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"What do you think will happen?" Angel asked from beside me looking worried. I shook my head saying I do not know. Right now, I did not know what could happen?

Those three girls were busy looking like they were planning something, and Daniel was escorting Liz to our table.

They both looked like a power couple and my heart could not help but melt at their sight.

Once they reached our table, I realized they were holding hands too, I quickly turned again but this time they looked calm and were just eating. Maybe we were taking it out of proportion.

"Hey Angel, sorry for taking so long with your friend." Daniel said with such a cool voice and I could now see why Liz was crushing so hard on him.

He did not even acknowledge me here, maybe he didn't see me? "that is quite impossible since you are right in front of him." My inner me responded.

And what did he mean by take long? Just wondering.

"hey Idara." I heard someone say bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked up from my plate surprised at the mention of my name from Daniel. Wait he knows my name? That felt good.

"you are both classmates remember?" my inner me said again making me conclude that she was really sarcastic.

"Hi." I simply said back.

Liz took her seat and Daniel sat beside her. Wait Daniel was sitting with us? One of the most popular boys at school was sitting down with us. Everyone in the lunchroom were muttering and pointing at our table but he didn't even look bothered as he kept on talking to Liz.

Femi and Ayo stood up from their seat to join Daniel, with Angel and I following their moves, wait do they want to sit with us too.

When they got to our seat, they stood in front of our table with their hands in their pockets. They were wearing a hood under their jacket making them look so bad ass. They wore a big sneaker to go and that finished of the look.

Femi Davies who was like the head, I don't really know, had his afro really sharply cut and shaped. He looked so handsome and cute with a neatly shaped eyebrows, long eyelashes and a little pinkish lip.

"Hey bro." Ayo said to Daniel.

Daniel looked at them and raised his eyebrows,

"we have to go Daniel. We have been waiting for you." Femi said with a very smooth and deep voice. No wonder they called themselves King.

Daniel stood up and leaned to peck Liz's cheek making her a blushing mess and that was quite quick.

"lover boy." Ayo teased Daniel making everyone laugh, he seemed to be the hilarious or funny one in the group.

After they were done chatting with us, they turned to leave after muttering a bye to the three of us. They walked out of the lunchroom with this aura of power. They controlled the atmosphere in the whole room.

Once they were out everyone started talking about what just happened and their fan base filled with girls started giving us the stink eye.

But we did not even bother as we gave Liz the 'better spill it' look, because it was surprising to see him show his feelings in a public place and not just with secrete winks.

She sighed with a bright smile,

"Okay, okay, let me talk."

"Better do. " both Angel and I said together

she cleared her throat like she normally does whenever she's about to tell a story,

"Well after we went out of the lunchroom, he held my hand and took me to the music class which was empty at the moment and then he told me he noticed all my staring and that he likes me."

We all squealed at that, I don't like relationship but who doesn't love cute ones and then she continued "that's not all, he asked me out on a date on Saturday. "

we all squealed again before Angel could talk, Liz's clothes had turned to orange and her face was covered in the orange substance. what the hell?

We all looked up to see who it was, and it was Rachel or whatever her name was with her friends AKA the queen bitches.

So, this was what they were planning, to embarrass her in front of the whole school.

I looked at Liz to see her crying as she looked up at them. Why wasn't she standing up to them? They were agemates and classmates even though they named themselves.

"Why did Daniel peck you?" Rebecca asked sweetly like she did not just pour her entire cup of juice on Liz. When she did not answer she collected a bottle of water from Timi, opened it and slowly poured the water on her head.

Everywhere was quiet and everyone was watching the show not wanting to stop her, so she won't pass the anger to them.

I couldn't take it anymore, at my former school people liked to fight but with mouth. Even me one of the smartest in the class likes to put anyone who passed their boundaries in place and she was passing hers.

I stood up

"what is wrong with you?" I asked her too with a sweet tone. I collected the bottle from her hand and threw it on the floor.

Angel and Liz were looking at me surprisingly. Everyone turned quieter and some even started recording with their phones.

Rebecca looked confused since no one has stopped them before. Britney, who was their head decided to step in.

" Wow, even you who is from the gutter thinks that you can talk back at us. I can destroy your family you know." Britney said back to me.

Why would she say that? How did she even know that I wasn't rich before? Did she do a background check on me? I looked around and they were looking at me with a strange expression on their faces. So much for not getting in trouble.

I looked down at Liz who was still crying making me get angrier.

"Well you said it all, even though I don't know why you will do a background check on me maybe because you lack work, but I will let you know that I was from the gutter and should I tell you something about people from the gutters, they don't stay still when someone decides to harm anyone close to them and they are not scared of anyone and I mean anyone even you ."

They all glared at me and I rolled my eyes at them and to finish it all

"And that move you did there was shitty, you want to know why Daniel was with her? Okay let me tell you it is because she is far better than you and even though you are carrying boob and butts too big for your body, he chose her. Let that sink in your head."

I added to what I said and muttered "let's go. "to Liz and Angel.

The whole lunchroom chuckled at the mention of the oversized boobs and at the sight of the three of them walking out huffing.

Once we entered the classroom everyone was quiet as we walked in and sat down.

Angel hugged me "you looked so cool." I hugged her back and smiled but that smile left as Liz glared at me.

"what the fuck did you just do?"

Hi everyone another update

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