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heyo everyone it's been so long.so sorry for the late update
dedicated to all my new and old readers!!!

         Femi's POV

"Femi When you hear this  I would have died and Wow you must be so big now. My child, my lovely son . The one and only love in my life .Am sorry I wasn't  there with you through your primary and secondary life. Hope your dad is treating you well." She said.

I cleaned my wet eyes , I missed her lovely voice. I missed her so much and dad couldn't even let her rest well .

"Am so sorry if he doesn't treat you well. Now I guess you are old enough to get all my properties as you are now an adult.

All my houses and properties at lekki and my company will be yours. Mr Aiden will talk more about it with you.

Please be a good kid for me and make me proud . I miss you so much. I love you baby boo."

I remembered all the times she always called me baby boo.
God I missed her too.

Mr Aiden pushed the tape to my side. I collected it.
"thank you sir." I said putting it in my pocket.

He nodded patting my back. He later talked about all the inheritance stuffs.
I can finally be free from Mr Davies and his plan.

I don't need to be afraid again since I don't need his money for my school fees.

I left the building and entered my car. I brought out my phone and saw three missed call from ire .

I sighed and dropped the phone , I reversed going back home.

I'm not getting engaged.

"Is he at home?" I asked Mary , a maid .
"Yes sir." Immediately she said that I walked fast to his office.

I knocked on the door."come in." He said.

I opened the door and walked into the office."good evening sir." I said sitting down on the chair.

"Good evening." He muttered facing his  laptop back.

"Am not getting engaged sir." I said and waited for his expression.

He just looked up , "you are getting engaged and it's just for two weeks minimum."

"No I can't. I'm sorry but I can't. Am sure ire will gladly do it ." Immediately I said that he banged his hands on the table.

"Are you giving me instructions on what to do. Is it because am just watching you?" He asked  Making me confused.

He opened his drawers and brought out an envelope . He passed it to me . I opened it and what I saw was different pictures of idara and I .

I looked at them one after the other. They were snapped from different angles .

I looked up at him .
"I left you alone to have your fun and now that you have follow my order. How can you stoop low to date my director's daughter."he said glaring at me.

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