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Khali POV

My fist smashed into the wall once I got over my initial shock.

"Khali calm down! Anger w-"

"Asia don't tell me what the FUCK to do! Look at what you're doing right now! YOU ARE HOLDING THE B..."

"KHALI! The kids are downstairs! Lower your damn voice dumb ass. Do you want them to fucking hear you and come up here?!"

I walked over to them then I kneeled down to check Laila's pulse. I really wanted to go the fuck off on Asia but I know I shouldn't do that right now. Asia said she didn't feel a pulse but I wanted to make absolute sure.

"Wait... I'm getting something. Very faintly but it's something." I tried my best to sound hopeful but come on now. How can I? Bad shit always happen to us.

"What's all the..."

"Here call the police and tell them what's going on." I whispered as I tossed Asia my phone.

I got up and quickly ran over to the stairs to block Melanie from seeing what was going on. She must've just got home because the only ones who were here was me, Asia, the kids, and apparently Laila. I didn't even know she was here.

"Khali what's wrong with you? What's all the noise?"

"Uh, okay I really don't know. But hey I need a favor. Can you take Khalid and Katelynn for like... some hours? They like.. umm... the park."

She raised an eyebrow, probably trying to listen to Asia on the phone. I lightly grabbed her arm then lead her down the stairs.

"Khali what's wrong with you? Seriously you're acting strange. And plus you look kinda red... and... I don't know. Something's going on up there."

She tried to go past me but I put my arm out and stopped her. I was about to say something but I saw the front door open and in walks the moms. My heart started beating even faster at the sight of them. I need to get them the fuck out of here, because they'd be so devastated to see Laila like that. I can't do that to them.

"Hey Kh-"

"HEY... Y'all!" I nervously smiled.

"Khali Amir Graham, what on Earth is wrong with you?" My mom asked as she came over to me. She put her hands on my face and tried to trick me by looking me in my eyes. She used to always get me to confess simply by looking me in my eyes.

"N- nothing but umm, if umm. If the three of you were to take Khalid and Katelynn out for a few hours that would make me feel better. They're in the den and Katelynn's diaper bag is fully stocked and over there on the sofa."

They looked at me oddly but then Mama Joyce smiled. "Oh I get it. You and Asia want some alone time. Come on Mel, come on Lori."

They walked away, which caused me to let out a little breath of relief. I waited right there until they got the kids and left out the front door with them.

Once they were gone, I jogged up the stairs to see Asia still sitting with Laila's head in her lap. I dropped to my knees and grabbed Laila's hand.

"I couldn't scar them for life like that." I stared at Laila's face with a single tear falling out my eye. There isn't really any blood around her, so my guess is that she overdosed. Either that... or I don't know what the fuck happened. What's fucking me up right now is that I could have stopped this from fucking happening. If only I knew she was up here.

"This is too fucking much Khali!" Asia said as more tears rolled down her face. "As I was coming up the stairs, I was informed that my mom... she overdosed on drugs Khali. I assume they already had a funeral but I don't even know."

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