DDM~Scawy People

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Age: 3
"Ready y/n. We're all done," Brendon asked.

"Go home," you asked.

"A few more shows then we can go home. I have to meet fans and sign stuff for them," he said.

"Are they Scawy," you asked.

You were a very shy child and you've never been around fans before. He lifts you up, putting you onto his hip, "No they aren't scary.  Zack and I will be around you okay."

"Can I bring rhino," you asked, pointing at the grey stuffed rhino.

"You can," he said, handing it to you.

"Let's go and get this over with," Zack said, laughing.

As you guys were walking up to the fans, Brendon grabbed a Sharpie and started signing signatures. People kept screaming and waving at you. You saw arms getting close to you and Brendon. You hid your face into Brendon's neck, fans in awe, "she's so cute."

As you moved your head up, a pair of hands from a fan snatched your rhino from your hands. You tugged lightly on Brendon shirt, getting his attention, "what's the matter baby?"

"Someone took rhino," you said as tears start coming down.

"Have any of you seen a stuffed rhino? If any of you have it, please give it back," Zack said.

You cried, wiping your eyes. Zack took you from Brendon so he could finish signing more signatures. As Zack took you into the tour bus, you ran over Mike, crying on his lap. "Hey why the tears," Mike said, having you in his arms.

"They took rhino," you cried, setting your head on his chest.

"Aww. I'm sorry you lost rhino. How about we take you to a toy store and let you pick one toy. If someone finds it, we won't get one.  Want some animal crackers," Mike asked.

You nod your head yes as you rubbed your eyes. You went over to Nicole and set you on her lap. Zack handed you a bag of animal crackers, drawing shapes on your back with his finger. "But hey at least no one hurt you. This happened before you were even born but someone hurt daddy while he was performing and made him fall down," he said, showing you the video and the picture of brendon's eye afterwards.

"Did it hurt? Why they do that," you asked.

"Yeah it did. I had to go on stage and make sure if he was okay.  They did it just to be meanies. But you stay with me or Brendon okay. We won't let meanies hurt you but most aren't meanies," Zack said.

As soon as Brendon came in the bus, you went over to him, wanting him to hold you. He lifted you up onto his hip, "I have some good and bad news. A fan found your rhino but his leg is ripped."

You burst into tears, crying onto brendon's chest, "they meanies."

Brendon let out a slight laugh, "Yeah some can be meanies. I'm sorry, baby."

You hugged brendon as you kept on crying, "I no want daddy hurt."

Brendon's heart sunk when you said that. Zack told him what he told you. Brendon wiped the tears off your cheeks, kissing your cheek, "I'm not hurt. I'm perfectly fine. If you don't feel comfortable being around fans, tell me and I'll let you be with Zach okay."

"I can try and fix that for you," Nicole said.

"Pwease," you said through your sniffles.

Nicole hugged you, "I'll try my best."

"While Nicole is fixing it, how about we have a nap," Brendon said.

You nod your head, sniffling. You were getting tired so you would like to take a nap. Brendon lays down with you, singing a lullabye he sings to you every night. You looked up at him, tracing his tattoos with your finger, "Daddy?"

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