Chapter Thirty-Six.

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Payton's P.O.V 

It was around 4 AM when I saw the photo and I couldn't be the one to tell her, I couldn't be the one to break her heart. I knew Anthony would fuck up at some point but I didn't think it would be this soon. Last night at some point Anthony sent a photo to the boys group chat, obviously unintentionally. He was at a party, kissing some girl, that clearly wasn't Daisy. I had been on FaceTime to he most of the night and I only saw the photo once the call had ended and she went to sleep. All the guys have seen it, Jaden, Noen, Griffin, Jackson, Josh, Chase... All of them. Then he had the audacity to put 'oops my bad.' as the caption. I couldn't believe it. I'm glad Daisy wasn't in the group because it would have been horrible for her to find out that way but now one of us has to tell her and I can't let it be anyone else other then me. 

I jumped out of bed after talking I the group with everyone and I decided there was only one way to do this. I had to go to her. I had to clear this all up. I had to be there for her, as nothing else then a best friend and this is what I should do. For once I had to just not think about how I feel about her or about all of this and I just had to be there for her. I messaged the group to see who was awake since it was 11am already. 

Payton: who's up.

Josh: not me

Bryce: I am but I haven't slept night boys

Jaden: I am come to my room we need to talk...

Payton: sweet gimme a sec. 

I grabbed some shorts and put them on since I just got out of bed in my boxers. I ran round to Jaden's door and went in to see him still just sat on his phone in bed. "Hey, what's up?" I asked wondering why he wanted to see me. "We have to be the ones to tell her Pay, it's only right that it's either me or you." He said sitting up hunching over a pillow or two. "How, we can't just call her that's cruel." I said ruffling my hair our of my face. "I'm going to get my stuff so I can tell her but that's not for a few days, and we can't just pretend to her like everything its okay." He continued. "I'll go, I'll go now. I should have been there for her this whole time, after he hit her. After all of it." I said blurting it all out and Jaden's face dropped. "What?!" He exclaimed. "Yeah bro, that dark mark on her face the other day. It wasn't a shadow. It's a bruise. A fucking bad one." I could see the anger in his face and it matched my feelings too. "Why didn't you tell me?" He growled clenching his fist since he was so mad. "I only found out last night when I was talking to her." I said calming him down. If I would have known sooner I would have told him. 

The door creeped open and it was Bryce. Bryce Hall, he's another on of the guys staying at the house and he's really good friends with Jaden. "You guys talking about Daisy?" He said awkwardly interrupting. "Yeah." Jaden said. "You need to tell all of the others to not tell her anything yet, were thinking of a way to fix this." Jaden added and Bryce nodded and left the room. "Look, I'll go, I'll book the flight and you could tell her your coming early, I can ring you and message you to talk to her as if you are coming and then when she expects it to be you at the doo ir will be me. I can make all of this right its my only chance. Please Jaden I have to do this." I said explain the whole plan I thought about all night. He smiled wider than I had ever seen. "You really want this huh?" he said and I nodded repeatedly. "Then go pack a bag buddy." He said rubbing my shoulder and a smile just grew across my face. 

Daisy P.O.V

I just woke up and it was like 2pm, I was up most of the night on FaceTime to Payton and I need a hell of a lot of sleep. the travelling home from Anthony's and then staying up till like 3am just knocked it out of me. I pulled my body our of bed and headed to the shower. Jaden's cologne was on the counter top and i just had to smell it. It reminds me of all the times we spent together just being goofs in the shower and just all the times he'd smell like this, it was my favourite to put on hoodies and everything. Anthonys it the same, I guess it just the smell of your boyfriends cologne it hits different. I hopped in the shower just washing my hair mainly so I would be ready for the day. I had to go get some groceries since there was nothing in the fridge. 

After my shower I blow dryer my hair and then just quickly put on some mascara and got dressed. It was so cold back home compared to the weather I was used to while on tour. So I put on some leggings and a thick sweater and some converse and then I was almost ready to go. It was so annoying that my car will still at my parents house. I left it there when we left for tour since I didn't want to leave it in the apartment parking lot over the whole of the summer. I went back over to my bed and grabbed my phone and there was 3 missed calls from Jaden. Shoot. I quickly rang him back and he answered after a few seconds. "Sorry I was showering, what's up?" I said as he picked up. "It's fine, I was just ringing to tell you that I have to come a little early." He said and I got so excited. After being home for just one night alone it was horrible. "Sure, when you thinking?" I asked. "Well the flight is book for... erm...Pay when it's it?" I heard him whispering as he spoke. "Oh I should get there around 8 tonight, is that good." He said and I just smiled wider. I knew he was coming to get his things to move out but I was just happy to see him. "Sure I will pick you up. What air port?" I asked and I hear him sigh. "Its Chattanooga airport." I heard Payton in the background. I think he was just helping Jaden book the flight he was always so clueless when doing things like that. "Okay not too far then, i'll be there at pick up for eight." I chirped. "See you there." He said and he hung up. I was just over the moon about it. after constantly being with all of them for the most of the year to going to nothing it was so nice just the thought of seeing Jaden for a few days.

I got an Uber to take me to my parents house so I could get my car out of the garage. Once I got there I used my key to get into the house so I could open the door for the garage and also get my car key. They must have redecorated since the last time I was here. there is still all the same furniture but I was just moved round and the walls were painted differently than what I remember. They were still on their work trip so the house seemed so empty and cold. 

I couldn't find my keys in the usual spot, the fruit bowl, so I rang my dad. "Hey munchkin." He said making me roll my eyes. He knew I hated it. "I'm at the house do you know where my keys are?" I asked and I heard him sigh, I knew there was something wrong. "In the safe, in our room." he said deeply. I walked up the stairs and stayed on the phone. I walked past my old room which was now my Mom's office. "I like what you have done to the place." I said making conversation since my dad went so silent. "Just tell her." I heard my mom in the background. "Look sweetie we didnt want to tell you like this but were selling the house, were moving." he said letting out an even deeper sigh. "Seriously?" I questioned. "Yes, we have sorted out the res of your things and put them in your car trunk." He said. "Where are you moving too." I smiled. It was nice that they decided to move, they just need a place for the two of them now. "Britain, were moking to the UK." he said and my jaw just dropped. "Your leaving me." I furrowed my brow. "You have been doing your own thing honey, you have friends, you have a career now. You don't need us anymore." He said calmly. "What so just because I haven't been home all summer you decided just to run away to a different country. Love you too dad." I said sarcastically before hanging up. I was so mad at them. If I hadn't have rant I would have never known. 

I got my keys out of the safe and went down to the garage and left in my car. I was so angry at them. I know I have my own life now. But what 17 year old doesn't need their parents. Once I had drove down a little more away from the house, I plugged my phone in and I rang Anthony while I still drove. My phone was down in the side pocket but my car had bluetooth so I could still talk to him. "Hey babe." He said as he answered. His voice sounded groggy so I guess he hadn't woken up that long ago. "I'm so mad right now." I said just venting to him. "Why, are you okay?" He asked sounding so cute with his morning voice. "No I'm not. My parents are moving to England. They were just going to leave me here. I went to get my car and I just found out. It's fucked." I said so mad but still concentrating on the road. "Holy shit. Why would they do that?" He questioned and I just didn't know what to say. "They basically said it was because I have been doing my own thing and I don't need them anymore." It was the only thing I had to say. My mind was just so jumbled. "They're not wrong, this whole summer you have only called like once or twice. Maybe this is a good thing. They get time to themselves and you have me now. I'm all you could ever need right baby." He just knew what to say. he always knew the right things to say. I smiled and though about how much I missed him. "I could really use a cuddle right now." I said as I missed his warmth. "I know me too, look i'll call you later okay I need to shower." He said and I said 'I love you' before hanging up.

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