Chapter Nineteen.

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Since mine and Anthony's talk I have been kind of distant. He hurt me and I know that I have forgave him but I'm not feeling like I just want to jump back into things and fully trust him after what happened. Even though it made me realise that I do like him a lot, it also showed me that I could fall for him and get my heart broken. I'm not ready to feel heart broken again, or confusing shit like all the Jaden stuff. Talking about him, Jaden and I have gotten closer after all of this. I never thought we could come out the other end of all of this and still be as close as we was. Even though the main reason me and Anthony argued was because of Jaden and I, I still couldn't help but have the connection with him I will always have. Same goes for Payton. He's my best friend. I  am so glad to have met him he's one of a kind and he's mine I guess. My Best friend. 

We're in another state now, and the show is in a couple of days so we have time to kill. Tour would soon be over, we have like 6 more stops which don't seem a lot but its going to be like 4 weeks at the most and after that we all go back home and I don't know what I'm going to do with out the guys. I will still have Jaden though which is a bonus. 

Anthony and I were sat in my room and all the others were out making videos and shopping but we decided to stay in since I'm on my period and I didn't feel so good, well definitely not to go shopping anyway. "This movie sucks." Anthony laughed as he pressed paused. We were using Payton's laptop to watch the movie on. "I told you I'm trash at picking, plus how can you now like To All the Boy's, Payton makes me watch this all the time." I laughed thinking back to when we watched it on the tour bus. "Let me pick then." He said snatching the MacBook from my hands. "Don't do something too cheesy." I exclaimed knowing what he is like. "Hey, this isn't cheesy." He said picking the notebook. "one hundred percent cheese." I laughed, he knew I hated romance movies. "Your just heartless." He laughed playfully punching my shoulder. "Heartless huh?, guess I can't kiss you then." I sarcastically boasted making him pout out his bottom lip. "I wanna kiss." I whined in a baby voice. He was so cute when he wanted to be. "Aww who knew Anthony Reeves could be so sweet." I smiled and he shook his head. "I will show you how... Not so sweet I can be then." He grabbed my sides tickling me making me squirm and jolt in the bed. I squealed and laughed trying to get him to stop but it only made him do it more. "Ant.. please.. my- m- ...cramps. Please." He eventually stopped with the my cocky smirk spread across his face. "I hate you." I smiled and he looked at me furrowed eyebrows. "Well then, I hate you to." He said hitting a pillow off of my head. 

He was cute I couldn't deny it but I don't know if I see him as the same anymore. He truly did hurt me with that argument and it made me think that maybe I dont know him as much as I though I did. Did I rush into this? Was it right to leave Jaden? Who is Anthony Reeves to me? "Tell me?" He asked in a stern voice. "Huh?" "I know when there's something on your mind Daisy, it's written all over your cute little face." He said pinching my face. I hesitated for a moment or two. Do I tell him? Things are so good right now, do I potentially ruin it? "Ant, things have been on my mind." I started and he placed his hand on my leg comforting me. "Look, I know things have been good with us but since the argument I've been stressing about things." I sighed at the end no know how he would react. "Stressing about what?" He said up pushing his hair back out of his face. "I do really like you but, I don't know you. Not really. And I keep thinking that maybe I didn't make the right decision, like I don't know how to be around you. I don't know if it's okay to talk to my friends, or even share a room with Payton anymore. Or even hug Jaden. I'm scared of how you're going to react and I shouldn't be scared of you. But I can't help it. We have good moments but I don't know you but all I know is that I want to be with you and it scares me that if I do something you don't like you're going to react in a bad way, and I am going to lose you." I had to tell him. I wasn't sad because if he understood he would make it right. "You do know me, Ive been your friend as long as I have Jaden's." He looked upset his eyes were filling like ponds on the pavement. "I know you as a friend but not as a lover." I said getting deeply lost in his sadness. If there was one thing I knew about Anthony it was how sensitive he was. "How is that any different?" He took a step back on the bed edging away from me, this isn't want I wanted. "I don't know nothing about you. Your mom's name and your dad's name, your birthday, how can we have a relationship when I don't know the little things. They're to most important. It feels like the only thing I know is that argument now." I could tell I was upsetting him but it's better than lying. "Fine then, we still havent gone on that date so let's do it. That's what couple do right, they date, they go on dates, so let's do it." A smile drew across is face changing the whole energy in the room. I couldn't help but smile, If he was willing to try and fix this, this was the time. "It's a date." I giggled getting slightly red, blushing actually. Finally a date with Anthony and I couldn't wait.  

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