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Another update!
What's going to happen to idara's mum . This is sad I gotta admit.
PS(am looking for pictures for the casts. So anyone with one or two can help.thanks)

Dedicated to MumaAnnie abbie6109 bettie009churchillrawGraziela195

Femi's POV

Waking up to the sound of that alarm is the worst thing that can happen to someone especially when that person is not ready for that day.

I wasn't prepared for today , I still don't know how I want to explain to idara that am getting engaged and to not just anyone but to her archenemy.

After taking my bath, making sure I took my time I wore my uniform with a white hoodie on top.

I picked one of my Vans and wore it. Stepping out with my bag , I saw ire. He was at the end of the passage, dressing almost the same way as me.

"Have you told her?" He asked immediately making me want to punch his face.

"Ire , it's my issue and I will appreciate it if you don't disturb me about it cause I told you that I will." I said.

It was really annoying, I walked out and pulled my phone from my pocket.
I dialed idara's number but she wasn't picking.

I dialed it again and it was the same thing. Maybe she's busy . I walked to the dinning room and picked a piece of sandwich and a cup of orange juice.

Something is definitely getting wrong. Idara wasn't picking and she's also running late. Yeah she's a usual latecomer but what if something is wrong.

My eyes could not even leave the door. I stood up and walked to Liz and angel.

"Is idara missing school today?" I asked.
"She's not picking up."Liz said looking worried.

"I hope nothing is wrong." Angel said.
She probably can't even hope that than me.

Idara's POV

For the past three hours I've been sitting on the chair in the waiting room.

Mercy was sleeping beside me on one of the chairs.

Dad was just lost in thought with his head in between his hands.

He stood up when his phone rang and walked out.

I felt this urge to ease myself so I stood up too for the first time in three hours.

Walking to any door that has the toilet sign on it I heard my dad's voice.

It was breaking like as if he was about to cry.

"She has cancer , cancer of the blood.
.............. I can't just tell the kids so I lied that she had appendicitis..."
He said.

I stopped in my track to go meet him.
Mummy had cancer , cancer of the blood to be exact .

The urge to ease myself disappeared and I found myself walking outside.

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