first words

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Age: 9 months

As brendon got done doing the dishes, he heard you babbling on the baby monitor. He went upstairs going into your room, "Hi y/n/n!! I'm guessing you had a good nap."

He lifts you up onto his hip, grabbing a few of your toys and heading downstairs. He sets you down in the middle of the floor, laying your toys out as he sat on the couch, watching you.

Sarah was out with her friends tonight so it was just you and Brendon. Brendon's phone ranged. "waddup.... sure.... alright see you then bye," brendon said before he hanged up.

He looked back at you, sitting on the floor next you. You crawled over to him, cooing. He puts you on his lap, you holding onto his fingers, "You're gonna see the band today!!"

You laughed as brendon was tickling you causing you to squeal. Brendon put you onto his hip and got up to grab him something to eat. You tried to grab his sandwich to have a taste but you couldn't reach it. "no baby. You can't have this but i can make you something you would like," brendon said, putting you in your highchair.

As he walked to the fridge, you started to throw a fit cause you wanted to be held. Brendon comes over with a bowl, "heyy.... y/n/n daddy is right here. it's okay baby. Look.... strawberries."

You ate the strawberry, the juice going down to your lips onto your bib, "see you're okay."

You grabbed a few out of the bowl and started eating them. Brandon laughs seeing your face is covered in strawberry juice, "you goofy baby!!"

20 mins later....

After Brendon got you dressed, there was a knock at the door. He put you on your hip and headed downstairs to open the door. Once Brendon opens the door, you saw the whole band and you smiled with your arms out. Nicole takes you out of brendon's hand and started blowing raspberries on your stomach causing you to laugh, "y/n/n! I missed you."

Everyone headed inside, Brendon and Dan sitting on the couch and Mike and Nicole were sitting on the floor surrounding you. They all discussed about the songs he wrote and see if it was good with them and everything. Mike grabbed you onto his lap, playing with your hair, "my god y/n/n is getting so big."

You babbled while having your hand in your mouth as Mike was acting like he knew what you were saying, "What... no way!"

You squirmed out of his lap and crawled your way over to Brendon. He holds you up and sets you on his hip as you kept babbling. "You are being one chatterbox," Brendon laughs.

"She might be trying to say her first word," Nicole said.

Everyone got surrounded by your dad. Nicole smiles, "Can you say nicky.... Nicky?"

You just babbled and laughed as you held onto her nose. Dan said,"Can you say Dan?" "Or Mikey," Mike added.

You kept on trying to say those words but it was to difficult for you. "Alright we should head out," Nicole said looking at the time which was almost 9.

"Alright it was nice seeing you guys," Brendon said as he held you onto his hip.

Them 3 waved goodbye as you waved bye back. Brendon shuts the door and fixes up your bottle. You babbled, holding onto brendon's finger. "y/n/n... say Dada," Brendon said.

Brendon repeated the word a few times so you could try to get the hang of it. "da.....da Dada," you smiled and laughed.

Brendon gasps and smiles, "Say it again baby!"

"Dada," you said, laughing.

Brendon kisses your cheeks repeatedly as you squealed, "that's my baby. Already saying your first word."

Brendon set you in your bouncer as he ran upstairs to get a few things. You tried to squirm out of it but he buckled you up in it. Your eyes start to build up tears and started throwing a fit. "Baby it's okay. Daddy is coming just grabbing a few things," Brendon yelled.

Brendon came downstairs, setting all the stuff on the couch and getting you out of the bouncer, "it's okay. Daddy is right here. I'm not gonna leave you."

Brendon changes you into a sheep sleeper and puts your bib on you. He grabs a blanket, covering both of you and feeding you your bottle. After you finished, he burped you as he took your bib off and rocked you. You didn't feel sleepy but you were up to snuggle with Brendon. You looked up at him saying, "dada."

Brendon looks down at you with a smile, "Hi baby. Mommy should be home soon. wait.... can you say mama?"

"Dada," you said.

"no not dada. mama. Can you say mama," he asked as he repeated it a few times.

"ma.... ma. Mama," you said.

"Good job baby! Who's baby are you," he asked.

"Dada," you said.

Brendon smiles, tickling you, "that's my girl!"

Sarah comes in seeing you both laughing and getting along, "Hey why is my munchkin not in bed?"

Brendon stands up, holding you on his hip, "we have a suprise for you."

Brendon hands you over to Sarah, sitting you on her lap. Brendon bent down as you held his hand, "Say it again, baby."

"Mama," you said as Sarah's eyes lit up.

Sarah kisses your cheeks repeatedly as you squealed, "My baby growing too fast."

Brendon smiles, "What else can you say baby?"

You held your hands out in the air. "Dada," you said as he held you onto his shoulder.

You yawned and laid your head on his shoulder. He looks at Sarah and smiles then looks back at you, "I'm gonna put her in bed."

Brendon walks upstairs, sitting in the rocking chair as he rocks you to sleep. You held onto his finger and slowly dozed off. Brendon hummed to you as you fell into a deep sleep. Brendon kisses your forehead, laying you in your crib as he covered you in your blanket. Turns on your night light, turns off the light and shuts the door slightly.

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