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Hi everyone it's me again , thanks for reading and I assure you that this book is just starting .



Who else hates being introduced as a new kid in front of a new class. not knowing the way things work. Not knowing the way things are at the new school, missing your old friends and old school life. Right now, I was hating the feeling.

I looked at the mirror in front of me, staring back at myself. I looked different with my new school uniform and my braids which was not allowed at my former school.

"It's time to go, the both of you hurry." my dad said again from the living room. He was starting to get annoyed. So, I decided it was time to go. I could not stay locked in forever.

I sighed and quickly grabbed my new school bag. I guess this just had to happen, and this day had to go by. I left my room. I joined my dad in the living room where he was waiting with my junior sister, Mercy.

"Do you want to be late on the first day?" dad asked and quickly gave my mum a peck before leaving the house. I gave my mum a quick hug and my sister joined too. mum just chuckled and pushed us.

"You will be late."

"Bye mum."

we walked out of the house and joined dad who was already seated in his new car. I breathed in the smell, because who doesn't like the scent of a new car.


Today was my first day at Royals academy. Royals academy is quite well known in Nigeria. Every year they always get the highest mark in all national exams, and it was also one of the most expensive and best secondary school in Nigeria. it was also very big, with different buildings and sport facilities. It was literally the best school for the wealthy people.

The school was mainly for connections, different children from a rich background meeting each other and later in the future, they connect. I guess that was what the school was about.

There was even a swimming pool in the school and different sport courts. I searched on it earlier and was quite amazed but later thought that it couldn't be real. but when I went there with my dad and sis before the actual resumption, I figured out that those places were actually real and even more amusing than the pictures. I was also given my uniforms that day.

I still remember the day like it was yesterday, we entered the school which was so big and beautiful I did not even believe my eyes at first, then we were directed to the administration office where we met a beautiful woman. she was the VP of the school and looked so diligent. her office enough looked so modern and that was quite different where I came from.

she checked our results from our last term's exam and we also did some test which were quite complicated, but I still passed. when we were admitted she talked to my dad about the purchase of uniforms,

" Mr. Peters the amount for their total uniform each is 80,000 Naira. My dad looked like he couldn't believe his ears, well I guess this was a new style of living for us in this part of Lagos.

Then she continued "sir every student has each uniform per day for a week." my dad just nodded and paid; I really couldn't believe everything.

So here I am now in my new uniform, the Monday wear which is a deep green high waisted knee-length skirt and a light green shirt with a black jacket.

My former school was the best opposite of my new one. I attended a federal school and like I said earlier it is a complete opposite of this new one. While cars dropped everyone here, at my former school most people either got to school by the public bus or rickshaws.

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