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Heyo everyone
Another chapter !!
And thanks so much for the 5k reads 😍😍

Idara's POV

"How was your first day at school?" My mum asked Mercy and I as we both entered the house.

I forced a smile and dropped on the chair.

"It was nice , I missed my friends. You should have even seen Mercy this morning it was as if she flied out of the window." I said as I pulled a pillow to my chest.

My mum laughed out removing her glasses while Mercy just hissed at me.

"I will not talk." She said as she walked to the kitchen making mum laugh more.

I stood up , grabbed my bag and walked to my room.
The scene that happened today was still replaying in my head.

Opening my bag  I brought out my phone and checked it but there was no missed calls or even a text from him .

He didn't even come back , I sighed again and lied down on my soft bed.

Slowly falling asleep the ringtone of my phone woke me up.

I quickly carried it from the bed side table only to see Liz calling.

"Hey." I said sitting down upright on my bed.

"Hmmmmm it sounds like you are disappointed that it's me calling." Liz said from the other end with a giggle .

Mumu girl , why is she even giggling sef?

"Wo leave me jo. Have been waiting for Femi to call and explain what happened. " I said back at her and picked the remote to my TV.

"Well you should trust him ." She said back . Shuffling was heard.

" Are you in bed too?" I asked trying to change the topic. I trust Femi but I feel something is wrong.

" yep , with Daniel . He's currently sleeping." She said

No wonder she was giggling and all.

" Maybe I should call him myself. " I said while changing the stations.

" Yeah you should do that." She said back and ended the call .

I called Femi immediately he didn't pick . now this is getting on my nerves .

I called him again and after the second ring he picked.

Femi 💖;  hey
Hearing his voice all the anger that I felt started dissipating

Me; hi ,You did not come back from where you went to.

I said hugging my pillow to my chest , and watching
' am not a robot '  a Korea series.

Femi 💖; am so sorry about today . My dad wanted to eat lunch with her and her dad .

Me; it's okay , but you should have called you know?"

We kept on talking and ended the call half an hour later.

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