big news!

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It was christmas night, you and brendon were gonna sleep in and watch christmas movies all night. you cried, having a bad anxiety attack. you found out that you were pregnant due to you being nauseous lately. You didn't know if brendon would want to have kids. I know he's good with little kids but you didn't know if he wanted one of his own. You laid down on the phone, texting brendon

babe.... when r u coming home? I need to tell you something.

brendon💓: yep. Is everything going okay? Did someone hurt you?

no one hurt me. im fine. I just need to talk to you about something.

brendon💓: okay im on my way!

okay. love you:))

brendon💓: love you too baby

As you were waiting for brendon to come, you ran into the bathroom to vomit. Luckily, you made it to the toilet. Once you stopped, you wiped your mouth with toilet paper and brushed your teeth. You changed into one of Brendon's hoodies and shorts.

You laid on your bed, putting your hands on your little belly bump. Your tears start to fall down your cheeks, wiping your cheeks with the sleeves. Your panic attack starts to come back again.

Brendon was in the doorway having a worried look on his face as he sat on your bed. Once he hugged you, you quivered as tears were landing onto his shirt. He kissed your forehead and wiped the tears off your cheeks as his calming voice got you to calm down. "babe... what did you want to tell me," he asked, petting your hair which made you stop crying.

You looked up at him, holding onto his hand, ".....I'm pregnant."

Brendon had a shocked but also an excited look on his face, like if he was a little kid in a candyshop, "wait-really?"

As you shook your head, Brendon hugged you tightly, feeling teardrops landing onto his hoodie you were wearing. "You're not m-mad," you asked.

"why would i be mad at my baby? I'm super excited," he said, having the cutest smile on his face.

you sniffled, "i was worried that you would leave me or that you didn't want one."

"y/n.... i would never EVER leave you cause you're pregnant. I want to stay with you for the rest of my life and take care of this child with you," he said, rubbing your little baby bump.

You land your lips on his, slowly closing your eyes, "im glad to have this baby with you."

"me too," he says as he bends down to your stomach, kissing your belly which made you laugh. "hi alien. I don't know if you're a boy or girl, pleasee be a girl. But anyways, me and your mother will take care of you to be the best person to be."

Tears start falling, brendon stood back up kissed your forehead. "hey beautiful. We don't want a northern downpour up in here," he says, wiping your tears.

You laugh, slightly. "Now you're gonna make me cry," the both of you laughed.

"Oh i have a surprise you might like," he says, heading downstairs. 

Once you opened your eyes, you smiled as you saw the chick-fil-a bag in his hand. You hugged brendon tightly, "my favorite!"

He smiles, both of your lips touching.  "come on! Let's cuddle and eat," you said, sitting on the bed.

Brendon sat next to you, handing your food. "Thank you," you said, eating right away.

"You're welcome," brendon says, kissing your forehead.

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Brendon had one arm wrapped around you, one on your stomach. You were running your fingers through his hair. You wrapped your arms his neck, kissing his forehead. "You're already obsessed with the baby already," you joked, laughing slightly.

He smiles, kissing your stomach multiple times causing you to laugh. He looks up at you, laying his head on your stomach, "but not as obsessed i am with you."

You laugh, kissing with his forehead, "Since you're obsessed with it, how about we find names."

Brendon just kept thinking of names, popping out of his head out of nowhere, "Milo, Ophelia, Luna, Leo," brendon added on.

"If it's a girl, Ophelia. If it's a boy, Milo," you said as brendon agreed with you.

You started to feel nauseous but brendon was asleep beside you. You moved slowly as you were trying not waking him up but you ran to the bathroom to vomit. You felt Brendon pulling your hair back into a ponytail, rubbing your back.

As you began to stop, you laid into brendon's chest, crying. Brendon rocked you in his lap, kissing your forehead. "Don't move. Im gonna get a puke bucket so you don't have to run to the bathroom," he said, kissing your forehead as he heads out to get a bucket with a trash bag in it.

Once he put it by your bed, he helps you get up. Carrying your bridal style to your bed, laying you right on your bed. Brendon laid next to you, wrapping his arms around you. He leaned in for a kiss but you moved your head back. "I don't want to get sick," you said before you threw up in the bucket.

He rubs your back, once you stopped again. "I don't care if i get sick. It's important that you get better," he says, kissing your neck lightly.

You cuddled closer to him, holding his hand as you were slowly drifting to sleep.  Brendon turns on Friends, volume really low while he was humming you favorite song, softly. About 30 minutes later, both of you were passed out asleep.


/N: im sorry if it's too boring but i tried. I probably won't be posting during Christmas cause im going to disneyworld/florida for about 8 days but I'll try my best to post more! Send me some requests!!

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