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Thanks again to @maramartha for the lovely covers.

Thanks to my readers for reading this book and following it.
You guys are the best.

Idara's POV

"So what do you want to know ?" Femi asked

I quickly looked at him , "so what happened between you guys ?"I asked him.

Well I just wanted to know, and I felt like it was affecting Femi the most . The whole situation , and the guy looks creepy in some ways.

"Well you know we transferred here in SS2."he stated , sighing as he turned to look at me.

Well he shouldn't think am forcing him to tell me. I just feel that he doesn't need to bottle things up.

"Femi it looks like am forcing you. If you don't want me to know we can drop it ." I said holding his hands .

"Idara, i want to be free and let it out , you know? So let me just tell you." He said .

I smiled at him , as he said that.

"Life at my former school was much more better than this. We all knew each other since elementary school and well we were the bad boys of our set.

Ire liked to act as the leader , we always had turn in setting up parties. At that time we were carefree , just playing with our bad image stuffs."

He stopped to look at me "stop keeping it in Femi." I said again.

"I know , it's just hard you know. This is the first time am telling someone this." He said

"Well it's me you are telling not just anyone." I said back at him.
He smiled at this .

"There was this party we were invited to. Some SS3 were the one hosting it.
Well we were part of the VIP there."

I laughed at that. Is there anywhere they will enter and they will not treat them like VIP.

"We sat with the SS3 and SS2 bad boys. They were playing truth or dare. We played with them, you know keeping up with the image .
And finally we were dared to paint spray the class walls .

We left the party ,headed to school with the plan to only spray just a little bit near our seat. Well I did as I planned and am sure Daniel and Ayo too . The three of us left the class not knowing what Ire was doing since he said he wanted to go to the toilet.

"He was actually drunk , he stepped out of the school to be accompanied with the school security guard. He had sprayed the whole teacher's staff room

We were told to call our parents and ire said his mumu will be the best person to call right now since she will quickly cover it up. "

"She didn't right?"  I asked him.

He laughed , not his usual laugh just a forced laugh.

"She did, only for her son. The security guard reported the three of us . I got home so scared about what my dad will do only to see ire and his mum talking to dad about travelling.

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