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Idara's POV

I carefully placed my legs in front of the other. The sounds of different animals was not really helping with how my hear was beating fast with fear.

What if a lion or tiger comes out? God knows I will just die there or at the east get a panic attack right there.

I can't even run if the worst happens and that's bad because I am sure my partner over here will just run and leave me.

We were on our way towards finding the treasures inside the forest.

Femi here said he understands the map, so he is the one leading the both of us. The map was quite confusing to me at the first glance so I just didn't argue when he said he would be the one to lead the way.

"See one, see one!" I heard Femi shout at the front.

I ran to his side and he was right a bag of some sort was lying there.

"Femi we've seen one oo."

I said excitedly a little out of breath as I put it in his bag with his back turned to me.

"I told you I understand the map." He said happily.

After zipping the bag, he continued to lead the way.

the stroll and search was quite interesting because we were talking about lots of things and it was not quite between us.

"So, you are telling me you would rather read a book than watch a movie?" Femi asked again looking at me with a surprised look on his face.

Why was it so hard to believe?

"Yes, yes oo, I love reading book. " I told him for the fourth time in a row already getting annoyed with his disbelief.

I looked at him, only to find him already staring at me and then he said

"that explains what happened in the room, I pity you."

God, see embarrassment. So, he still remembered that?

I groaned and placed my head in my hands. I guess I won't hear the end of this.

"What do you mean by that now? Have we not settled that one ni?"

I asked annoyed but he just busted out laughing again.

Why did that even happen in front of him? I shook my head and faced the rad back.

"Sorry, settle ke? like seriously I thought something was wrong with ......
Look see another one." Femi said pointing at another familiar looking bag.

I rushed there and picked it and placed it in his bag again.

He was the guy here; I can't disturb myself with carrying load. He looked strong so I guess he did not even feel it.

"Guy we are going to win this thing; I think they are giving winners a 15 marks bonus in geography or so."

I said happily and knowing my classmates they won't stress themselves with this type of thing. Since they were clean freaks and I am sure they were scared more than me right now.

I could even imagine Liz shrieking sound at any sudden movements. It would be so hilarious.

"yeah, we must win it." He replied back with determination in his eyes.

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