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7th September 19

Hey I'm back to writing 👏🏻👏🏻 and have been busy editing which I'm going to start slowly publishing in batches of 5 as I've done them. All edited chapters will have *E next to the chapter number. Description have been added that wasn't there before and also some new conversations or events 🙂 hope you enjoy reading this. Xx

26th August 19

Hey 👋🏻 so I'm half way through editing & it has worked I've a rough outline how to get where I want to the story to go 👏🏻👏🏻🙂 I'm going to continue editing before I start truly writing the new chapters and 🤞 will start reposting the edited chapters some point next week.  Thank you again to anyone reading this & for your patience. Xx

20th August 2019

Hi 👋🏻 to anyone who has been reading this, I'm sorry for the long pause i've gotten a bit blocked; I know exactly what I want to happen next & where the story is going ... I'm just really struggling to figure out how to bridge it from here to there lol, because of this I have decided to go back to the start & I'm editing and changing some of the chapters hopefully adding or discovering my bridge along the way 🙂

If you have taken the time to read this thank you ever so much! The changes should be reposted soon and the rest of the chapters until completion - which you maybe happy to know we are starting to get to the thick of it 👏🏻 and we're not far from the end I feel. Also I'm pretty sure there will be a second story; one I started before this one but they have seemed to link up with the chosen daughter leading up to things happening in the other story 😬😂

I will let you know on this A/N when editing has finished and the reposting will start so as w get hopes up r lots of A/N 🙂 thank you again for your time reading this story xx

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