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Age 3
You went with Sarah to the store while Brendon was at home. You were in the cart seat, playing with sarah's phone while she was grabbing groceries. The phone buzzed, "Mommyyy it daddyy."

You handed the phone to Sarah as she answered the phone, "Hello.... yeah im almost to the checkout.... okay we'll be there in a min... love you bye."

"What daddy say," you asked as she hanged up the phone and handed it back to you.

"Daddy has a surpise for you at home," she says scanning the groceries.

You got excited and started guessing on it was. 'could it be a fluffy unicorn? a kitty? another doggy? new toy? i want a new toy,' you thought.

Sarah paid for the groceries, heading to the car. As she opens the trunk and starts loading it, you tried unbuckling the buckle but it was too hard. "Mommy... i need help," you said, messing with the buckle.

She puts the last bag of groceries away, shuts the trunk, unbuckles you out of the cart and puts the cart in the cart sections. As she seats you in your booster seat and buckles you in, you point to your mask, "can i take it off?"

"You can," sarah said as she closed your door.

As she got in the car, you both took yours off and headed home listening to brendon's music. You sang along to it on the way home. Once you guys got home, Brendon came out aa Sarah unbuckled you and got you out of the car as you ran over to Brendon. he lifts you up on his hip and kisses all over your face as you laughed, "hii pumpkin you ready for your surprise?"

You nodded as you got excited. Brendon covered your eyes with his hand as he leads you up to your room. "Surpise," he said as he moved his hand your eyes.

Your open your eyes confused. You look up at Brendon, "crib?"

"you're too big for a crib you're a big girl now," he said, letting you sit on your new bed.

You liked that it was comfy but you kinda missed your crib. "Also i got you these to match with," Brendon says, holding a doggy night gown.

You took a quick bath, brendon helping you of course. He grabs a towel, wraps you up as he dries you. He puts you pullup and your new pajamas on you. You sat on the floor playing with your stuffed animals as brendon was doing your hair. After he was done, you both go downstairs and sarah was done making dinner. Sarah hands you your plate on the table as brendon helps you up on the chair. After you ate all of your dinner, you brushed your teeth and waiting for brendon to give you your sippy cup. He comes back with your sippy, putting you on his hip into your roon and puts you on your bed, handing your sippy. He takes your pic in your new bed, kissing your forehead, "goodnight baby."

You held onto his arm, "sing!"

He smiles, having you in his arms as you drinking out of your sippy, getting sleepy as he sang to you. You were knocked out, sleeping 20 mins later. He tucks you in putting your night light on and shutting the door.

A few hours later...

It started storming and you got really scared. You woke up, looking out the window seeing a big shadow. You tried looking under your bed but you were scared there were monsters under your bed. You grabbed your blanket and ran out of your room slightly. Everything was dark but not so dark. You ran to the bathroom, turning the light on, going to the bathroom, flushing and washed your hands. There was light in the living room from brendon playing fortnite. "Uuggh... fucker killed me," he said. You went beside the couch, sniffling, "daddy."

He looks down at you and puts you on his lap. "what happened baby," he asks, rubbing your back.

You shiver in his arms, sniffling, "m-monsters."

He smiles, kisses your forehead as he covers you in a blanket, "there's no monsters baby it'll be okay i'll make you another sippy."

Brendon went to make your bottle and looks up a way to make you not scared. He couldn't find anything until he had an idea. As he gave you your sippy, he put on a show on for you to watch while he went upstairs. Penny comes on the couch and lays her head on your lap. You pet her as you were enjoying your sippy. Brendon comes back with a spray bottle and stickers. You got really confused why he had it, "what's that?"

He goes down on your level, "I made a magical poiton that'll make the monsters go away. You wanna decorate it with stickers??"

You shook your head yes as he handed you the bottle and stickers and decorated it. Took you about 5 minutes and you were done. "I'm done," you showed him.

"Thats pretty baby lets spray it in your room," he says as he puts you on his hip as you had the poiton and your sippy cup.

You both go upstairs, holding him tightly as you were getting scared of the dark. You move your head when he turned on the light, "Go ahead and spray it."

He puts you down and lets you spray around. As you were done, he sprayed a bit more around and lays you down in bed, tucking you in, "Go back to bed baby goodnight i love you."

You got a hold of his arm, " stay..... monsters."

He kneels down to your height, "there's no monsters baby."

You pointed under your bed. He looks down there, "Any monsters down here?"

He sprays down there and kisses your forehead, "They're all gone. Go get some rest ill sing to you."

You held his hand and drifted of to sleep as he sanged softly. 10 minutes later and you were fast asleep. He tucks you in, kisses your forehead, turned off the light as he shut your door.

A/n: sorry i havent been on here in a while life has been crazy i hope you like this one:)

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