ask her to borrow clothes so I can hangout with you?”

“She went to Hunters house.” He said shrugging his shoulders.

“Oh” I said trying to hide the jealousy that was starting to bubble up inside of me. I mean after the way Hunter was touching me in the hallway after the math test, I kinda had hope that maybe;just maybe he would like me.

“After this show you aren’t going to turn into a groupie are you?” He joked

“It depends how well you play.” I joked remembering the time his band played in middle school.

“I guess I will just try and play in the hopes of impressing you.” He teased

I laughed and shifted in my seat so that I was facing him, but the seat belt around my body resitricted me from doing much.

“So whose in you’re band?” I asked interested

“Billy, Keith, Zach, and Lance.”

“Ew you still have Lance in the band?” I laughed and covered my mouth.

“What wrong with Lance?” He laughed pretending to be offened.

“The kid NEVER showers, and he tried to braid his arm pit hair.” I exclaimed with a grin on my face.

“But, he is the best dam drummer I have ever heard.” He beamed triumphantly.

“Oh! is that so?” I teased.

“Its quite a coincidence..... I happen to be the best dam base player around.”

“You are oh to modest.” I laughed

“Is Julia Cox being sarcastic?”

I tried to give him the best mean glare I could without smiling.

“It’s Julie

“eh same difference.”

“you are such a… a…. a Butt!” I insulted. I didn’t really like to curse, I have never been angry enough to find a reason to curse. So I haven't.

“Oh is that so..... I am a butt.” He grinned glancing over at me.

“yep” I said popping the p

“Well in that case.... I am sorry”

“As you should be.” I huffed face forward in my seat, hoping he wouldn't she the smile that I was trying hard to hide.

He just laughed at me and shook his head. “Things I should warn you about tonight. 1, there will be a lot of people smoking.”

“Cigarettes or…”


“Will you?” I asked


“It’s a bad habit” I practically whispered while looking at my hands. “ya know? Smoking cigarettes. You can get addicted, and it ruins you’re lungs.”

There was a long silent pause “There will also be a lot be a lot of drunk people. So just stay close.” He answered ignoring what I had just said. And I wasn’t interested in starting an argument so I just dropped the topic.

“Are bars really wild?” I asked feeling a little nervous. I could tell he was relieved that I had dropped the smoking topic.

“well bars arent….” He trailed off

“But we are going to a bar right?” I asked raising my eyebrow at him.

“Bar.....abounded warehouse.... Same difference right?” He shrugged his shoulder.

“Are you kidding me!” I screamed.

“Jules,  this really doesn’t make a difference.”

“Is this warehouse legal?” I asked.


“Oh my gosh. I shouldn’t have ditched the dinner.” I said in defeat while putting my hands over my face. “I am doomed” I groaned  into my hands.

“Oh come’on its going to be fine. I wouldn’t put you in a situation where I though you would get hurt or in trouble.” He said placing his hand on my knee and giving it a soft squeeze. My whole body freezed. And I stared at his hand that was now lingering on  my knee that was crossed over my other leg.

“Stop the car.” I blurted

“Wha-what I can’t stop the car I am in the middle of the highway.”   He  frantically explained and removed his hand off my leg.

“Well then get off at the nearest exit. And pull over. I just need sometime to think.” I said rubbing my temples.

He let out a groan and pulled out to the nearest exit and pulled over next to a few small houses “I think I should go home.” I said.

“Don’t do that.” He pleaded looking at me with those adoring eyes

 "No I think I better. You don’t have to take me I can walk”

“that’s a long way to walk, and besides. No way I am letting you walk. There are some crazy people out at night.”

“I can call Matt or something.”

He slowly moved his hand back to my bare knee. “We can just hangout, we don’t have to go to the warehouse.”

I looked up at him, and I really didn’t want to leave. I was being a bit dramatic about the whole abandoned warehouse thing. After all going to a bar is just as illegal as an abandoned warehouse, because I am underage. And I really did want a chance to see his band play.

“Okay fine.” I said looking up at him and hesitantly putting my hand on top of his. “I am probably going to be grounded anyway  so lets make the most of it.” I smiled. I liked how warm his hand was, and the fact that it was rough, but comfortable on my leg. And my hand positioned on his was pleasant.

“So to the warehouse?” He asked trying to understand what I was saying.

“Well first you’re house, but then the warehouse.”

Jason took his hand off of my leg so he could start the car, and my leg started to feel a cold chill. I  started rubbing small circles around my leg where his hand once was.  After  about 15 minutes of us just talking to talk about stuff he pulled up into the driveway of his small white house. I hopped out the car and walked up the pathway to the front door. Jason came shortly behind me, reached into his pocket for the house key and opened the door to the dark unlit house.

“Meet me back down here in a 10.” He said.


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