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Heyo ppl
So I know I said two more chapters to go and this is the second one but I think the story isn't about to end.
And you guys shld read dating the billionaire son by @prettyjot

Idara's POV

"Yeah you shouldn't have."

He said back.

I sighed as I grabbed my clutch purse from my laps ,
"I better get going." I said.
I stood up and looked at him
"Thanks for the meal , I appreciate and I hope we'll see next week at the hospital."

I turned and walked out of the restaurant.
I looked around , still surprised at the beauty of this place when I felt a tug on my hand.

I turned back surprised,
"I want you to see something before you leave." Femi said smiling.

Why is he smiling?, after all the heated conversations. I sighed and nodded. I made sure to keep my face void of any expression.

He held my hand and led me to the elevator.
My eyes lingered on our intertwined fingers.

My heart was beating so fast , just because he was holding my hand. Why can't my heart stop reacting like this to him.

We entered the elevator and he pressed the 55th button.
It was the pent house I guess.

"Am sorry about how I reacted to what you said , and am also sorry for leaving like that. I thought no one was holding me down again and I needed the fresh air , the new life."he said looking at me straight in the eyes.

I felt a smile grace my lips ,
"It's okay. " I said .

"Did I tell you that you look so beautiful before." He said making me chuckle.

"I think you did." I said back .
"Okay , let me add that you look so hot."he said .

Thank God I wasn't white because if I was I would have looked like a ripe tomato.

"Femi stop ." I said giggling , okay am sure I sound like a love struck person.

He laughed tucking a strand of hair behind my  ear.

We looked at each other and his eyes fell to my lips , it looked like those scene in a movie where the main characters just stare at each other.

Slowly he was getting closer to me , my heart beating faster as the second passed . He was so close now that our nose was touching.

He should just kiss me already and then suddenly the door opened and I heard a shriek making me move away.

I looked at the culprit , it was an old cleaner.
I tried so hard , so hard not to glare at her.

I knew Femi too was angry as he said "I thought no one was allowed here ."

The woman shakes am sure she was scared of losing her job.

"Femi it's okay let's go." I said as I grabbed his hands and walked out of the elevator .

He sighed and led me to a room , it was so big.
"Wow, this is a very rare sitting room. This is a pent house right?" I said in surprise.
If Mercy was here she would have taken lots and lots of pictures.

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