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An update!!

Dedicated to unofficialprisyelle

My 289 words got deleted 😥😥😥

Idara's POV

I blinked my eyes , this cannot be real. I shut my eyes tight and opened it back but I was still seeing those two figures.

This cannot be real maybe I was dreaming. I smiled , this is a nonsensical dream. I pinched myself but no i was still there.

I looked at the front again. Femi looked tensed as he held Britney's hand.

He had kissed her for or more like a peck on the forehead.

I guess it was time for him to give a speech.

I was really hoping he won't or maybe it's just a dream.
But then he started

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Thanks for attending this engagement party. It's been 6 months now and I've never been this happy. Thanks for attending and to Britney thanks for this."
He said or more like read from a paper and then he smiled at her.

They both looked like two happy lovey dovey couple.
Why would Femi do this to me?
Past six months, was I the side chick or what?

The glass of water I was holding fell down from my hand.

This called attention and everyone followed the sound even Femi and his supposed fiancee.

He looked shocked as he saw me , maybe because of the expression on my face or maybe just my presence.

I looked at him back and then Britney, she had a smile which I really wanted to slap off.

I felt someone place a hand on my back , I checked who it was and it was ire. I looked back at Femi and he was glaring at ire.

He doesn't even have the right too.
And for that I didn't remove ire's hand even though it wasn't that comfortable.

Am sure he's not okay. He's with another girl there and he's still glaring at ire.

I looked at ire "why....... Why did you bring me here?" I asked with my heart breaking bit by bit.

"I wanted you to know, I knew he didn't tell you."he said back.

He was right , he didn't even tell me . Fuck him and all this party.

I stood up , grabbed my bag and walked out of the garden.
I brought out my phone to call Mr dele . This heel is not even helping sef.

When he picked I told him to come get me.
The house was too big and the garden was at the back. The walk to the gate was tiring me .

I heard footsteps at my back.
Suddenly I was stopped by someone. I looked back and it was Femi.

I stared at him or more like glared at him with so much anger , hatred ,and he could see it.

He looked tired , stressed out.
"Babe...." I cut him off.

Who is babe?
"Don't call me that ..." I said back.

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