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Hey guys,
I really missed writing about fedara !
So here's the last chapter!

Femi's POV

Humming to the song that was playing in the sitting room , I covered the pot.

"Babe." I heard idara call from the sitting room ,

"Yeah." I said turning back only to find her in the kitchen already with a grin.

Her baby bump was on show cause she was wearing a crop top only and she looked so cute.

I walked up to her and pecked her forehead and placed my hand on her bump , she was expecting soon.

I was so excited to see our first baby , no scratch that I was more than excited.

She was smiling so bright , "Mr cook." She said teasing me.

She literally begged me to cook jellof rice at 1 in the morning. Her midnight cravings were over the top.

She walked to the pot , opened it and turned back looking like a baby that just found her chocolate.

"Thank you babe , like the aroma was Killing so I had to come check. " She said .

"It's me in the kitchen remember." I said.

"I can't wait to see our little twins." She whispered.

I carried her and put her on the granite surfaced counter , I placed my hands beside her camping her .

"Me too." I said and placed. A lingering kiss on her lips. She quickly wrapped her hands on my neck in response pushing me closer to her.

I pulled back when I felt a strange movement ,
Idara giggled at my action , "they're kicking." She said in between laughs.

"They don't like us kissing." I said with a pout.

"Stop with that face babe ." She said ,
"Ehh why?" I asked her.

"You look so cute with it." She said back with a grin.

"Well am not cute , am hot." I said back and walked to the pot.

Our kitchen was pretty big , very big well it was in a mansion. Idara complained that the house was too big in general , and that she wanted something small , but I was used to a big house from the start .

And it was when she got pregnant she started complaining about how big it was , lazy girl.

I turned back to look at her only to meet her placing her phone well on the counter and pressing a button.

And then we were looking straight at our friends , I walked up to her and wrapped my hands around her bump lightly.

"Hey guys." She said with a grin ,

Liz , Ayo, Daniel , angel and Mide , Liz and Daniel 3 years old baby. She's so cute , were right in front of us well in a tab.

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