Chapter Eighty.

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Daisy's POV.

I knew this meant so much to him to try and fix this but I knew I fi did it would only give me more chances to hurt him and that's the last thing I want. I knew if I didn't choose I'd be the most selfish person on the planet but I couldn't bare to lose either of them. "You can't expect me to do that." I rolled my eyes. I knew he was fighting to stay calm but he only kept getting more and more filled with hurt as time went on. "Daisy, I need to know now. Me or him. I can give you the life we always planned, we can ditch the fucking LA house, we can move in together. " He sounded so hopeful I just didn't know how to let him down. This would have been so much easier to tell him I cheated, that I slept with Jaden then he would want to leave. But I couldn't lie to him and hurt him in that way. I'm not quite sure what would have happened if Payton hadn't walked in but I glad he didn't.

"Payton, I want you, I really do. But its always going to be him. Its always Jaden. I want him. I know this is hard but I can't do this to you no more. It's tiring seen you worry about me and him. I et now why you worried but that's not fair. You'll be happier with out me." The words burnt as they left my throat but I knew there was no other way to tell him. "That's it then. After everything I've help you with, after falling in love over the summer you're just going to what, get rid of me." He scowled. He had every right to be angry. "I'm sorry. I don't know what else I can do. This can't work anymore. Look at us. Since when do we stand screaming at each other." I couldn't make him see that this was the better option. "You can stay with me, you can love me like you did before all of this happened." He sobbed as he threw the once promise ring across the apartment. I flinched at the noise as it rolled across the floor before lading flat, caving just how my chest felt. "If you do this were not friend, you don't talk to me and I'll leave the sway house and let you and him be happy." He stood to his feet brushing off his clothes. All of a sudden his mood chilled and he just seemed so drained. "You're right. This isn't us. You ruined that by cheating, yes is was only a kiss and you betrayed me and I never thought you would do that. So tell me. Me or him."

I hesitated with my answer, losing him was the worst case scenario but I couldn't be with Jaden and just what him stand on the side lines. "I'm sorry but it's him." I looked away shamefully. "Right," He nodded. "There's just one more thing I need to do then before I leave." The tone in his voice was so harsh it felt like daggers piercing my spine. His hand reached over to the side and grabbed my phone. "So," He spoke and the phone was up in his face. "As you might be able to tell I'm at Daisy's place, And as some of you may know Daisy and I have been dating for around five months now." I couldn't believe what he was doing. "Payton, stop it." I said trying to snatch the phone from his hands.

He only turned the camera around to face me. "But what you don't know is that her and Jaden Hossler were a thing before tour and they cut things off. Well guess what she's loved him this whole entire time." He had a sarcastic tense tone to his voice and I tried to get the phone but he only lifted it further. "Look at her so cute in his shirt. Yep that's right." He flipped the camera back. "She cheated. Now you would have thought that since Anthony cheated on her she would know how it feels but no, she cheated and broke my heart." The audio started playing back. I looked at him and his face was blank. The Payton I knew was gone. "You better not." I stepped forwards gaging what he was doing on his phone but it was to late. It was posted. I pushed into him grabbing back my phone. Before deleting it I saw that is already had 3.6k views. I knew that this would never end.

I screamed at him to get out and he left without at word. Who knew he could be so nasty, so cruel. I know I hurt him but that's just too much. I sat curled up on the bean bag sobbing for what felt like hours. My phone was blowing up with notifications but I knew what it would be about and I knew I couldn't face any of it. Sure enough by now its all over TMZ and HollywoodFix, maybe even Keemstar has a new episode ready dedicated to the whole thing.

"Holy fuck Daisy," Jaden burst in the door. I couldn't move my whole body was in shock. "I got here as quick as I saw. Did he hurt you? Are you okay?" He rushed over checking over my lifting my body and sitting next to me as he cupped my face. "You haven't looked, have you?" He shook his head immediately knowing my answer. This was all my fault, Jaden never wanted any of this. "I'm so sorry I didn't know he do that." I winced at the memories passing through my mind with every beating second that went by. "I don't care about that Dais, I'd rather it be out there. Not this way obviously but it means no more hiding." he sweetly smiled. I never knew that any of this would happen if I could turn back time to when I first agreed to join this tour, my answer would be the complete opposite now. I'd take all of it back. I love Payton but I never knew him to be so vindictive and in that moment all the thing's I felt/ fell for him vanished.

Jaden finally got me too look at all the comments, news, all the stories, lies and conspiracies and I just couldn't take any of it. "There has to be something I can do?" I put my phone down. "I don't think now's the time." Jaden advised but I couldn't just leave it. "The longer I leave this the worse the situation will get." I knew he was right but I just needed to be done with the whole situation. "I have to do something, I have to post something. It all needs explaining. Think of all those people, our fans. I can't leave them in the dark like this." Jaden only nodded. That's when I decided. I never wanted to even be a content creator is just happened. One video, one youtube video and I could explain and end all of this. I had to post on my story with a short explanation and the rest would follow.

 I had to post on my story with a short explanation and the rest would follow

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