pacis and the marker mess

597 12 5

Age 2 1/2

Brendon put you down for a nap a few mins ago and took your paci without you knowing. Brendon and Sarah are trying to get you off your pacis. You would throw tantrums if you didn't have it or if you were in a grumpy mood if you were hungry or want a snack or something. Brendon put your paci up in one of the drawers so you couldn't see it. Sarah was calling Kala while Brendon worked on some music for a while.

2 hours later...

Brendon kept on working on his music and such. He heard tiny footsteps, he looked up and saw you with your stuffie and blankie in hand and having your thumb in your mouth. Brendon smiles, lifts you up onto his hip, "Hi pumpkin was your nap okay??"

You laid your head on his chest as you watched him work a bit. You held onto your stuffie tightly and played with moo moo silently so brendon wouldn't be distracted. As you tapped on brendon's shoulder, he looks down at you with a smile, "Can i has snackie?"

Brendon still holding you, heads to the kitchen, "What do you want for snack?"

You point to the big bear animal crackers bucket. He grabs the bucket and puts some animal crackers in a bowl for you, "here you go. I'll put on blues clues for you."

You watched some blues clues and snacked on your animal crackers while brendon was working. You played with moo moo for a bit. But you started to get bored and you wanted your paci. "Daddy... i wan paci pweeease," you asked.

"I don't where it went kitten," he says as he kept on working.

As you looked around the house, brendon sighed. He hate lying to you but it was for your own good. You were getting too big for pacis. You came back to him, pouting on the floor, "I can't find it."

He puts you on his lap, "its okay. You're a big girl now! Big girls don't need pacis!"

You started to cry, you were still kinda sleepy and you wanted your paci than your thumb. Brendon tries to calm you down but you were feeling kinda fussy so you threw a fit, "I want paci!!"

Brendon rubs your back, "hey don't yell at daddy. How about you make me a drawing."

"I go cowol," you said, getting off his lap to your room.

You sniffled. You were upset with not having your paci so you wanted revenge so did a makeover with yourself so you colored your nails pink with a marker and did makeup with markers cause you watch sarah do her makeup all the time. You colored on your walls too cause you wanted to make daddy a pretty picture just like he wanted. "Daddy!! Daddy!! Daddyyy," you yelled.

Brendon ran into your room with a shocked face, "I made you pwetty picture and makeup on me."

Brendon grabbed your hand and made you sit facing you in a corner. "Don't get out of this corner unless i tell you to do you understand me," he says, sounding really angry.

As you nod your head yes, he heads to your room to clean the mess you made. You threw another big tantrum until you got out of it. Sarah ended her call and saw you in the corner crying, she goes over to you, "did daddy put you in time out?"

You nodded your head yes. "Stay right there I'll be right back," she says, going upstairs.

She goes in your room, seeing the marker mess on your wall, "Ahh that's why she got in trouble."

"And she drew on her face," he says scrubbing the last bit off.

Once he got done, Sarah and Brendon go to the corner you were in, bending down. "You can come out of time out," brendon said.

You went over to Sarah, you were still scared how brendon raised his voice at you. Brendon looks at you and sighs, "Im sorry if i raised my voice at you. You can't color on yourself or the walls, kitten. Only color on paper."

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