home from tour

927 13 1

Age 3
Brendon was on tour these past few months and you haven't been the same when he left. You would throw temper tantrums every 2 hours and sarah had to all she could to make you happy. She knew you were daddy's girl. You woke up on the couch, watching Rugrats. You went upstairs to your parents bedroom, tears starting to fall down your face. Sarah went up to you, putting you onto her hip as she drew shapes on your back, "it's okay, baby. He's coming home soon. You wanna draw something for daddy as a welcome home gift?"

You sniffled and nodded. Sarah grabbed paper and markers, letting you down and color. Sarah's phone buzzed, getting a text from Brendon.

brendon: hey baby! How's y/n/n?

pretty sad. She's been crying a lot. She really misses you :(

brendon: aww:( poor thing. I'm coming home today so that should make her happy.

alrighty:) she'll be really happy for that. Love you!♡

brendon: love you too♡

After you were done with your dinner, the tour bus parked in the driveway. As Sarah opened the door and saw Brendon, you eyes lit up and ran over to him, "daddy!"

Brendon picked you up and hugged you tightly, "hi baby!"

once he put you down, he kissed sarah's lips as you wrapped yourself around his leg. he laughs as he places onto his hip. "You really did miss me a lot, didn't you," he asked, attacking you softly with kisses.

You laughed, "yeah. i made drawing."

As brendon put you down, you grabbed your drawing and handed it to him. He looked at it in awe, hugging you tightly, "That's really good y/n/n. I'll hang it up when i go in the studio."

All 3 of you went upstairs, heading into their room. Sarah grabbed you your pajamas and pullup as brendon went and changed in the bathroom. Brendon got out of the bathroom as soon as sarah got you all dressed. Sarah grabbed her pajamas and headed downstairs to grab a few things. You and Brendon were cuddling next to each other. Brendon made a claw with his hand, tickling your stomach multiple times causing you to squeal, "Daddy. can't breathe."

Once he stopped and letting you catch your breath, the both of you laughed. "Wat you do on tour," you asked, snuggling up close.

"Daddy sang in front of thousands of people and did some backflips. I missed you and mommy a lot. ," he said, as you were about to fall asleep.

"That a lot of people. Do mikey and nicky and dan miss me," you asked, yawning.

He smiles, running his fingers through your hair, "they do. they're coming tomorrow."

As brendon sees you halfway asleep, he smiles as he kisses your forehead, "goodnight y/n/n. Love you."

"luv you," you mummbled as you snuggled closer over to brendon.

Brendon hummed a lullabye he singed to you every night, running his fingers through your hair. About 10 minutes, you were fully passed out. Sarah came in silently, smiling as she saw you snuggled up close to brendon. As long as you were happy, she was happy. Sarah snuggled up close to brendon, kissing his soft lips, "I'm glad you're back home."

Brendon kissed Sarah's lips, "me too."

A/N: sorry this is short hoped you liked it! Also happy new year my fellow vros! It's a new decade!!

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