Chapter Fifty-Six.

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Griffin spoke wise words, enough to keep me in the house. It has been a couple of days since then and Pay still hadn't come home and I was sleeping on the couch because being in our room wasn't the same without him. He hasn't called or texted so I guess he needed time. Jaden hadn't tried with me either and Griff warned Ant to stay the hell away so he hasn't spoken to me but I know the day will come when he has something to say. 

I got up off the couch with the blanket still wrapped around me and went to the kitchen to get a drink and a snack for breakfast. I sat at the counter looking through my phone as I ate and I couldn't help but notice the flowers in a nice vase on the counter, those were the ones that Ant brought in on my birthday. The flowers had slowly been dying off and the color had faded except one. I looked up and it was a folded note with 'Happy Birthday' scribed on the outside. I pulled it out and opened it to see a small note on the inside. 'Happy birthday, I know im the last person in the world you want to see on your special day but I'm here to come get what's mine. Sorry for everything I did to you. love you Dais. Ant.' I couldn't believe he could be so cold. Come to get what's his. Is he serious. "Morning." Griffin said as he came into the kitchen just in his boxers. We were always the first awake in the house.

 I could never get a good nights sleep without Payton being here. "Dais?" He questioned as I was so fixated on the note. "Sorry, I was... well here." I said passing him the note. He scanned over it furrowing his brows. "But you're Payton's, we all know that." He joked lightly. "I don't know about that anymore." I softly cried. "He'll come around, he's just mad about this whole situation." He said rubbing my shoulders as he stood behind me. "You talked to him?" I asked looking back at him. "No, I can't see him staying away much longer though." He said picking up and taking a bite of my toast. "Hey!" I said playfully as he laughed. "This shit though..." He said waving the note, "It's whack." And he tossed it in the trash. "Also I need to say sorry too." He said sitting opposite me. "Sorry?" I said. "Look I knew Anthony was moving in, I should of told you." He said and I shook my head. "It wasn't your place, dont ever think that. Jaden should have told me he owed that to me and that's what you all had planned." I said reassuring him it was okay. "We all though he would have, guess now." He shrugged and get to making his breakfast. "You spoke to him too?" I asked. He shook his head, "He's not left his room since the night you left." He said stirring his eggs. "Weird." I Mumbled. "You know what else is weird", he chuckled. "What now?" I said as he kept going on. "You smell, weird." He said throwing kitchen towels at me. "Go shower." He laughed harder. "That bad?" I said with a light laugh. "Bad Dais." He laughed as I got up and headed upstairs. 

After I showered I felt better almost straight away. I put on some fresh pyjamas, dried my hair, and added some concealer to conceal my eye bags since sleep was really not my thing right now. Being in Payton and I's room made me miss him so bad to the point I couldn't even sleep in my bed because it smelled of him. I grabbed my Mac and left the room. On my way down the stairs I noticed Jaden's door was slightly open and that's a change since it had been solid shut since everything. I walked down the stairs and as I turned the corner I saw a puffy eyed Jaden. He didn't look good at all. He looked up from his phone and jumped slightly as he saw me. "Didn't expect me huh?" I said calmly. "No." He mumbled as he walked passed and headed to the stairs. I knew he was hurt. But I was too. "Actually." He said and I heard him turn behind me. I turned to face him. "You okay?" I said confused since this was the first we'd spoke. "Can we talk?" He said gesturing for me to come upstairs. "Okay." I understood we needed to talk even if I was mad. "Okay but give me 5, need to tidy and make Ant leave the room for a bit." I nodded and went and sat on the couch while I waited. 

Soon after I heard footsteps coming down the stairs so I looked up to see Anthony walking through the house. "Dais?" He called. I looked over at him and he too looked just as upset as Jaden. "Yep." I said scowling. "He said you can go up now." He added. "Cool." I sarcastically replied. "Wait, I saw you got my note." He called back. "Sure I did, Griff trashed it too." I smirked as I walked away and up the stairs. 

I went into Jaden's room and despite the tidying it was still a mess. The first thing I noticed was the bear on his bed that I got him a few years back and I couldn't help but feel bad for all of this. "Sit." He said patting the bed next to him. I sat cross legged facing him ready for the conversation I was dreading to have. "So." I said awkwardly getting it started. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I don't want to drag this out so I'm just going to say it straight." He sighed. "Okay." I nodded. "Look, Yeah I knew he was coming, and yeah I knew I was supposed to tell you but he wasn't supposed to turn up when he did. Even tho that's no excuse. I Was supposed to tell you when we went to the beach on your birthday but I haven't seen you that happy in a long time. Even when we were together you were never that happy and I didn't want to ruin that so I thought I'd wait and that's the biggest mistake I ever made." He said choking on his words as tears fell down his cheeks. "You were my friend Jaden, though all of this you owed it to me too tell me that and you didn't which ended up ruining my day. It's ruined everything. You might not of noticed but where's Payton huh? He's not here. He couldn't deal with this because out best friend lied. My best friend lied. You lied. After everything that's happened I thought you could be honest with me Jade and no, I got nothing." I said the anger building in me. All my emotions came from missing and loving Payton. "I'm sorry but I didn't want any of this to happen. I love you Dais. I never wanted to hurt you ever. I was just confused." He said with more tears. I got confused since he was so upset. "What are you talking about here Jaden." I sighed. "I know I've lost you. I knew all along I would lose you. You know how much it fucking sucks seeing you happy with some other guy that ain't me?" He sobbed into the pillow. "Jaden you know I love you but you know were better as friends." I said rubbing his back to try and sooth him. "And that's the part that's sucks, because as you friend I shouldn't have let all of this happen to you." I hugged him and we just sat there, in each others arms for a while. A while turned into hours and we cuddled and talked about everything and in the end it was okay. 

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