Chapter Sixty-Four.

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The rest of my day consisted of watching Payton play on Call of Duty and just laying in bed. I had scrolled through instagram a little and also made a few TikTok's and posted them. People had gotten suspicious since I hadn't uploaded in a few days but I wanted to keep all of this private. Jaden had told me that all of my followers didn't know about Payton and I being in a relationship, would you even call it that now I don't even know? Anyways, beside the point, things would get even more confusing for them if they knew what has been going on. I Looked up from my phone to see Payton turned round in his swivel chair facing me but his phone was in his hand do he didn't notice me staring. "Pay." I called out to him and his eyes immediately met mine. My mind was reeling with thoughts of what Payton and I was now. 

I know that I don't want to lose him but how can someone be mine when I have no memory of them. "What were before all of this." I said asking the obvious, I already knew the answer I just wanted to hear the words fall from his mouth. "Soulmates." He said stepping across the room and he lay on the bed next to me and placed his head across my lap. I stared down getting lost in his aura, his scent, his eyes. "Where were you one that day?" If its one thing I haven't forgot is that he wasn't there, I know that in my lowest time I needed him but I just didn't know why. "You really want to know." His eyes sadden and I nodded. "We argued about him, I thought with him being home it would change you, change the way you thought about me. I thought you'd go back to him." He said diverting his eyes across the room as he spoke. I was a little hurt by his word because even now when I don't know what he means to me I will chose him over Anthony. 

I sat silent with him just in my lap for a while. I had no words for what he said but I know that I didn't want to push him away. I would do anything to have my own life back, my life with him. "My mom asked how you were today." He said breaking that silence. "Jo?" I said without blinking. "Oh my god, your mom." I said realising I remembered another thing. He smiled looking up at me and nodded. "She was asking if you still wanted to come for Thanksgiving." He said picking at his finger nails. I swatted his hands and I had a feeling I had done that many times before. "Thanksgiving?" I said confused, what about it?/ I thought to myself. "We planned for you to come and have thanksgiving with us, you don't have to come now if you don't want to." He said as his fingers now tapped along the bare skin of my thighs. "That sounds lovely." I smiled and he did too. "One thing?" I stated as I twiddled with his hair. He smiled softly in agreement. "We start fresh. You help me remember. I want out life back I want you back. I can only remember pieces but I want all of it I want you. I want to love you again." I blurted my heart out to him and it only made him smile wider. I couldn't help the growing tension between us as my eyes pooled into his. "Kiss me." I whispered as my face was only inches from his. He smirked leaning up so his body now covered most of mine. His hand trailed to the side of my face as he moved my hair and softly laced his lips with mine. As our lips moved and joined so many more kissed flashed in my mine. Our first kiss, our last kiss, every kiss in-between. The kiss in the pool last week, the kisses in Chase's bed. The kisses in the shower. The kissed in my apartment when Jaden caught us. I squeezed my eyes shut and relived every moment. More and more came flooding in and I remember all the time he said I love you, times he made me laugh and smile. It all came flooded back. If all I needed to do was kiss him I would have done it sooner.

With everything overwhelming me, the confusion of how my mind that couldn't think of Payton only seconds ago was now reeling with my love for him that I seemed to never forget. I placed my hand on his chest and pushed him back. I scooted up the bed any my jaw dropped. Seconds ago he was just a memory of faint crush and now he was back to being the love of my life. Shock traced all over his face and also guilt. "I... you told me to kiss you." He stammered as if he did something wrong. "No Payton. I remember." I said my voice soft and tears falling to my cheeks. "Remember what." His eyes glimmered but only if he knew the extent to my happiness in this moment. "Everything Payton, I remember all of it. I love you." I said as I straddled his lap and held him to my chest in a tight hug. 

It's the best feeling in the world and now I can't even fathom what it was like to forget him or that I even did. I kissed him again and again and each time filled me with more and more love. "I'm never leaving you again." I said into his lips. "I love you Dais." He said as his tongue danced over my jaw making me heart beat quicken and a small moan to escape my lips. The was nothing better than the high in this moment. I'm truly on top of the world. I pushed Payton down so he was laying back on the mattress and I traced my fingers up and down his torso as his eyes watch my fingers glide over every inch of him. "I never forgot you really, even though I had no memories. In my heart I knew there was something I couldn't shake about you and now all of that just seems like a dream, like non of it was real." I spoke as I focused on my fingers running over his chest. "I can't think straight when you're doing that." he whined as his hand snapped to my wrist. I smiled playfully as I just couldn't get enough of my gorgeous boyfriend right now. 

We were back to laughing and joking and I was telling Payton how weird it was that in second my life change back to the way it always has been. I ran down stairs and told everyone of my newly returned memories and the all clapped and I sarcastically took a bow as a few wolf whistled. "I'm happy for you." Ant said as I stood in the kitchen getting a glass of water. My cheeks heated as I looked down at my body and I was still only wearing Payton's hoody. "Thanks." I said harshly not giving him too much of my attention. I heard him walk away and I just lent against the counter smiling to myself as I couldn't believe how that one kiss changed my life. How Payton changed my life. I was so miserable and lonely without him. If he weren't here what would I have done. I looked down at my promise ring on my finger and a thought what if this ring were from proper. Then I couldn't lose him at all he will be mine forever. I know were young but all of this has made me truly believe soul mates do really exist. 

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