daddy's favorite

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Age: 6 months

Sarah put you down for a nap a while ago. Brendon was getting ready cause he had to go to an interview. He comes downstairs, buttoning up his shirt as he grabs his keys and kisses Sarah's cheek, "I'll be right back. I love you."

They both hug, Brendon wrapping his arms around her waist as she kisses him, "Have fun. I love you too."

As he was about to head out the door, Sarah said, "Don't forget we need diapers."

"Won't forget," he says, holding the door knob as he blows her a kiss and shuts the door, taking off in his car. Sarah sat on the couch, playing some soft music on her phone as she was reading a book and drinking a homemade smoothie. She did a bit of your laundry while you were sleeping. She already picked out an outfit for you to wear for tonight.

At the interview...

Laugter goes on between the 2 people. "So we heard you recently have a daughter congratulations! How's dad life for you? How's Sarah?"

Brendon smiles and nods, "yes thank you. Dad life is amazing. Y/n/n is a daddy's baby since tour is over and all that but um... she's amazing. She just started crawling a few days ago she's getting the hang of that. Sarah has been everywhere for her job. But i don't mind being a stay at home dad. It's actually fun."

"Have you experienced the shit explosions babies get," the interviewer laughed.

They both laughed. "I have that was a horrible experience i mean all over her legs and back just eww but i still love her," brendon laughs.

"I've seen pics of her on your insta and she's so cute," the interviewer said.

"Thank you. Thank you"

.....back at home

She felt nice that there was a bit of quiet time but was concered why you were sleeping for so long. She checked the baby monitor on the kitchen counter. You were in your crib, laid on your back as you were playing with stuffies around your crib, babbling. She heads upstairs to your room. Once Sarah comes into the room, you turn around but confused why brendon wasn't getting you cause usually he's the one who does every nap. She takes you out of the crib and onto her hip. You loved Sarah but not as much as you love Brendon. You start ball out, crying into tears. Sarah pats your back and sways, trying to calm you down, "daddy will be back. its okay."

You cried louder, wanting him even more. She tried everything she could think of, change your diaper, go in the swing, your pacifier, toys, bottles. You only liked it when brendon was there. You really admired his singing, you would start cooing and would be happy. Sarah makes you happy but you were a daddy's babyy of course. With tour out of the way, he's got a lot of time to take care of you while sarah was tired or gone. Sarah was exhausted, she kept swaying and patting your back but you kept on crying. Brendon opens the door with his bottom lip down as he heads over to you, seeing your tear soaked face. He got you out of Sarah's hands, swayed and gave you your pacifier. "did you miss me fussy butt," you smiled, having your pacifier hang halfway in your mouth, cooing as he smiled at you.

Sarah sighs in relief, "she wouldn't stop crying since she got up. I changed, tried feeding, playing, swing and still kept crying."

"I guess she just missed me." He laughs slightly and talks in his baby voice, "didn't you miss me y/n/n?"

You laughed as he tickled you. He wipes your tears with your finger, "now lets have mommy get some rest."

He puts you on the swing on the kitchen counter, running upstairs to change real quick. You start to burst in tears again. "Im almost done babyy I'll be down in a min," you heard from a distant.

You start to calm down a little when you heard his voice. He comes back downstairs, taking you out of the swing, putting you onto his chest as he wipes your eyes, "im right here."

You cooed as he laughed slightly. He sits on the couch with you on his chest, him humming a song as you were just cooing while he was humming. He traces shapes on your back and kisses your cheek as you cooed and went back to humming. You kept your paci in drifting off into a little nap again but not very long. Brendon takes pics of you and posted on his medias as he kisses your forehead.

@brendonurie: kinda fussy today

@petewentz: she misses her uncle petey!
      @brendonurie: @petewentz she missed me lmaoo
@nicolerow: she's so beautiful
            @brendonurie: @nicolerow ikr

He sets you on the swing, playing his music for you while he got some song writing done. Sarah ordered pizza for her and Brendon. While they ate, you woke up, crying cause you were hungry and wanted to be held. Sarah almost gets up but brendon sets her down, "I'll get her."

"hi fussy butt you're hungry aren't you," talking in his baby voice.

As he waited for your bottle to warm up, he cradles you in one arm while he had his other on you. You grabbed one of his fingers and start drooling, thinking his finger was your food. Sarah and Brendon laugh slightly. "You silly. You bottle is right here hungry girl," he says in baby voice.

He checked the temp of it to make sure it wasn't too hot. When it was just right, he fed you your bottle which you did enjoy. You cooded every now and then, Brendon singing to you while you were eating. You judt enjoyed the singing, looking right into his eyes. Once you got done, he burped which you did but a little bit of spitup but it was okie. Sarah and B sit down on the carpet, laying you down. He grabs you by the legs and looks up at Sarah, "can grab me the baby wipes?"

"Sure thing," she says, standing up as she went upstairs.

Once he unbottons and changes your diaper while he waits for the wipes, pee just starts shooting onto his face. He moved the diaper up a bit as he was getting peed on he covered you with your diaper. His face was soaking wet, "Ewwww babe im washing my face for a bit. You go change her."

She comes back with the wipes, sitting next you as she changes your diaper, "Did you pee on daddy?"

You laughed as Sarah slightly laughed, "that's my girl."

You laughed as she changed you into a blue mouse sleeper. Brendon comes back drying off his face. He looks down at you as you were crawling over to him.  He bends down, lifting you up on his hip as he kisses your cheeks repeatedly while you laughed, "there's my little kitty. You get tickles for peeing on daddy."

You laughed as he tickled you. He knew it wasn't your fault and that you were only a baby. You all headed upstairs into their room. You with Brendon, playing with him while Sarah was in the shower. He done a few airplanes with you and put you up in the air as he catched you. You were laughing, having fun. After a bit you whined and cried, wanting him to stop cause you were getting sleepy. He stops and cradles you, putting his bottom lip down, "im sorry baby. I'll stop if you don't like it."

You yawned really big, laying your head on his chest. He smiles, petting your head, "looks like someone is getting sleepy."

You whine and start crying again for your pacifier. Brendon tried finding it but couldn't anywhere so he had to get the spare new ones he bought a long time ago for you. It was purple and had a little duckie in the middle. Once you took your paci, you start to calm down and get sleepy. Brendon laid on the bed, you on his chest, slowly falling asleep. Petting your head and singing frank sinatra to you, made you sleepy.

Once Sarah came out of the shower, she grabs her clothes and looks back at both of you, "is she asleep?"

You whine, wanting brendon sing more to you, "hey hey its okay daddy's got you."

Hearing his voice get soft, made you sleep faster. He rubs your back as he kisses your forehead. Sarah kissed your forehead while she went in the other room to change. Brendon stood up, holding you in his arms. He sways back and forth, singing to you. You were completely asleep. Before he took you to bed, Sarah held you for a bit. Kisses your cheeks while patting your back. She lays you down in your crib, covering you up in your blanket as she gives you a forehead kiss. She turns on the nightlight and closed the door slightly.

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