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Hi everyone I know we are all expecting Femi's POV but am not sure it's gonna be this chapter . I want him to be a mystery. Anyway continue reading and remember to vote and comment.




"Daniel let's go I don't want just anybody talking to me." He said as he rolled his eyes.

he did not even wait for their response, he just left.

I wanted to borrow cotton bud to make sure if what I heard was wrong or right.

Daniel and Ayo also had a surprised look on his face.

Ayo quickly recovered,

"I am so sorry; he has a lot going on. I am sure he didn't mean that." He explained,

I just nodded cause all words had died in my mouth.

I really felt like the ground could open up and swallow me. The expression on people's face made it worse.

Ayo left the classroom and walked after a particular someone.

"I am so sorry for that." Daniel apologized again and left the class.

"do not take it to heart, Idara." Angel said and rubbed my back. I shook my head and walked back to my seat.

"you should listen to her; Femi is the real definition of a jerk." Liz added making me chuckle.

First Britney drama, now Femi's own. What would happen next? Especially now that I thought that I was coping and fitting in.

"uhm, let's light up the mood. What were you talking about before?" Liz asked after lots of efforts to make my smile come back.

I just shook my head,

"don't bother." I said back and thankfully the teacher entered the class.

What was the use of saying that when the person in picture said I was a nobody?

I was not coping, I was drowning.


"why is everyone running to the field?" I was really confused.

It was finally time for sports, and everyone was running to the field.

"we are having the first football match of the year." Liz explained, we were also walking to the field and even though I did not really like football, I had no other choice since everyone was present in the stadium.

"and Daniel begged me to come." She said dreamily, of course.

"don't flatter yourself, even if he did not, we would still go." Angel tackled making me laugh.

We finally got to the large stadium. We fought our way to the front and miraculously found three empty seats. We sat down and watched as the cheerleaders of our school consisting of the Britney and her gangs did some little stunts.

It was not quite little to be truthful; they had the whole summersault stunts going on that if not for the feud we had between us, I would have been really captivated.

After their little stunts the footballers from the other school were called in. the supporters from their school cheered them,

When royal school was called in, the whole stadium was filled with cheers. I could recognize Femi and his crew from afar. No wonder Daniel told her to come.

After thirty minutes of them passing the ball around and me stuffing my mouth with popcorn angrily.

The others were busy being angry since we were losing but I could not care less. I even had a big smile on my face as I watched the opponent score another goal.

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