tooth fairy

862 18 6

Age 6
You woke up from your nap, rubbing your eyes and stretching. You went downstairs, looking for brendon but you found Sarah. You tugged on her pants leg, "mommy."

Sarah looks down placing you on her hip, "Hi sweetie! Looks like you had a good nap."

"Where's daddy," you asked.

She put you down, cooking, "he's in the studio."

You walked over to the studio, knocking. Brendon turned around as you opened the door. You went over to Brendon, putting you on his hip, "hi sugarbear. Wanna say hi to the stream?"

You waved to the camera, "hii.... daddy I have a wiggly tooth."

"A wiggly tooth?! Do you want me to pull it out," he says putting his hands close your mouth.

"Nuuuu! It's really wiggly," you said, covering your mouth.

"I won't pull it out. I was just joking," he laughs, kissing your forehead.

As he got done playing fortnite, you kept messing with your tooth, "baby it's gonna hurt if you mess with it."

You stopped wiggling it, and wiggled with your tongue. "Come on. Dinner should be ready," he says, heading inside the house with you on his hip.

Brendon sits you down on a chair, Sarah handing your plate filled with pulled pork, corn on the cob, and mac and cheese. You were really to dig into the corn. Once you took a bite, your tooth fell out. You cried seeing the blood coming from your mouth. Sarah grab some napkins and put it where you were bleeding as Brendon took your tooth and took a picture of it. Sarah comforted you while Brendon scrapped off all the corn off the cob.  He hands back your plate and puts the tooth in a little container. After your mouth stopped bleeding, you got back to eating. Once you were done, Brendon hugs you tightly and kisses your cheeks, "my baby lost her first baby tooth. Uuugh she's growing up so fast."

"Where's my tooth," you asked, looking for it.

Brendon hands you the little container and look at it, "daddy... what happens next? Will I no more teeth?"

Brendon laughed slightly, sitting you down on his lap, "This is your baby tooth. When your baby teeth fall out, thay means big girl teeth are coming in. The tooth fairy is gonna come tonight."

You got happy but you were also curious, "tooth fairy? What does she do?"

Brendon loved seeing you excited about it, "Once you put your tooth under your bed and fall asleep, the tooth fairy comes and takes your tooth and exchanges you with money."

"Can i go to sleep now," you said, excitingly.

You were getting very excited about this tooth fairy. You wantedto go to bed right away. It was only 6 but you go to bed around 8 or 830. "Okay but you gotta take a shower and then after, maybe we can watch frozen 2," Brendon says.

You and Brendon went upstairs and got into the bathroom. Made sure your bath water was at a right temperature and grabbed you towel and pajamas. Brendon took your clothes off and put you in the tub. Brendon grabs a cup, tilting your head as he washed your hair. You didn't mind at all. Brendon washed you up and rinsed all the soap off of you. As you got out of the bath, you shivered as Brendon covered you up in your towel and changed you into your pajamas. You sat on his lap as he put your hair in two ponytails. You headed down stairs to your momma, "Hi baby! Ready to watch Frozen?"

You nodded. Sarah handed your sippy, filled with chocolate milk and headed upstairs into your parents bedroom.

After the movie was over you, you completely passed out on Brendon. Brendon grabbed you and money, setting the money under pillow which was $5 and laid you in your bed, tucking you in.

The next day....

Brendon went up by your door, knocking as he saw you wake up, "hi sleeping beauty! Did the tooth fairy come?"

You looked under the pillow, seeing $5, "she gave me money!!"

You rushed down stairs showing Sarah, "ooooo. What are you gonna do  with the money?"

You looked back at Sarah and Brendon, "Can we get ice cream pleeeeeeease?"

Brendon and Sarah exchanged looks, "of course. We can later on today."

Brendon Urie Imagines/DDMWhere stories live. Discover now