Chapter Fifty-Seven.

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After talking with Jaden the was a weight lifted of my shoulders. I wouldn't say I forgave him but we were past it now. After talking I helped him tidy his room since it was a mess. Anthony's clothes were on the floor and all the stuff was trailed out of his bag. I picked up some stuff and put it back, in just to help keep things clean. I picked up one thing. His cologne. I couldn't help but lift it up and smell it. He did always smell so good. It flashed memories through my eyes. The dates, tour or when he swung a punch and the smell would follow through. "You missed that?" I heard his voice from behind making me jump from the sudden noise. "Fuck." I laughed as I nearly fell. "But no." I said putting it in his bag. I didn't want to talk to him, just seeing him made me hurt. "I'm just tidying for Jaden, it's a tip in here." I said as a continued. "My bad." he said jumping on the bed laying back folding his arms. "Why?" I said under my breath as I moved over to Jaden's side of the room. "Why what?" He smirked. "You know what?" I scowled. "Why did you do all that shit to me, you know I'm covered in scars from the things you did to me." I just let it all go and screamed right at him. "What the fuck gave you the right to do all of that huh? Why Anthony. Tell me! I wanna fucking know." I was screaming the house down, angry tears left my eyes and my throat clenched with each word. He was completely taken back just sitting still on his bed. "This is all of you fault." I couldn't stop myself. "Hey, hey Daisy. He's not worth this." Griffin said running in the room grabbing my wrist and pulling me away. I collapsed onto him sobbing. "Shhh." He cradled me standing in the hall way. "Its okay." He wrapped me tightly in his arms. "I've got you." He said calmly. "I just want Pay, where is he? I need him Griff. Non of this is okay without him." I sobbed, everything had just gotten too much. "I can't do it with out him." I said quietly. "I don't know where he is." He said looking in my eyes. "Come on let's go sort you out." He said lacing his fingers in mine and walking me into my room. "Not here." I said as we approached the door. He turned and we went to his room which was just down from mine. 

Payton's POV

I had to stay away from Anthony because I knew if I saw him id beat his ass. the nerve he has to show on her birthday aggravated me so bad I just had to stay away. I couldn't talk to Daisy either, no matter how much it killed me after that argument I couldn't bear the though of her tell me I've lost her, I couldn't even pick up my phone. Chase let me stay with him but I didn't want to over stay my welcome so I knew I would have to leave soon. My phone had been buzzing all day but looking at the screen gave me so much anxiety incase it was something I didn't want to see so it just didn't look at it once. I had been thinking about all of this and things Daisy said and I just couldn't escape my head. "You good in here?" Chase said popping his head around the door. "As good as I can be." I said glumly. "You want go eat?" Chase said and I shook my head. "Dude you gotta eat, you've not had anything since Dais left." He said sympathetically. "You spoke to her?" just the sound of her name made me think about if she's doing okay. "No, she hasn't call or anything." Chase answered. "What bout the boys?" I asked seeing If there was any news. "I mean just Griffin but nothing much." He shrugged coming in closing the door behind him. "Dude you look like ass, you have the same clothes on, your not eating maybe you should head back soon." He said sitting next to me. "I can't." I replied quickly. "She won't hate you, I know your thinking it but there was just a little pressure building up between you too with everything its bound to cause arguments but we all know she loves you." Chase said and I knew she did but what if she changes her mind. "Did Griff say anything about her?" I just needed to know she was okay. "I mean..." he started. "What is it?" I moved to the edge of my seat know it was bad. "I was on face time to him yesterday morning and he was cooking and I saw her sleeping on the couch behind him so I asked like 'yo whats up with her?' and he said she's not good and she's been sleeping on the couch and not talking it anybody." I Knew she weren't okay and it was my fault. 

I just sat laying with my thoughts and Chase was playing on fortnite. I've been staying in his room with him since this house is packed with people and his room is off limits so I knew I could be left alone. I want to see he so bad but I knew the worse was coming I felt it deep down. I was disturbed by my phone ringing once again over and over. It was face down and I didn't even want to look. I turned the other way and put the pillow over my head letting out a sight because I just didn't want to face anything. The buzzing stopped so I moved the pillow away. Next thing I know it was Chases phone buzzing. He answered and I listened in. "Griff?" He said confused. "Slow down, what?" He said shooting to he feet and I sat up too. "Fuck is she okay?" He said looking around. "My keys. We gotta go." He said looking me dead in the eyes. I'd only seen that look on Chases face once before. I knew it was bad. Like bad bad. "We coming." he said hanging up. "What?" I asked shoving on my shoes. "Its Daisy. I don't know. We just got to get going okay." His voice was shaky and his eyes were filled. He was as white as a ghost. "What the fuck has she done?" I shouted looking at how distraught he was. "I don't know how bad it is so we've got to get there quick okay." He said pacing the room with his hands behind his head. I knew instantly.  I knew it was my fault. 

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