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Hi everyone we have finally passed 500 reads oo.
Thanks so much my readers , supporters , friends and family.
Well I will give everyone a surprise in the next chapter.
Love you all and enjoy the chapter.

Idara's POV

" My mother died from cancer ." Femi said , he looked so sad and I felt guilty for forcing it out if him.

I didn't know what to say , so I said"what do you mean by your mother is dead ?"

He looked at me and scoffed , shit , I guess I shouldn't have said that. It's just that when people tell me sensitive stuffs I don't know what to say.

"What , you can't believe it , well do ." He said back bitterly and walked faster .

When I caught up to him , he was already with someone . It was Ayo , oh thank God.

Immediately Femi saw me , he continued walking leaving both me and Ayo .

Well it was simple the hotel's light was on so he just had to follow it.

I walked up to Ayo "hey." "Hi , what's wrong with him . The both of you got everyone worried . "

I sighed thinking about Femi but decided to leave the topic "we got lost . It's been a long day sha and am so tired ."

"Pele. Let's go , the hotel is not far from here . Everyone was told to stand at major roads so that it would be easy to find you two."

"Yeah thanks for that . ". "Idara can I ask you something."
"Yeah , anything." "Okay , so do you know if Angel likes anyone.". " No , why are you asking ??" "Nothing."

He said back and walked faster to the hotel too .

They both left me alone . Does he like Angel or what . I thought to myself but even my brain was not working properly so I decided not to think about it now.

Maybe later , I saw two figures running to meet me "Idara!!!" My two best friends shouted as they hugged me .

These are my real friends, who won't leave me alone unlike those two.
I just forced a smile at them as they both started telling me everything that happened while we were missing.

When we reached the hotel , Mr Johnson was waiting for me , "miss Peters go to your room and rest , your food will be brought up . "

He said without asking anything"thank you sir ." "Don't thank me , thank Femi who have explained everything. And you guys are the winners . "

I already knew that " okay sir . " I said back as I walked towards my room.

I went there and saw Femi too already in the bed . " Hey , am sorry for how I reacted . I did not know what to say next and I guess I was out of line ." I told him as I entered the bathroom.

After bathing, I lied on my bed quickly drifting off to sleep am not sure that I heard this but Femi said" goodnight sweetheart." well it doesn't mean ..........

I left the bathroom thinking about everything that happened yesterday . Ayo asked about Angel and I apologized to Femi too. I wore my cloth for today which was a simple flare gown and high heel sneakers.

"Hey , we are leaving today oo and the prize will be called during breakfast." Femi said as I sat on my bed "okay, thanks for the info ." "What are friends for if I can't tell you that ." A big grin reached my face immediately. "So we are good now right??"

"Do you even need to ask , am also sorry for leaving you like that . " " It's okay "

I said as I left the room with a very big smile on my face. I went to the cafeteria where my friends are presently in .

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