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New picture of idara , what are your thoughts about it?

Dedicated to Adegunju Ispendthenaira


Idara's POV

"I'm getting.." Femi got interrupted when vibration started playing.

I quickly picked my phone, when I saw it was my dad I gave Femi a smile and picked it.

Me ; hello

Dad ; your mum is awake . Mr dele is waiting outside.

Me ; really? Okay am on my way.

I quickly stood up , smiling bright . Femi had a question look on his face .
Which I answered by saying
"Mum's awake."

I grabbed my bag , gave him a quick hug and ran to my sister's class to call her.

We both entered the car and Mr dele took us to the hospital.

Mercy kept on saying she knew that mum will wake up.
Na she Sabi. I just thought.

We walked fast to her room and when I saw my mummy smiling in a sitting position I bursted out in tears as I ran to her side to hug her.

"Omó mi . " She said while rubbing my back gently.

Mercy joined while my dad just watched us with a smile.

Thank God for this I kept on saying as I hugged my mum.

I couldn't believe it , it even felt like a dream.

After a few minutes we sat down on the chair beside her .

"Bawó ni, how have you two been?" My mum asked.

"We coped ."I said and Mercy nodded.

We spent the remaining hours there, talking about what she missed which wasn't even much.

We were all eating in the hospital room when dad said ,
"We are going to India. Your mum and I."

Mercy looked up from her plate for the first time and with food in her mouth she asked
"Why ?"

"Well for treatment, the doctor said it would be good if we take her to India."dad said.

Mercy nodded "so for how long?" She asked again

"Maybe for a month , Mary the maid will be sure to prepare food and clean the house." Dad said .

I sighed , it was for the best. If she have to go to India to be well then I don't see a problem in that.


I quickly kept my past question into my bag.
Today was the first day of waec and I was prepared. Well I had to be prepared.

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