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Idara's POV




"What the fuck did you just do?"

Liz asked and before I could reply the next teacher entered the class. As much as I would have loved to know why she asked that question, I couldn't ask cause of the lesson has started.

So, I guess everyone secretly agreed to continue the conversation when the period was over and that was still in an hour time.

I could not pay attention to the teacher because my thoughts were all over the place. How I stood up to Britney and her gangs and how they threatened me. Why did I even bother myself when all I would receive was an insult.

I was questioning my actions. Maybe I should have sat still like Angel with my mouth opened, or maybe I should have walked out of the room instead.

What she said and how she looked at me played in my mind again. The way they all looked at me at the lunchroom played too and I slowly placed my head on the desk.

I sighed as I turned to look at her, her angry face was still on and it looked like she was fuming with every passing minute. She faced me and then rolled her eyes at me before turning to the front.

I was surprised at her actions, it made me regret my actions. I caused it for myself. Next time, that is if there will be, I will just walk out.

Immediately the teacher left, everyone packed their books and started leaving the class. Finally, the seven hours of hell was over.

Liz was about to go too when Angel held her hand, I stood up from my seat and grabbed my own bag too about to leave the class. I didn't even want to think about the whole event.

"would you care to explain what you said that time?" angel asked making me stop. I turned back and looked at her. I really wanted to know why too.

Anyone could sense that Angel was angry too, Liz sighed not looking at me.

" I could have settled it myself." she said glaring at me.

I felt like slapping myself for even supporting her. It was the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life. I couldn't help but reply back.

" but you were crying Liz." I argued making her roll her eyes at me again.

"that doesn't matter Idara." Liz said nonchalantly. Wow, just Wow. It doesn't matter to her. I am sure this is not the Liz that I know. The one I know won't talk like this.

"it matters Liz because I put everything on the line just to support you. I don't know maybe I am on their bad books like you said. do you know how my family was happy when we discovered we will be rich, when my dad got his job, and she even threatened to do something about that? " I said carefully, I was more than angry too at that point.

"and so? You should have thought about that before starting a fight you can't finish." She answered back.

I heard Angel mutter some incoherent words

"yeah, I just figured out that I was a fool for doing that for you. And I don't know why you are acting like this, but one thing is sure I will never do that again for you or anyone else. Thanks for the lesson, I learnt well." I said in a stern voice.

She was getting on my nerves and just looking at her was making me boil more. I wanted to just leave the class.

Angel decided to talk now "what's the matter Liz? why are you so angry at Idara.
It's so clear that she did it for you."

Liz looked at her and me before saying, " Daniel came back to ... I don't know and then his friends were with him while everything was going on, I wanted to talk back at her, so I won't look weak in front of Daniel but then Idara stepped in acting like a hero."

Oh, I understand now, she once told us that Daniel does not like weak girls and now, she looked weak. But she was wrong, I was not acting like a hero. I was just trying to help a friend and now I know that I shouldn't have.

"What's wrong with that?" Angel asked her

"well he and his friend looked at her with amusement and then they left " she muttered bitterly. Why would they even leave? If they really care, why didn't the help her?

"how is that Idara's fault? You know what I think you need some time alone to think everything through because you are hurting Idara with all what you've been saying and why will Daniel look at Idara when all his gaze was on you." Angel said angrily.

She grabbed my hands when she was done and we both walked out leaving Liz alone in the class. She really needed a time alone just has Angel suggested.

When we got out of the senior's block, she turned to hug me,

"am sorry about her she's just insecure, thank you for everything. I'm going with the driver today."

I gave her a small smile in response to the thank you she said, at least someone was appreciative.

"I am going with the driver too." I lied. But she didn't need to know that it was a lie. She nodded and took out her phone. She texted someone and in five minutes a Mercedes Benz arrived.

She waved goodbye at me and entered the car.

Once the car drove off, I stood up from the bench placed in the school's garden and started walking home. I needed to clear my head too and accept that all what happened was real and was not a dream.

I took out my phone and my earphone. I connected it to the earphone through Bluetooth and immediately the song started blasting in my ears. The urge to dance was so much but I held it in.

After 5 mins of trekking and listening to songs with my earphone, I looked up to see the clouds looking so dark, it was so going to rain today.

Soon enough the rain started pouring down, I looked around for a cover, but none was seen. Could this day get any worse? I sighed and continued my journey under the rain.

Still under the rain, a car drove pass me. It looked familiar for some reasons; it was the car that always drive pass us whenever we were walking home. The one with the loud songs playing. I sighed, he or she was under the cover of his car while I was walking under the rain.

Suddenly the car stopped and reversed back, wait was the person driving towards me? The car stopped right in front of me making me stop on my tracks too.

I guess I should run since it might be a kidnapper or something. The window slowly whined down. Should I run?

For some reasons not even known to me I leaned down only to see the most unexpected person smirking at me and muttering a "get in."

Hi everyone two updates in one day.
Well who else thinks Liz needs some time alone , because I do ooo.
And who do you think the unexpected person is ??
Well it's still your girl.
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