Chapter Sixteen.

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The show is half way through and I'm really enjoying meeting all of the fans. Being the only girl on the tour I thought the fans wouldn't really notice me but I get more attention then I deserve. Most of the girls want to know what its like living with the guys and I joke around and say its hell but I love all of them so much. This was my new family and they have all made me feel so welcome. Now we're doing the Q and A portion of the show and then Payton and Jaden are doing a song to end the night off. Payton plays guitar for Jaden and we all know how good of a singer Jaden is. Since we had to do it all in a time crunch we were doing 3 questions each and I was after Jackson who was on his last question.

"Whats it like being away from home?" This sweet girl asked, her voice echoing through the mic. "Ooo, that's a good one..." he paused rubbing his chin as he though of an answer. "I'm loving being on tour, but I'm a huge mommy's boy, so I'd say the hardest part of being on tour is missing her like crazy." All of the girls swooned as Jackson had the cutest answer anyone could think of for that question. Jackson walked over and passed me the mic. I was sat on the sofa next to Anthony and he had his arm wrapped around my shoulder. I kissed his cheek as I stood up and all the fans screamed like crazy. They seemed to love me and Anthony together. "How's it going everybody." I said high energy riling everybody up. "who's got a question for me?" hands flew up in the air and people shouted my name. This was one of the nicest yet most overwhelming feelings ever. "Hmmm, how bout you in the middle, the girl with the green sweater." I pointed down through all the people and she slowly made her way to the front her cheeks blush red. I hopped down off the stage and put the mic in her hand. "Who's you least favourite out of all the guys." She giggled at the question as all the guys looked shocked on stage. "Wow." I was completely gobsmacked and I made my way back up onto the stage. I paced in front of the guys making a performance for all the fans edging for an anwser. I looked down and Jaden with a huge smile on my face and it couldn't be him, or Anthony, or Payton, or Chase. This was hard until... Noen. I still loved him but I thought it would be a funny story to tell fans. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up with me. "Noen.. What can I say." I started and all the fans were laughing making the room bounce with energy. "I still love you but," I swiftly directed my words from Noen to the audience, "there was this one time that we were all having this kind of party before phase two of the tour and boys being boys were fighting, making a very angry Noen and I accidentally got hit when he was actually meant to hit mister lovely." I said laughing at the story and looking at Anthony at the last part. All the fans nicked and whispered between themselves once I said one of the many nicknames I have for him. Noen sat back in his seat and I continued.

"Are you and Anthony dating?" I knew this question would come up and I looked at Anthony who was red in the face and was hiding away in his jacket. "I'm not sure, we havent been on a date, so are we really dating?" I asked the audience more then I did him, soon enough the mic was snatched out of my hand. "Then go on a date with me Daisy." He said his voice so husky yet smooth through the mic. The fans went wild. My mind did too. "Are you asking or telling." I joked bumping his shoulder. "Daisy Fawn Bryant, will you go on a date with me." He went down on one knee and held my hand, I was so embarrassed yet head over heels that he did this. Even though he knew I hated my middle name. I nodded hiding my laughter behind my hand. He stood up handing me back the mic and sat back with the other guys and I heard them all snickering and giving him props. "Okay then guys that settles it, I will let you know how the date goes and if Anthony is successful, but let's get on with the last question because Griff is waiting." the girls all seemed to love the idea of me and Anthony dating and the fact they got Griffin next. I picked a girl from the front and she looked about 14. "Who is you bestest friend out of everyone." She asked and I looked straight back a Jaden but then I caught Payton out the corner of my eye. Which one is it really. "This it hard but hear me out." I grabbed both of them from the couch. "Jaden, my first love. You are my best friend but you're always going to be more then that. And then Payton, I never knew I could get on with someone as much as I do you. So..." I grabbed both of their hands setting the mic on the floor. "1...2...3" And on 3 I lifted Pay's hand in the air to show the fans.

After that I handed the mic to Griff and sat back down next to Anthony, he look mad almost. I placed my hand on his leg and he nudged me away. "Whats wrong." I whispered as Griff took over the stage knowing that people wouldn't hear me. "We need to talk about this now." He grabbed my hand and we walked of the back of the staged. "What the fuck was that Daisy, are you serious." I was speechless I didn't know what he was talking about. "Wha-" "Wow, you dont get it. I just asked you out on a date in front of all of those fans, doesn't that show you how much I like you." his voice got tougher and louder with more words. It hurt me to see him like this. "What did I do?" I asked softly trying to calm him. "What did you do! Fuck Daisy you don't get it. We were just up there talking bout going on a date then the next second you telling the whole world that you are always going to love Jaden." I couldn't believe he was being like this this wasn't a side I had seen before I knew he was protective but not to this extent. "I didn't mean it like that." I was getting upset by his words. "What else is love supposed to mean. " He snarled getting close to me. Tears formed in my eyes. I didn't like him like this at all. "Of all people you're supposed to be the one to understand, after all I feel for Jaden don't it tell you something, the fact that I chose you over him." Warm tears fell onto me cheeks and my throat closed as I spoke making my voice crack. "Why, you care about him more right." I couldn't believe his words he just didn't understand. "I care about you both but differently, he's my friend and you're... your my." I wasn't sure what to say after this I didn't know what he was. "Exactly, its always him." He shouted making more tears stream down my face. I never knew he could hurt my this much. The room went silent and then I felt a hand clasp in mine and pull me away from the situation. A comforting arm wrapped around my shoulder as we walked away. "Its okay I got you." I rested my head on his shoulder. Payton. I sobbed as he walked us out of the way, he always seemed to be the one there for me. This is how Anthony should be but he's the type to be overprotective and jealous but I still couldn't help to still fall for him.

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