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Hi everyone , who will be her trip partner and how will the project go .
Read to find out

When we are in love we seem to ourselves quite different from what we were before.



Idara's POV

"Bye guys." I said to Angel and Liz as I walked to Femi's car. This would be my second time in his Mercedes Benz, but no one knew.

I told them earlier that I was doing my practical in his house and even if he wants to try anything which I am sure he won't I had to go cause of the ten marks.

I also asked for my mum's permission before going. And to all those who wants to know who my trip partner is well I still do not have, and I probably would not have.

I smiled at his beautiful, shining car before entering


He looked at me

"hey, I've prepared everything like I said. "

"That's nice "


and that was the end of our conversation, the car was quite except from the little sound coming from the song playing on his Wi-Fi connected car speaker.

And that was quite surprising, since I was expecting the song to be playing in a very loud volume.

After 20 minutes, we reached the end of the estate.

The sight of a mighty gate welcomed us, Femi tapped a button from a remote or so and then the gate opened.

I opened my mouth wide as I stared at the gate, and then as the gate opened, the most beautiful mansion I have ever seen came to my sight.

It was so big and beautiful, gardens were at the right and left side of the house sorry, mansion.

There was a big fountain in one of the gardens and the white mansion which had golden touches added to it stood so big and mighty in the middle.

I opened the car door gently as I stepped out and looked around again, it looked like a house which would fit in the 'million-dollar house' show.

"let's go we don't have much time" Femi reminded me.

I guess this looked normal to him, but this looked so spectacular in my own eyes. And he why did he have to rush me?

'Annoying guy'

I thought as I followed him in,

If the outside looked spectacular then the inside of the house was another matter entirely, everything there looked so majestical, if that's a word, and expensive even the stairs.

I saw a little part of the dining room and I was sure it could fill up more than thirty people. It was that huge.

When we reached the second floor, there was a long hallway split into left and right. Different portraits and artworks were arranged on the walls.

I stopped and looked at one, an older version of Femi was sitting on a big chair, which looked like a throne, a very beautiful woman was sitting on a similar chair as the man and then both Femi and another guy stood at their back. They all had a smile on their faces, but it looked forced.

The picture was so lovely, maybe the guy was Femi's brother.

I wanted to move to the next one when Femi grabbed my hand softly yet firmly and even if I tried to ignore all the tingling sensation I could not.

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